List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
İsrafil Camalov Sold Görliwood Jail Blazers 1/25/2018 $ 30 000
José Ysasi Sold Bienias dream team 1/25/2018 $ 250 000
Bonifacijus Melnikonis Sold Kongsvinger Giants II 1/16/2018 $ 1 000
Wong Kiat Chuan Bought Demons Black 1/13/2018 $ 5 000
İsrafil Camalov Bought Trancas&Barrancas 1/13/2018 $ 1 000
Bu Choon Ping Bought heroherohero 1/13/2018 $ 6 000
Fernando Villaverde Bought Free Agent 1/13/2018 $ 63 030
Jevgenijs Neikens Sold BK Jūrkalnee 1/12/2018 $ 300 000
Matas Baršketis Sold Tilžė 1/8/2018 $ 6 000
José Ysasi Bought Γ.Σ.ΠΕΡΙΣΤΕΡΙΟΥ 12/29/2017 $ 102 000
Jevgenijs Neikens Bought Toons Team 12/29/2017 $ 18 000
Franck Aninger Sold 威猛虎牙 12/29/2017 $ 1 000
Fernando Zamanillo Bought EÑAUT TEAM 12/26/2017 $ 55 000
Bonifacijus Melnikonis Bought BC Dragouni Andelka 12/26/2017 $ 1 000
Peng Qiong Bought Cupcakes 12/26/2017 $ 1 000
Emanuele De Fazio Bought Cupcakes 12/26/2017 $ 12 000
Matas Baršketis Bought BC SUNRISE 12/26/2017 $ 200 000
Vincent Tarnat Sold kiczan team zdunska wola 12/11/2017 $ 1 000
Hikmet Ersan Sold Virtus Pallacanestro Gorle 12/11/2017 $ 1 000
Teófilo Nogueira Bought All-Stars Lakers 12/8/2017 $ 31 000
Rod Lowry Bought Orange Pride 12/8/2017 $ 100 000
Dagogo Creek Bought Lisbon Kaizen 12/8/2017 $ 400 000
Ding Congyou Bought Free Agent 7/19/2017 $ 139 800
Arwin Andersson Sold Mirror10 7/15/2017 $ 1 000
Axel Hönigsberger Sold Snaidero Team 7/6/2017 $ 276 400
Andreas Nõlve Bought Firenze&Olomouc 7/3/2017 $ 477 600
Georgi Kotlarov Sold MTE&GYŐR 6/24/2017 $ 250 000
Mihaitã Cotoi Sold CapoBasketLim 6/19/2017 $ 346 800
Gottlieb Seiten Sold Pallacanestro Cento 6/10/2017 $ 208 100
Mou Yuanzhuo Bought SRD 6/9/2017 $ 416 200
Rubén Peña Sold Sparta Borucin 2/17/2017 $ 100 000
Georgi Kotlarov Bought Syddansk Alliance 2/14/2017 $ 450 000
Hilmar Roon Sold Mändjala Zertec 1/23/2017 $ 663 000
Adolfino Vitali Bought Free Agent 1/20/2017 $ 858 300
Dietmar Bertl Sold Lyon Villeurbanne 1/19/2017 $ 600 000
Selçuk Kunter Bought Veisalgia 1/16/2017 $ 800 000
Themis Soukis Sold Hot Dogs 12/26/2016 $ 250 000
Gerard Valenzuela Hita Sold J-深蓝 12/26/2016 $ 306 000
Lucjan Adamowicz Bought Free Agent 12/23/2016 $ 549 400
Rubén Peña Bought Die kleinen Lebowski-Aufsteiger 11/7/2016 $ 255 000
Mostafa Gulzar Sold ZBIM ROCKETS 10/17/2016 $ 612 000
Hilmar Roon Bought Free Agent 10/14/2016 $ 400 000
Fu Ciming Sold 我不是老梅 10/5/2016 $ 250 000
Mihaitã Cotoi Bought Free Agent 9/30/2016 $ 319 600
Artem Vetkin Sold Granitman OÜ 9/29/2016 $ 816 000
Gerard Valenzuela Hita Bought Sylvania T-Wolves 9/14/2016 $ 300 000
