List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Leandro Chazo Bought Super Minions 4/3/2012 $ 3 000
Renato Subido Sold Skinheads bc 5/26/2011 $ 550 000
Miguel Soriano Sold Rudi team 5/26/2011 $ 544 500
Adam Šando Sold beastjes 5/26/2011 $ 142 400
Thibault Deygas Sold lrytasss 5/26/2011 $ 2 000
Kristijan Grk Sold Peristeri Lakers 5/26/2011 $ 46 000
Loïc Burel Sold ShanShans 5/25/2011 $ 1 000
João Mourão Sold santelena 5/25/2011 $ 90 000
Robert Flores Sold Mercenarios 5/25/2011 $ 1 000
Ernst Beck Sold IrmaosUrso 5/25/2011 $ 114 500
Themos Gkasmas Sold 62o 5/25/2011 $ 16 000
Manuel Martin Sold KK "Šalvis" 5/25/2011 $ 1 000
Antony Russier Sold Aris Malta BC 5/25/2011 $ 1 000
José Antonio Brown Sold West Spartans 5/25/2011 $ 212 000
Geoffrey Bourhis Sold Seagulls 5/24/2011 $ 1 000
Renato Subido Bought BCJS 11/12/2010 $ 1 000 000
Miguel Soriano Bought 91ers 10/29/2010 $ 600 000
Clément Navarre Sold London Rockets 10/24/2010 $ 10 000
Darren Graham Sold Guasones 10/22/2010 $ 31 000
Frédéric Herment Sold BK Vrajdebna 10/16/2010 $ 2 000
Georges Sudre Sold LA.BEBIDES 7/2/2010 $ 159 300
Lionel Évesque Sold Águias Infernais 5/14/2010 $ 125 000
Julien Schmitt Sold Eekhoorns 5/8/2010 $ 1 000
Abdessamad Driouch Sold Drexciya Reds 4/1/2010 $ 230 600
Cyril Guéry Sold BK Vrajdebna 3/30/2010 $ 10 000
Ernst Beck Bought Bisamberg Torpedos 3/26/2010 $ 53 200
Anthony Morillon Sold BC Hellas Ioannina 3/25/2010 $ 1 621 800
Themos Gkasmas Bought Les Bisons Noirs 3/10/2010 $ 400 000
Abdelkader El Himma Sold Czeladnicy 3/9/2010 $ 2 000
Fiodoras Deomidovas Sold artur sport clube 3/9/2010 $ 1 000
José Antonio Brown Bought Perlai 3/4/2010 $ 394 400
Guillaume Quère Sold naduu 3/2/2010 $ 1 000
Christophe Marlière Sold BasketBrusuglio 2/28/2010 $ 300 000
Romolo Gravagnuolo Sold Ubermensh team basketball 12/24/2009 $ 15 000
Kristijan Grk Bought -Pelohis- 11/24/2009 $ 300 000
João Mourão Bought Monkey Business 11/24/2009 $ 140 000
David Marighetti Bought bullred 11/23/2009 $ 85 000
Darren Graham Bought ChKS Łódź 11/21/2009 $ 110 600
Xavier Huard Sold Saare Karud 11/9/2009 $ 10 000
Mark Drane Bought boschetarii 11/8/2009 $ 1 000
Emmanuel Hervy Sold Florentiaviola2021 10/30/2009 $ 1 000
Guillaume Durand Sold Florentiaviola2021 10/30/2009 $ 51 000
David Pierre Sold f.c gal 10/30/2009 $ 3 600
Robert Flores Bought Slow Rolled 10/27/2009 $ 3 000
Adam Šando Bought My Blood Valentines 10/27/2009 $ 3 000
Fiodoras Deomidovas Bought Red Motherland 10/27/2009 $ 1 000
Abdelkader El Himma Bought Welsh Surfers 10/26/2009 $ 1 000
Víctor Calán Bought The Patriots FC 10/20/2009 $ 32 000
Romolo Gravagnuolo Bought Herta Bacchino 10/20/2009 $ 25 000
Lucas Weber Sold Transsylvania 6/16/2009 $ 1 000
Anghel Musunoi Bought Transylvania Tanks 5/1/2009 $ 555 001
Thierry Loubère Sold Miami Pielle 12/4/2008 $ 1 000
Yidthir Akrour Sold Robertas 8/21/2008 $ 130 000
Timothy Rocchia Bought Le Monnezze 8/19/2008 $ 475 000
Ishak Dujmovic Sold BC Energy Moscow 5/19/2008 $ 1 000
Charly Dodard Bought 东方神龙 5/16/2008 $ 100 500
Fabien Harbonnier Bought Kolhozz 5/12/2008 $ 55 500
Guillaume Radenac Bought thumder 5/9/2008 $ 1 555
