Goblin Juice - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Goblin Juice Hall of Fame.

Anthony Jameson
1/4/2018 - 5/29/2021
Spencer Ferguson
1/6/2018 - 5/29/2021
Samuel Forrest
1/10/2018 - 5/29/2021

Rickey Robinson
1/10/2018 - 5/29/2021
Joe Hadley
8/3/2018 - 6/5/2021
Nate Emerson
8/7/2018 - 6/5/2021

Nick Barrett
12/6/2020 - 5/12/2024
Clint Turpin
12/15/2020 - 5/18/2024
Jamie Johns
12/20/2020 - 5/16/2024