Hussein Kordy Sold InteramniaUrbs 9/8/2016 $ 182 200
Carlo Frega Natale Sold KK Mika5B5 9/3/2016 $ 408 000
Taucius Šapelis Bought WorldChamps 8/31/2016 $ 459 000
Ma Yinglun Sold Tagum Snipers 7/25/2016 $ 350 000
Mostafa Gulzar Bought Free Agent 7/22/2016 $ 353 500
Steffen Gerle Sold Basketball Brothers 7/10/2016 $ 72 900
Osman Okgüçlü Sold Special Friends 6/17/2016 $ 497 000
Ma Yinglun Bought SK Galatasaray 6/14/2016 $ 326 400
Elias Nieto Sold Lagadiakos Asteras 6/5/2016 $ 225 500
Axel Hönigsberger Bought Bocconi Tigers 6/3/2016 $ 317 900
Fu Ciming Bought Dingo BC 5/16/2016 $ 274 400
Daniele Govoni Sold les aiglons dieppois 5/16/2016 $ 318 500
Reinholds Liekna Sold Neco Red Devils 5/16/2016 $ 510 000
Elias Nieto Bought Free Agent 5/4/2016 $ 60 600
Carlo Frega Natale Bought 40thnervousbrekdown 5/3/2016 $ 499 000
Dalibor Kriško Sold Aleksandriya Hornets 3/24/2016 $ 31 000
Themis Soukis Bought Free Agent 3/17/2016 $ 71 700
Vicente Zalona Sold Best Ever 3/10/2016 $ 52 100
Dalibor Kriško Bought BC Triple Double 3/8/2016 $ 62 500
Osman Okgüçlü Bought La chubacarba 2/8/2016 $ 500 000
Vasaris Didžiulis Sold KK Jonučiai II 1/1/2016 $ 400 000
Hussein Kordy Bought Free Agent 12/2/2015 $ 400 000
Nestor Mora Sold Espoo Seals 11/19/2015 $ 80 000
Dieter Brandmeier Sold U.C. Fiches 11/12/2015 $ 11 000
Mirosław Dzido Sold Armurs Team 11/12/2015 $ 1 000
Reinholds Liekna Bought Volcom 11/9/2015 $ 816 000
Dejan Nešković Sold Team Volax 10/10/2015 $ 50 000
Daniele Govoni Bought Vantaa Partizan 10/7/2015 $ 582 700
Wang Wei Hin Sold БК Бурые медведи 10/5/2015 $ 53 200
Anthony Roberge Bought Snow Blizzards 8/24/2015 $ 692 100
Serter Enfes Sold VLC Donuts 8/24/2015 $ 52 100
Artem Vetkin Bought ZenoLandia 8/18/2015 $ 612 000
Erazemas Ibenskis Sold Kujo 8/16/2015 $ 50 000
Damian Kasper Sold Cement Factory 8/16/2015 $ 20 000
Luka Dupor Bought Crocker Cubs 8/13/2015 $ 510 000
Sergio Lattanzio Sold Mpampouinoi 8/12/2015 $ 1 000
Francesco Tascio Sold Partizan2 8/10/2015 $ 80 000
Domenik Gugl Sold Visrtus Gelo 8/6/2015 $ 1 000
Allen Jokteo Sold Homines ex spatio 8/6/2015 $ 6 000
Vasaris Didžiulis Bought Stawny Klub Sportowy Paśnik 8/5/2015 $ 372 700
Scott Chester Bought Strawhat Alliance 8/5/2015 $ 300 000
Vicente Zalona Bought Pécs Saints 8/3/2015 $ 180 000
Nestor Mora Bought Klaipėdos "BC Partizan" 8/3/2015 $ 95 300
Dietmar Bertl Bought Gollum 6/23/2015 $ 309 400
Serter Enfes Bought Mutlak Butlan 5/24/2015 $ 306 000
Wang Wei Hin Bought 不死鳥鳳凰 5/8/2015 $ 40 000
Dejan Nešković Bought Jenna FanClub 5/7/2015 $ 50 000
