Draft summary for league III.8 in season 64
Draft Round 1
Kumar Guha, Udup chan united 1 1
Edmunds, Dean London Sonics 2 1
Chabbra, Amitaabh Christian Malford Hoyas 3 1
James, Bertie MA Makers 4 1
Jameson, Scott the dons of CIA474 5 1
Barnes, Peter NOSTALGIA 6 1
Parker, Bart Washbourne Time Out 7 1
Adams, Jonathan Nonza 8 1
Denezhkina, Paul Magcity Storm 9 2
Weasley, Ian Muscat Heaven 10 1
MacKean, Stephen Boston Davitts 11 1
Healy, Jamie Upton lions 12 1
Dempsey, Erik Browns Bears 13 1
Mao, Clive Hackney Marshes 14 1
Hall, Matthew Tottenham Hotspur 15 2
Heffernan, Quintin kesgrave globe trotters 16 1
Draft Round 2
Cunningham, Anthony chan united 17 2
Carver, Geoffrey London Sonics 18 3
Thomas, Phil Christian Malford Hoyas 19 2
Allen, Will MA Makers 20 2
Milner, Chris the dons of CIA474 21 2
MacRury, Jeffrey NOSTALGIA 22 2
Gouldbourn, Stuart Washbourne Time Out 23 2
Waterworth, Rob Nonza 24 5
MacCaw, Kyle Magcity Storm 25 3
Whitaker, Len Muscat Heaven 26 2
Wildsmith, Mark Boston Davitts 27 2
Herrity, Aaron Upton lions 28 3
Ryan, Arthur Browns Bears 29 3
Lipourli, Jamie Hackney Marshes 30 6
Collins, Billy Tottenham Hotspur 31 8
MacGorry, Fraser kesgrave globe trotters 32 2
Draft Round 3
Turnbull, Alan chan united 33 4
Ward, Dexter London Sonics 34 5
Karanwal, Vidojas Christian Malford Hoyas 35 3
Williams, Brian MA Makers 36 6
Cameron, Ollie the dons of CIA474 37 3
Gutierrez, David NOSTALGIA 38 13
Rayner, Peter Washbourne Time Out 39 9
Taylor, Paul Nonza 40 7
Broadway, John Magcity Storm 41 4
Chawla, Aavudainayagam Muscat Heaven 42 5
Marston, John Boston Davitts 43 17
Hines, Quillan Upton lions 44 7
Coupe, Michael Browns Bears 45 4
Marlow, Michael Hackney Marshes 46 29
Training, Nigel Tottenham Hotspur 47 24
Dunker, Louis kesgrave globe trotters 48 16