Infested Warriors - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Infested Warriors Hall of Fame.

Isaiás Zercalde
11/14/2007 - Present
Manuel Amunátegui
11/14/2007 - 12/24/2010
Felipe Ahrens
5/10/2008 - 5/12/2009

Miguel Turpin
5/10/2008 - Present
Carsten Zanger
2/28/2009 - 12/24/2013
Richard Burianec
7/14/2009 - 8/1/2010

Andy Robins
7/3/2010 - 1/25/2015
Filimonas Trakouselis
7/3/2010 - 9/5/2012
Calixto Balut
7/30/2011 - 9/21/2014

Matthew Williams
11/5/2011 - 12/27/2012
Argiris Voutsinas
11/6/2011 - 9/8/2012
Reinaldo Angel
9/13/2012 - 1/10/2018

Enrique Burgos
11/26/2012 - 4/11/2015
Arnaud Charpy
9/18/2013 - 9/21/2014
Guillerme Vigil
9/21/2013 - 4/16/2014

Somrak Kemthong
1/22/2014 - 10/26/2014
Julio Portillo
5/13/2015 - 8/15/2019
Antonio Correa
11/12/2015 - 1/29/2019

Jesús Maluk
5/31/2016 - 1/29/2019
Juan Cristóbal Goycolea
2/27/2018 - 1/29/2019
Pablo Cabezas
5/6/2019 - 4/29/2023

Josué Zamorano
8/12/2019 - Present
Fidelio Olano
11/18/2019 - 7/30/2022
Calvino Orrego
5/4/2020 - 4/29/2023

Brandon Dougan
6/13/2020 - 10/28/2023
Peter Andersson
6/13/2020 - 7/17/2022
Simeon Genov
9/18/2020 - 1/9/2022

Rihard Ljubijankić
6/25/2022 - 4/29/2023
