List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Marjan Matković Bought Free Agent 3/30/2024 $ 1 485 800
Hoon Kim Bought Free Agent 3/17/2024 $ 171 800
Jimmy Ernst Sold Lion Rebels 3/16/2024 $ 70 000
Hüseyin Can Sayrav Bought Free Agent 3/16/2024 $ 95 100
Leonty Gukin Bought Free Agent 3/16/2024 $ 84 050
Farid Chahbi Bought planšar 3/9/2024 $ 750 000
Elvis Zupanek Bought Five Stars BC 3/8/2024 $ 22 000
Konstantinos Dromidas Bought olimpiakos7 3/3/2024 $ 50 000
Octaaf Jacques Bought SGOLBA_dynamite 3/3/2024 $ 400 000
Chow An Hu Bought Tranquility Base 2/29/2024 $ 3 000
Tomo Bačelić Bought Free Agent 2/29/2024 $ 56 980
Stiven Nadzakov Sold Pittsburgh Redskins 9/25/2023 $ 40 000
Nick Clarke Sold PNS Development 9/14/2023 $ 284 000
Paul-Christian Herteleben Sold recan 4/29/2023 $ 60 000
Denis Scarpelli Sold Elazığspor 4/29/2023 $ 31 000
Denis Scarpelli Bought Free Agent 4/6/2022 $ 114 920
Julio Guajardo Bought AFVIAL 4/5/2022 $ 100 000
Zhang Enxuan Sold The Lone Wolf 4/3/2022 $ 400 000
Philip Johansson Bought Dracs Catalans 4/3/2022 $ 81 600
Matar Hoyland Bought Rennes BC 4/3/2022 $ 15 000
Nick Clarke Bought Free Agent 3/31/2022 $ 188 900
Zhang Enxuan Bought KK Vinni Kelluke 3/22/2022 $ 200 000
Paul-Christian Herteleben Bought mlekci 3/20/2022 $ 104 100
Jimmy Ernst Bought Free Agent 3/20/2022 $ 118 100
Morgan Griffon Bought Perro que fuma 3/18/2022 $ 2 000
Stiven Nadzakov Bought Aiamaja 3/18/2022 $ 127 600
Total Sales: $ 885 000
Total Purchases: $ 4 170 950
Transfer Balance: $ -3 285 950