Chemnitz Supersonics - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Chemnitz Supersonics Hall of Fame.

Sven-Knudt Schickaneder
2/11/2012 - 4/6/2013
Alessandro Schichl
5/22/2012 - 5/19/2013
Thorsten Netzker
5/27/2013 - 2/1/2015

Igor Pavković
10/14/2014 - 6/12/2016
Philipp-Stephan Schmüsch
9/26/2017 - 11/28/2021
Rico Woehrer
9/26/2017 - 3/28/2021

Paul Stanschitz
1/28/2019 - 11/28/2021
Andreas Kreuser
5/6/2019 - Present
Wolframm Luckmann
2/6/2023 - 2/15/2025
