League Schedule -- Season 67
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM sheffield sharksC33EAF Savage Squad
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM Guardsmen Imperial Union
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM England Accents Jackaliers
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM KuT1879 Basketbreakers
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM byakkos The Raptures
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM Leyland Rhythm Meshaw Timber
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM barronballbouncers alli_g
12/28/2024 2:00:00 PM Desertmartin Snoopies Narborough Pheonix TV
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 5 Savage Squad 7 Guardsmen TV
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 2 Imperial Union 1 England Accents
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 8 Jackaliers 3 KuT1879
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 6 Basketbreakers 4 sheffield sharksC33EAF
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 6 Leyland Rhythm
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 3 Meshaw Timber 7 barronballbouncers
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 4 Desertmartin Snoopies
12/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 5 Narborough Pheonix 8 byakkos
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 7 Savage Squad
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 KuT1879 4 Imperial Union TV
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 sheffield sharksC33EAF 8 Jackaliers
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Guardsmen 6 Basketbreakers
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 barronballbouncers 1 The Raptures
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 Desertmartin Snoopies 4 Meshaw Timber
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 byakkos 3 alli_g
1/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Leyland Rhythm 7 Narborough Pheonix
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Savage Squad 2 KuT1879
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Imperial Union 7 sheffield sharksC33EAF
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Jackaliers 5 Guardsmen
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Basketbreakers 1 England Accents
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 4 Desertmartin Snoopies
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Meshaw Timber 6 byakkos TV
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 8 Leyland Rhythm
1/7/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Narborough Pheonix 5 barronballbouncers
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Jackaliers 8 Savage Squad
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Basketbreakers 5 Imperial Union
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 3 sheffield sharksC33EAF TV
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 KuT1879 7 Guardsmen
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 1 The Raptures TV
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Narborough Pheonix 6 Meshaw Timber
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 barronballbouncers 3 byakkos
1/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Desertmartin Snoopies 8 Leyland Rhythm
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Savage Squad 7 Basketbreakers
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Imperial Union 3 Jackaliers
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 sheffield sharksC33EAF 5 KuT1879
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Guardsmen 1 England Accents
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 8 Narborough Pheonix
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Meshaw Timber 5 alli_g
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 byakkos 6 Desertmartin Snoopies
1/14/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Leyland Rhythm 4 barronballbouncers TV
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Imperial Union 8 Savage Squad
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Basketbreakers 2 Jackaliers TV
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Guardsmen 3 sheffield sharksC33EAF
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 KuT1879 1 England Accents
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Meshaw Timber 1 The Raptures
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Narborough Pheonix 4 alli_g
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Leyland Rhythm 2 byakkos
1/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Desertmartin Snoopies 3 barronballbouncers
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Savage Squad 1 The Raptures
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Imperial Union 5 Meshaw Timber
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 Jackaliers 4 alli_g
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Basketbreakers 8 Narborough Pheonix
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 sheffield sharksC33EAF 2 byakkos
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Guardsmen 7 Leyland Rhythm
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 3 barronballbouncers
1/21/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 KuT1879 6 Desertmartin Snoopies TV
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Meshaw Timber 5 Savage Squad
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 alli_g 6 Imperial Union
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Narborough Pheonix 2 Jackaliers TV
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 byakkos 7 Basketbreakers
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Leyland Rhythm 3 sheffield sharksC33EAF
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 barronballbouncers 8 Guardsmen
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Desertmartin Snoopies 1 England Accents
1/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 4 KuT1879
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Savage Squad 3 alli_g
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Imperial Union 6 Narborough Pheonix
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Jackaliers 2 byakkos
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Basketbreakers 8 Leyland Rhythm
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 sheffield sharksC33EAF 5 barronballbouncers
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Guardsmen 7 Desertmartin Snoopies
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 1 The Raptures
1/28/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 KuT1879 4 Meshaw Timber
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Narborough Pheonix 6 Savage Squad
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 byakkos 5 Imperial Union
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Leyland Rhythm 3 Jackaliers
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 barronballbouncers 8 Basketbreakers TV
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Desertmartin Snoopies 4 sheffield sharksC33EAF
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 7 Guardsmen
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Meshaw Timber 1 England Accents
2/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 2 KuT1879