Sergio Lattanzio Bought F1970 5/7/2015 $ 2 000
Makarios Papathanasiou Bought Orange Eagles 5/5/2015 $ 1 000
Damian Kasper Bought HUACHIPATO TECOS 5/5/2015 $ 2 000
Erazemas Ibenskis Bought Zion Ocelots 3/29/2015 $ 49 999
Alberto Bausa Bought Garcidus team 3/29/2015 $ 89 000
Francesco Tascio Bought Batman5 3/29/2015 $ 80 000
Allen Jokteo Bought CB Stenes 3/29/2015 $ 2 000
Del Ashville Bought CB Stenes 3/29/2015 $ 1 000
Giulio Pedulli Sold The In Your Face Dunkers 3/27/2015 $ 104 100
Vaclovas Švaranavicius Sold Lukeny 3/27/2015 $ 41 000
Jekabs Zile Sold hauhau 3/27/2015 $ 412 600
Mariusz Kaszak Sold LA MEDICS 3/27/2015 $ 180 100
Richard Perryman Sold The G.O.A.T. 3/27/2015 $ 418 700
Kwok Wee Lee Sold L.A.DVIR 3/27/2015 $ 338 700
He Yonglin Sold Deronimo 3/27/2015 $ 365 500
Carl Zoddel Sold Teixugos de Navia 3/27/2015 $ 11 000
Habib Bin-Najjar Sold Ambelikos United 3/27/2015 $ 204 000
Grzegorz Mełgieś Sold AVIC 3/27/2015 $ 270 100
He Yonglin Bought GoBias Industries 3/5/2015 $ 459 000
Bine Liljak Sold Anwgeia Cretan Hawks 3/4/2015 $ 431 900
Petrakis Dolapsakis Sold KK Matematiki 2/2/2015 $ 50 000
Freddo Kendik Sold Venomous Vicious Vipers 1/22/2015 $ 60 200
Rožle Drakulić Sold CSKA Basketball 1/17/2015 $ 100 020
Mariusz Kaszak Bought Wiesbaden Wombats 1/14/2015 $ 350 000
José Jirón Sietes Sold b.c.Pacov 1/10/2015 $ 150 000
Grzegorz Mełgieś Bought Bataiq Vilnius 1/7/2015 $ 208 100
Robert Gandenberger Sold Crana Krähen 12/14/2014 $ 300 000
Jekabs Zile Bought Masełko 11/1/2014 $ 408 000
César Valle Sold KK Radnicki O. 11/1/2014 $ 153 000
Vasco Carvalho Sold LIVADI RABIT 10/26/2014 $ 274 200
Vittorio Ligas Sold Southern Arizona BK 10/26/2014 $ 104 100
Bine Liljak Bought Ulysse BC 10/23/2014 $ 476 400
Richard Perryman Bought BC KotikudA0A 10/22/2014 $ 510 000
Humberto Brítez Sold Talcahuano Básquet Club 10/22/2014 $ 125 000
Reinhold Paraska Sold FLT 10/18/2014 $ 90 000
Leif Bauer Sold Monty ZGZ 10/17/2014 $ 8 000
Barthold Hartwig Stieglitz Sold Bucazzers 9/25/2014 $ 100 000
Kwok Wee Lee Bought Vienna Lakers 9/21/2014 $ 500 000
Giulio Pedulli Bought KK Young Sarajevo 9/11/2014 $ 350 000
Petrakis Dolapsakis Bought R.Madrid76 8/30/2014 $ 299 992
Danys Kaukas Sold athlos 8/3/2014 $ 10 009
José Jirón Sietes Bought CB Ergo 7/31/2014 $ 312 200
Pietryk Charavik Sold Cologne Torpedos 7/28/2014 $ 260 200
Vittorio Ligas Bought Dominicus Częstochowa 7/25/2014 $ 400 000
Cristian Xerboles Sold Twin Cities Blizzards 7/25/2014 $ 400 000
Bosko Jordanoski Sold BasketDragons B.C.FDF 7/22/2014 $ 371 500
Vaclovas Švaranavicius Bought 长风破浪东财狼🐺 7/22/2014 $ 276 400
