Cologne Minimals - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Cologne Minimals Hall of Fame.

Ernst-Gerald Püls
10/30/2007 - 2/12/2012
Felix Hieber
10/30/2007 - 3/13/2010
Georg Pimperl
10/30/2007 - 6/15/2009

Friedrich Ludwig von Bernstorff
10/30/2007 - 3/13/2010
Fritz-Volker Klenner
10/30/2007 - 8/18/2008
Rudolph Mess
2/2/2008 - 9/23/2010

Nickolas Baumgärtel
2/2/2008 - 8/20/2012
Bud Bradtke
9/29/2009 - 6/17/2013
Eduardo Loyola
3/27/2010 - 7/23/2011

Hoffmann Lauda
10/5/2010 - 3/23/2016
Xia Yubang
10/6/2010 - 2/23/2016
Loris Del Sante
7/30/2011 - 3/8/2012

Nasir Javidnia
6/14/2013 - 11/8/2014
Kenan Zlatanić
6/15/2013 - 11/8/2014
Artur Ratera
11/7/2014 - 2/20/2020

Volkart Krobath
4/27/2015 - 8/24/2019
Gaudvydas Posecnas
10/24/2015 - 12/23/2017
Wojciech Filusz
7/13/2019 - 8/21/2022
