Ivan Mayo B.C - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Ivan Mayo B.C Hall of Fame.

Sergio Larrain
3/23/2017 - 8/18/2019
Carlos Alberto Soto Tapia
10/4/2017 - 3/25/2019
Patricio Dunn
10/10/2017 - 7/22/2018

Juan Cristóbal Massardo
7/25/2018 - 8/17/2019
Miroslav Varholík
3/29/2019 - Present
Daniel Butto
5/9/2019 - 5/16/2020

Luis Moreno
8/20/2019 - 9/13/2020
Christián Herrera
11/21/2019 - 12/27/2020
Alfonso Yáñez
6/8/2020 - 10/16/2021

Alrik Herberg
10/23/2020 - 10/10/2021
Morgan Bambah
4/24/2021 - 2/10/2023
Julio Cerón
10/16/2021 - 2/12/2023

Moisés Lasa
7/28/2022 - 8/25/2023
