List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Wojciech Wujkowski Bought Fenerbahce-1907 12/8/2013 $ 113 900
Marc Puigdellívol Bought LebronCavsReturn 12/8/2013 $ 130 000
Juanma Zaraín Bought Shadow Panthers 8/3/2013 $ 208 100
Edigey Gombo Bought Tallahassee Trees 8/2/2013 $ 60 000
Alizar Luchvicz Bought Portugal Telecom 3/1/2013 $ 250 000
Fabio Ramoíño Bought CB Kakotas 1/1/2013 $ 76 000
Roland Cigula Bought Pita Gyros 10/15/2012 $ 6 000
Andreas Chrisostomou Bought Xakerades 10/15/2012 $ 7 000
Przemysław Rajtulec Bought Utah StateAE4 10/15/2012 $ 40 000
Joakim Marvits Bought Æsir 11/17/2011 $ 1 000
Mikhael Téllez Bought Juanpequenis 11/17/2011 $ 1 000
Gabriel Llompart Bought blanzy city 11/17/2011 $ 50 000
Ling Yande Bought 白沙洲老头队 11/17/2011 $ 1 000
Mo Jieliang Bought 白沙洲老头队 11/17/2011 $ 1 000
Apolo Barile Bought Curitiba CATS 11/17/2011 $ 10 000
Nuno Carqueja Sold The BIGGERS 5/20/2011 $ 60 000
Ricardo Silva Sold niceone 5/20/2011 $ 56 200
Luís Miguel Trindade Sold The BIGGERS 5/20/2011 $ 55 000
Ubiratan Macedo Vale Sold Stalnim bc 5/20/2011 $ 66 400
Eusébio Coelho Sold The BIGGERS 5/20/2011 $ 50 000
Orlando Andrade Sold niceone 5/19/2011 $ 100 000
Hugo Canhoto Sold niceone 5/18/2011 $ 150 000
Orionas Nikolaidis Bought Proteas Mykonou 5/17/2011 $ 81 600
Casian Mihaitã Bought LIVADI RABIT 5/16/2011 $ 155 800
Total Sales: $ 537 600
Total Purchases: $ 1 192 400
Transfer Balance: $ -654 800