List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Alfréd Stoll Sold Loose laces 9/22/2024 $ 1 000
Árpád Krakker Sold FC Antwerp 6/22/2024 $ 2 000
Ricard Catasús Sold Arcadia Guardians 6/22/2024 $ 1 000
Cemsit Korkmaz Bought Elazığspor 6/15/2024 $ 100 000
Iván Faragó Sold Dombovár Thunder 6/14/2024 $ 10 000
Gergő Mocsáry Sold Uncle Drews Nephews 5/18/2024 $ 9 000
Sergey Romanov Sold forxa 5/14/2024 $ 1 000
Sigismondo D'Agostino Sold Faulknersburg Friars 5/14/2024 $ 10 000
Yang Guangze Sold SOYHEN 3:16 5/11/2024 $ 1 000
Darius Filotenkovas Bought Free Agent 5/11/2024 $ 304 800
Yury Cheremisin Bought LST81 5/8/2024 $ 500 000
Sigismondo D'Agostino Bought Cislakers 5/6/2024 $ 19 000
Pepe Julian Lafuente Bought Uragon Ballers™ 5/5/2024 $ 100 000
Ricard Catasús Bought Zafra Lions 5/5/2024 $ 75 000
Richárd Köteles Sold Alba 5stars 5/20/2023 $ 1 000
Marcelo Fabián Basanta Bought Monstra 5/16/2023 $ 25 000
Zsigmond Együd Sold Fontscaldes C.B. 5/4/2023 $ 650 000
Fabian Iapalucci Bought ASB Pulcetino 4/8/2023 $ 600 000
Luc Mahé Bought Águia de Maraba 2/28/2023 $ 1 000
Tas Turupuli Sold BC Rezervas 2 2/16/2023 $ 306 000
Irineu Vaggione Sold Minuto 92:48 2/13/2023 $ 2 000
Guanarteme Quadros Bought Graham Pierce Sant Climent 1/20/2023 $ 2 000
Maxime Morel Sold Debeściaki 12/29/2022 $ 42 000
Krisztián Siska Sold Girinukai 12/20/2022 $ 20 000
Pablo Marchante Bought N3v3rm1nd 12/16/2022 $ 204 000
Lénárd Győri Sold C.B. Guadalix 11/14/2022 $ 3 000
Balázs Tóth Sold 九州流浪者 11/13/2022 $ 1 000
Mehrab Tabrizi Bought The Gangsters 11/10/2022 $ 285 300
Che Chee Yoong Bought AMELEE 11/8/2022 $ 648 800
Filip Verbrakel Bought Shoes 11/8/2022 $ 27 000
László Tóth Sold U.B. Bridgeburners 11/8/2022 $ 4 000
Vincent Thomas Kapasilan Bought Jiggy Molossers 11/5/2022 $ 1 000
Jeremy Dustin Farol Bought Jiggy Molossers 11/5/2022 $ 1 000
Baltazar Cabecinha Bought BC Phoenix 11/5/2022 $ 5 000
Maxime Morel Bought Free Agent 11/5/2022 $ 28 760
István Fábry Sold 安得广厦 8/27/2022 $ 198 300
Sebestyén Molnár Sold 王大可国王 8/27/2022 $ 14 000
Tihamér Imreh Sold Thrifty 8/27/2022 $ 3 000
Sergey Romanov Bought Hapoel Jordan valley 3/19/2022 $ 57 000
Irineu Vaggione Bought SouthSide Wolves 3/13/2022 $ 70 700
Justinas Puzinavicius Bought SKARABEIA29 3/8/2022 $ 162 500
Henrik Puskás Bought naousaikos 3/7/2022 $ 55 400
Yang Guangze Bought 邯郸江浩 3/6/2022 $ 50 000
Total Sales: $ 1 279 300
Total Purchases: $ 3 323 260
Transfer Balance: $ -2 043 960