Mathies Wildenhain Bought KasachoKnights 5/9/2008 $ 1 555
Adrien Autret Bought basket haute gironde 5/9/2008 $ 55 500
Kaspar Zwahlen Bought herkies bucks 5/9/2008 $ 2 555
Marian Igras Bought UlanyTeam 5/9/2008 $ 55 500
Romain Duhamel Bought Cerdanyola Matxomens 5/8/2008 $ 55 500
Ishak Dujmovic Bought KK Gumatri 5/8/2008 $ 55 500
Vincent Millon Bought turcuttoboys 5/5/2008 $ 55 500
David Nicaud Sold erandiotar 5/2/2008 $ 4 000
Thierry Le Forestier Sold _Rosangeles_ 5/2/2008 $ 2 000
Quentin Coutelle Sold Philadelphia Horses 5/2/2008 $ 1 000
Uzza Bentaha Sold Cleveland BC 5/2/2008 $ 1 000
Sharif Didouh Sold KK Pescenica 4/9/2008 $ 11 000
Yiannis Salemenopoulos Sold Chemnitz99ers 2/20/2008 $ 1 000
Sulyvan Jean Baptiste Sold SV Stuttgarter Kickers 2/13/2008 $ 85 000
Christophe Veyrat Bought FC Lorient 1/13/2008 $ 5 001
Miladin Krickovic Bought C.B.Canarista 1/8/2008 $ 15 600
Quentin Coutelle Bought LimogesCSP87 1/6/2008 $ 15 600
Steeve Hautefeuille Bought Coreff 1/2/2008 $ 5 600
Yidthir Akrour Bought Munich Heat 1/2/2008 $ 250 600
Boris Teuter Bought el otel 1/1/2008 $ 4 600
Julien Moret Sold wertyhgu 1/1/2008 $ 1 000
Romain Mahu Bought Team Nabetse 12/31/2007 $ 1 600
Uzza Bentaha Bought Giokers 12/31/2007 $ 271 258
David Nicaud Bought KK Stihija 12/30/2007 $ 1 600
Thierry Le Forestier Bought AdreuxCmieux 12/30/2007 $ 5 600
Jean-François Jaillet Sold bc ELA 12/30/2007 $ 74 400
Gauthier Vallet Sold LOrigine Perduta 12/30/2007 $ 89 500
Daugiras Šleivys Sold ProBasketAcademy 12/30/2007 $ 16 000
Alessio La Rocca Sold Fallacy Falcons 12/30/2007 $ 7 000
Lounis Dupuis Sold Dabiecolos 12/30/2007 $ 1 000
Jérôme Chevalier Sold Dabiecolos 12/30/2007 $ 51 000
Nicolas Desbois Sold ANIKHTA LIONTARIA 12/30/2007 $ 3 000
Kévin Vasseur Sold B.C. Artenova 12/30/2007 $ 101 000
Michele Grassia Sold VillaDolores 12/30/2007 $ 583 800
Yiannis Salemenopoulos Bought Krista90 12/25/2007 $ 1 000
Steve Michel Bought BC Nomads 12/25/2007 $ 1 000
Michele Grassia Bought all $tar virtu$ 11/15/2007 $ 600 500
Pierre Legrand Sold fc groningen 11/13/2007 $ 172 600
Christophe Le Comte Sold Les Bories 11/13/2007 $ 265 000
Daugiras Šleivys Bought Vilkiškiai 11/4/2007 $ 115 100
Stéphane Fillonneau Sold Neformalai 10/26/2007 $ 20 809
Jean Duflos Sold Mar del Plata Warriors 10/26/2007 $ 11 000
Louis Levrard Sold benfica all stars 10/26/2007 $ 1 000
Jules Dumur Sold 蛋炒鸡饭 10/6/2007 $ 41 000
Philippe Fernandez Sold gincana 10/6/2007 $ 6 600
Alessio La Rocca Bought Spartak Quadraro 10/3/2007 $ 1 000
Marco Di Mino Bought Perbakko Team 10/1/2007 $ 2 000
Damiano Bernazzani Sold Masnago 8/27/2007 $ 1 000
Kévin Coignet Sold Etruschi Scarzignudi 7/30/2007 $ 1 000
Florent Dos Santos Sold usafreedom 7/30/2007 $ 1 000
Andrea Berretti Bought draghi neri 7/28/2007 $ 1 001
Damiano Bernazzani Bought Papua team basket 7/27/2007 $ 1 001
Camille Desailly Bought Le Mans Sarthe Basket327126 7/12/2007 $ 1 001
Julien Moret Bought Le Mans Sarthe Basket327126 7/12/2007 $ 1 001
Baptiste Müller Bought CVRP 7/10/2007 $ 5 001
Total Sales: $ 5 984 409
Total Purchases: $ 5 928 030
Transfer Balance: $ 56 379