Vasco Carvalho Bought Team Chechas 7/20/2014 $ 230 400
Maarek Kalev Sold Soundwaves 7/20/2014 $ 490 821
Barsegh Asatouryan Sold Irge Desio 7/20/2014 $ 153 000
Barthold Hartwig Stieglitz Bought Robe di Kappa Torino 7/19/2014 $ 89 999
Danys Kaukas Bought Covotteam 7/19/2014 $ 2 000
Bart Cassar Sold Lokomotiv GT 7/17/2014 $ 510 000
Matthias Hachel Sold BaiGive 6/23/2014 $ 5 000
Rožle Drakulić Bought K.K Libero 1/16/2014 $ 71 000
Gaetano Lalomia Sold Barrels 1/13/2014 $ 600 000
Attila Henfling Sold kologries 12/27/2013 $ 2 000
Alex Düsterlohe Sold Crowntown Thunder 12/19/2013 $ 200 000
Gaetano Lalomia Bought Bärendorfer Ball Movement 12/1/2013 $ 675 000
Alfonso Puelma Sold KK Dolfi 10/14/2013 $ 427 500
Humberto Brítez Bought Cheyenne 10/11/2013 $ 265 500
Yiorgos Theofilopoulos Sold KK Millennium 9/29/2013 $ 30 000
Pietryk Charavik Bought Kronon 9/26/2013 $ 132 600
Knut Elze Sold Piigimurdjad 9/19/2013 $ 3 000
Parmenion Chrisostomou Sold Videbox B.C 8/17/2013 $ 51 000
Barsegh Asatouryan Bought New Orleans Birds 7/30/2013 $ 153 000
Helmut Kreuz Sold 蛋蛋卷 7/27/2013 $ 52 100
Habib Bin-Najjar Bought KK Ulasabat 7/18/2013 $ 255 000
Mauras Cebatoriunas Sold zastaluchy 6/30/2013 $ 62 500
Bart Cassar Bought Free Agent 6/27/2013 $ 448 800
Eftichis Tzitzikas Sold 篮球天地 6/17/2013 $ 4 000
Vadym Skvortsov Sold Can Bulls 6/17/2013 $ 66 000
Parmenion Chrisostomou Bought 10apes 6/14/2013 $ 25 000
Yiorgos Theofilopoulos Bought Παλιά Πολη 6/14/2013 $ 5 000
Rudolph Artlieb Sold The Buzzers6762BF358ACF 6/10/2013 $ 275 000
Nils Günter Valtera Sold HawthornFC 6/1/2013 $ 54 300
Bosko Jordanoski Bought vodno templars 4/8/2013 $ 357 000
Radonja Jankovic Sold Juvi Athletic 4/7/2013 $ 326 400
Stepan Torgashov Sold Glenvale Cheaters 3/14/2013 $ 202 600
Vadym Skvortsov Bought Black Jakals 1/10/2013 $ 44 000
Dante Holz auf der Heide Sold Armorsmith BC 12/7/2012 $ 12 000
Simon Heinzel Sold Galaticos8125 12/3/2012 $ 5 000
Rainhardt Blumenkamp Sold bestbarney 11/30/2012 $ 1 000
Maxime Lecomte Sold F.C YD 11/30/2012 $ 200 000
Antti Blomberg Sold Galatasaray MP Basketbol 10/28/2012 $ 110 600
Christoph-Franz Stellmach Sold DTown HighFlyers 8/24/2012 $ 1 000
Justyn Plöger Sold Sky Shadow 7/24/2012 $ 26 000
Alfonso Puelma Bought BOMBAY MIXX 6/20/2012 $ 583 800
Wan Than Than Sold Gala Lions 6/16/2012 $ 35 000
Piotr Soból Sold CSP Montrose 6/16/2012 $ 201 700
Maurice Cedrik Fürstberger Sold teamnikes 6/8/2012 $ 20 000
Maik Hand Sold La Ribera Wildcats 6/8/2012 $ 6 000
César Valle Bought Free Agent 6/6/2012 $ 479 000
Maarek Kalev Bought Superheroes FC 6/5/2012 $ 202 700
