List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Sebastian Bigalke Sold Los Desatascadores 3/14/2025 $ 51 000
Gonzalo Tejera Sold Mighty Ducks cz 3/14/2025 $ 53 200
Luka Bergant Bought Free Agent 1/4/2025 $ 156 400
Andrey Gabitov Sold Bayern de Monique 12/27/2024 $ 2 000
Marco Rapaijc Bought Atletico Maremma 12/26/2024 $ 1 000
Sebastian Dehmel Bought Wooden Warriors 12/26/2024 $ 175 000
João Marcos Zucculoto Sold next time 12/4/2024 $ 102 000
Enzo Manicera Sold Raiders 12/4/2024 $ 60 200
Fabrice Nadal Sold Les Cuirassiers du Mans 9/27/2024 $ 30 000
Papis Markham Sold Manos&Friends 9/27/2024 $ 53 200
Andrius Vitartas Bought BC Statyba 9/24/2024 $ 255 000
Stamen Vladimirov Bought ASA Sceaux 9/20/2024 $ 2 000
João Marcos Zucculoto Bought DamJam 9/13/2024 $ 80 000
Mervyn Ugolini Bought BC Liivarand II 9/2/2024 $ 70 000
Kay Stoltenberg Bought Free Agent 6/7/2024 $ 171 990
Roman Salz Bought Free Agent 6/6/2024 $ 128 100
Walter Buda Bought Free Agent 5/15/2024 $ 81 280
Luis Pareja Sold Zhodino Bisons 5/11/2024 $ 50 000
Enzo Manicera Bought Air Balls 5/8/2024 $ 12 000
Niklas Louis Lechel Bought Monheim Tigers 3/6/2024 $ 26 000
Arvydas Preisaitis Sold Hanley Hustlers 12/7/2023 $ 10 000
Álvaro Alves Sold Unitri Uberlândia 11/30/2023 $ 15 000
Herb Flanagan Bought PAQUETS 11/28/2023 $ 3 000
Papis Markham Bought Arsenal Myth 11/28/2023 $ 89 000
Enzo Jolie Bought Beerschot Bears 11/28/2023 $ 74 000
Vladislav Stefanov Bought oriol team 11/27/2023 $ 170 000
Sebastian Bigalke Bought Luban Basketball 11/27/2023 $ 173 400
Vladimir Kolenko Sold Golden Boys 9/1/2023 $ 10 000
Wolf Aubele Bought DamJam 8/26/2023 $ 1 000
Werner Niederroth Bought Hunsrück Drinkers 8/26/2023 $ 16 000
Billy Podtung Bought Academy of Scotland 8/24/2023 $ 7 000
Torben Hirthammer Bought HAKRO Merlins Crailsheim 8/24/2023 $ 2 000
Frank Begum Bought California Crows 8/24/2023 $ 1 000
Sinan Saraçoglu Bought Minyor Pernik 8/24/2023 $ 41 000
Vladimir Kolenko Bought without warning or mercy 8/24/2023 $ 2 000
Álvaro Alves Bought Raizes 8/24/2023 $ 10 000
Rickie Boone Bought Caerbannog Bunnies 8/24/2023 $ 1 000
Fernando Galdós Bought CB Model Citizen 8/24/2023 $ 1 000
Sławomir Dec Bought Macool_Team 8/24/2023 $ 1 000
Fabrice Nadal Bought Thumesniloise 8/24/2023 $ 3 000
Pedro Viegas Bought aequipa 8/24/2023 $ 1 000
Arvydas Preisaitis Bought Vytenio Grąžtai 8/24/2023 $ 2 000
Gonzalo Tejera Bought juventud de las Piedras 8/23/2023 $ 26 000
Luis Pareja Bought 0lympiacos 8/23/2023 $ 10 000
Total Sales: $ 436 600
Total Purchases: $ 1 793 170
Transfer Balance: $ -1 356 570