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Savage Squad 3 byakkos
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Imperial Union 6 Leyland Rhythm
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Jackaliers 4 barronballbouncers
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Basketbreakers 8 Desertmartin Snoopies
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 sheffield sharksC33EAF 1 The Raptures
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Guardsmen 5 Meshaw Timber TV
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 2 alli_g
2/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 KuT1879 7 Narborough Pheonix
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Leyland Rhythm 6 Savage Squad TV
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 barronballbouncers 5 Imperial Union
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Desertmartin Snoopies 4 Jackaliers
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 8 Basketbreakers
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Meshaw Timber 3 sheffield sharksC33EAF
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 7 Guardsmen
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Narborough Pheonix 2 England Accents
2/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 byakkos 1 KuT1879
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Savage Squad 4 barronballbouncers
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Imperial Union 7 Desertmartin Snoopies
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Jackaliers 1 The Raptures
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Basketbreakers 6 Meshaw Timber
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 sheffield sharksC33EAF 3 alli_g TV
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Guardsmen 8 Narborough Pheonix
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 2 byakkos TV
2/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 KuT1879 5 Leyland Rhythm
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Desertmartin Snoopies 7 Savage Squad
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 5 Imperial Union TV
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Meshaw Timber 3 Jackaliers
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 8 Basketbreakers
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Narborough Pheonix 4 sheffield sharksC33EAF
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 byakkos 6 Guardsmen
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Leyland Rhythm 1 England Accents
2/18/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 barronballbouncers 2 KuT1879
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Savage Squad 3 sheffield sharksC33EAF
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Imperial Union 6 Guardsmen
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Jackaliers 1 England Accents
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Basketbreakers 2 KuT1879
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 3 byakkos
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Meshaw Timber 7 Leyland Rhythm
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 4 barronballbouncers
2/22/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Narborough Pheonix 6 Desertmartin Snoopies TV
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Guardsmen 7 Savage Squad TV
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 6 Imperial Union
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 KuT1879 5 Jackaliers
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 sheffield sharksC33EAF 8 Basketbreakers
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Leyland Rhythm 1 The Raptures
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 barronballbouncers 5 Meshaw Timber TV
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Desertmartin Snoopies 4 alli_g
2/25/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 byakkos 8 Narborough Pheonix
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Savage Squad 1 England Accents
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Imperial Union 2 KuT1879 TV
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Jackaliers 5 sheffield sharksC33EAF
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Basketbreakers 3 Guardsmen
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 4 barronballbouncers
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Meshaw Timber 6 Desertmartin Snoopies
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 3 byakkos
3/1/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Narborough Pheonix 7 Leyland Rhythm
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 KuT1879 8 Savage Squad
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 sheffield sharksC33EAF 6 Imperial Union
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Guardsmen 4 Jackaliers
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 7 Basketbreakers
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Desertmartin Snoopies 1 The Raptures
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 byakkos 5 Meshaw Timber
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Leyland Rhythm 2 alli_g
3/4/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 barronballbouncers 8 Narborough Pheonix
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Savage Squad 4 Jackaliers
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Imperial Union 7 Basketbreakers
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 sheffield sharksC33EAF 1 England Accents TV
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 Guardsmen 2 KuT1879
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 2 alli_g TV
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 Meshaw Timber 8 Narborough Pheonix
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 byakkos 4 barronballbouncers
3/8/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Leyland Rhythm 6 Desertmartin Snoopies
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 7 Basketbreakers 8 Savage Squad
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Jackaliers 6 Imperial Union
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 KuT1879 5 sheffield sharksC33EAF
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 3 Guardsmen
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Narborough Pheonix 1 The Raptures
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 5 Meshaw Timber
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 6 Desertmartin Snoopies 3 byakkos
3/11/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 barronballbouncers 7 Leyland Rhythm
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 8 Savage Squad 6 Imperial Union
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 Jackaliers 7 Basketbreakers TV
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 5 sheffield sharksC33EAF 3 Guardsmen
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 England Accents 2 KuT1879
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 1 The Raptures 5 Meshaw Timber
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 2 alli_g 8 Narborough Pheonix
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 3 byakkos 7 Leyland Rhythm TV
3/15/2025 2:00:00 PM 4 barronballbouncers 6 Desertmartin Snoopies
TV: Televised