Olaf Elbern Sold Ostrali 4/17/2012 $ 20 000
Egon Kreienkoppel Sold 08Eesti 2/20/2012 $ 51 000
Stefan Gernsheimer Sold ZPhibridi 2/17/2012 $ 102 000
Mauras Cebatoriunas Bought U.S. Castello 2/14/2012 $ 50 000
Valerian Tobias Kainer Sold Olympic rebels 2/9/2012 $ 1 000
Armin Wasserhaus Sold 羊羊 11/21/2011 $ 29 000
Tim Seckendorff Sold KK Stari most 10/14/2011 $ 93 100
Wilfried Spoerrer Sold Double Points 10/14/2011 $ 8 000
Horst-Werner Plörre Sold Green Machines 10/14/2011 $ 111 111
Piotr Soból Bought anzopolis 10/11/2011 $ 331 400
Radonja Jankovic Bought ADOeiras 9/13/2011 $ 1 500 000
Stepan Torgashov Bought Omegna Basket 24 9/13/2011 $ 300 000
Alberto Uriguen Sold andreas team16E 8/22/2011 $ 67 900
Helwig Nells Sold Wild Colonial Boys 8/7/2011 $ 94 200
Massimiliano Commisso Sold new york galactic sprite 8/7/2011 $ 165 800
José Flávio Branco Sold BK SVAJEND 8/7/2011 $ 235 000
Emil Szakács Sold Mantide 6/19/2011 $ 145 000
Cristian Xerboles Bought Free Agent 6/16/2011 $ 304 300
Wan Than Than Bought sadg 6/15/2011 $ 150 000
Hans Peter Gass Sold The Cisco’s 6/4/2011 $ 25 000
Horst Krallinger Sold Rotterdam Red Lights 6/4/2011 $ 6 000
Jakob Lutterbach Sold nogent tropics 4/22/2011 $ 10 000
Philipp-Stephan Volkert Sold Kretingos Kretinga 3/21/2011 $ 17 000
Hamid Pasha Sold PermBasket 1/16/2011 $ 12 000
Shimi Bass Sold FeNeRbAhÇe2000 1/16/2011 $ 102 000
Dionísio Coelho Jr. Sold FeNeRbAhÇe2000 1/16/2011 $ 10 000
Maxime Lecomte Bought Puymasson Cows 12/13/2010 $ 700 000
Georg Grothaus Sold Hangelsberger Uhrensöhne 10/24/2010 $ 102 000
Hamid Pasha Bought Waleczne Wiewióry 9/15/2010 $ 250 000
Pepe Luis Gutiérrez de León Sold KS Nowy Sącz 7/3/2010 $ 400 000
Agustín Grance Sold Lietuvių Tritaškis 7/3/2010 $ 6 000
Niklas Zirck Sold JaguarsBZ 6/4/2010 $ 50 000
Antti Blomberg Bought Siivekkäät Husaarit 4/18/2010 $ 2 600 000
Juergen Grabs von Haugsdorf Sold Melbourne Dynamo 4/10/2010 $ 388 700
Timur Madatov Sold 青光牛 3/29/2010 $ 80 000
Carl Heigl Sold muki 3/26/2010 $ 16 000
Xofre Patiño Sold roccop 1/4/2010 $ 6 000
José Flávio Branco Bought Quilmes mdp 11/10/2009 $ 935 000
Timur Madatov Bought Miami White Hot 10/9/2009 $ 175 000
Xofre Patiño Bought Warriors Brianza960 10/5/2009 $ 16 000
Dionísio Coelho Jr. Bought Nagyigmánd K.C. 9/29/2009 $ 41 000
José Largacha Sold Sòcmel chè Plòmma 9/20/2009 $ 161 500
Pepe Luis Gutiérrez de León Bought tirosecco 9/17/2009 $ 265 500
Agustín Grance Bought S.E Ravens 9/17/2009 $ 5 000
Nicola Mercorella Sold Pentinkulman Pyrkivä 9/12/2009 $ 80 000
Hasan Cihat Kunduz Sold JJMac 8/15/2009 $ 20 000
Emil Bienek Sold Dragoni Ubriaconi 7/13/2009 $ 72 500
Rüdiger Meyermann Sold MTA-Power 7/13/2009 $ 283 000
Emil Szakács Bought KK Costabella 3/26/2009 $ 477 900
Malte Hirnsperger Sold Beaverswood 3/26/2009 $ 10 000
Hasan Cihat Kunduz Bought Galakticos 3/23/2009 $ 26 000
Roberto Folli Sold KK Scorpions 3/22/2009 $ 212 300
Vaios Mpardakis Sold BC kadrina 3/22/2009 $ 9 000
Secondo Arciotti Sold TheBallGodzzz 3/21/2009 $ 2 000
Alberto Uriguen Bought 12kuud 3/19/2009 $ 200 000
Norbert Carneim Sold Narcis305 10/30/2008 $ 95 000
Ryszard Podgrodzki Sold Piast Lądek 10/30/2008 $ 3 000
Wu Jiajie Bought Gugugu 10/27/2008 $ 3 000
Vaios Mpardakis Bought Yebra19872DB2E44A8 10/1/2008 $ 30 000
Frank Jorge Sold Amparo Basket 9/5/2008 $ 1 000
Jorge Ayechu Sold CF Viriatos 7/6/2008 $ 32 000
Lin Chi Jia Bought LAgüera AD 6/19/2008 $ 45 000
Ludwig Rheindorf Sold vittorio veneto basket 6/15/2008 $ 2 000
Carlo Mastellone Bought Dandelion Bitters 6/11/2008 $ 1 000
José Largacha Bought BlackRussianTeam 6/11/2008 $ 50 000
Carlos Manuel Rosário Sold 1OrduSpor1 6/5/2008 $ 2 000
Shimi Bass Bought 1OrduSpor1 6/2/2008 $ 50 000
Ryszard Podgrodzki Bought WKS WKS 5/20/2008 $ 13 000
Nicola Mercorella Bought Junior Basket 2003 5/14/2008 $ 10 000
Eduward Bihl Sold WapWapWin 5/10/2008 $ 2 000
Roberto Folli Bought New York Yankees5B7659 4/23/2008 $ 83 300
Francis Holley Sold hduchdsc 4/18/2008 $ 5 000
Holger Bierbaumer Sold KK Nottingham Forest 4/18/2008 $ 1 000
Carlos Manuel Rosário Bought jcfbteam9AE 4/15/2008 $ 1 000
Volkmar Ruhm Sold SEX PISTONS 4/12/2008 $ 10 000
Helge Katterloher Bought Splash__Brothers 4/9/2008 $ 18 000
Guenther Homolka Sold Varano academy 4/4/2008 $ 3 000
Jorge Ayechu Bought Leyendas V74 4/1/2008 $ 11 000
Louis Schwarz-Fricke Sold Happy Union 3/8/2008 $ 1 000
Balthasar Schleifenlehner Sold BRC Team 3/8/2008 $ 2 000
Ferran Sagaró Bought pads 3/4/2008 $ 1 000
Manos Kazakos Sold Hiroshima Pirates 3/1/2008 $ 3 000
Cuno Ulrich Ungers Sold jajajajojou 3/1/2008 $ 1 000
Secondo Arciotti Bought Francavilla Basket 2/27/2008 $ 8 000
Francis Holley Bought Kitasupichkas 2/4/2008 $ 2 000
Franz Michael Rutenberg Sold 沙田綠軍 1/25/2008 $ 3 000
Niklas Poelz Sold Spurs Family 1/21/2008 $ 8 000
Nathan Schnapp Sold 山东高速F2152D696 1/19/2008 $ 11 000
Michael Treiber Bought sbg flash1FA 1/18/2008 $ 1 000
Ilgaz Koç Bought Deutchlandgs 1/18/2008 $ 2 000
Marco Poloni Bought WhiteCollar 1/18/2008 $ 1 000
Miquel Mir Bought mary al poder 1/18/2008 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 21 578 361
Total Purchases: $ 31 607 420
Transfer Balance: $ -10 029 059