441 online at 07:13:59
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Pasquale Lattanzio Bought torinobrakers 2/16/2011 $ 300 000
Catello Sigalotti Sold PETRARCA PADOVA 11/4/2010 $ 7 000
Pete Santiago Bought Laki Pingvini 11/1/2010 $ 1 000
David Pardo Bought Gracia Xtreme Ballerzz 11/1/2010 $ 1 000
Rory Ferguson Bought Future Roster BC 11/1/2010 $ 5 000
Niks Beržinskis Bought SuperSonics B.C 11/1/2010 $ 10 000
Santo Tartari Sold Big Yao 7/7/2010 $ 204 000
Gian Carlo Di Battista Sold Carter peter team 7/3/2010 $ 6 000
Tobias Giese Bought Nagyigmánd K.C. 9/11/2009 $ 324 900
Pino Ordine Sold BengeesKnollzer 8/1/2009 $ 4 000
Mario Iaria Sold Audace Pescia '74 8/1/2009 $ 1 000
Giancarlo Carino Sold Suns75E31 5/16/2008 $ 40 000
Giuseppe Lattanzio Sold Flaming Lamborghini 5/16/2008 $ 10 000
Luigi Demontis Sold The Mafia 3/14/2008 $ 16 000
Massimo Bettella Sold The Chalmers 3/14/2008 $ 26 000
Gerlando D'Annunzio Sold los jaboneros 3/2/2008 $ 31 000
Guillermo Campmany Bought aquile reali9F2 2/11/2008 $ 5 000
David Rubolino Bought aquile reali9F2 2/9/2008 $ 80 000
Gerlando D'Annunzio Bought aquile reali9F2 2/9/2008 $ 70 000
Marshall Hyman Bought Forlì Basket Team 2/9/2008 $ 150 000
Diego Fornels Bought ke ases team 2/6/2008 $ 78 200
Umberto Casasola Bought Forlì Basket Team 12/2/2007 $ 25 600
Stefano Messana Sold Hk Latvias Linkin Park 11/25/2007 $ 1 000
Diego Galdeano Bought Drink Demente Team SG 11/24/2007 $ 1 000
Luis Balsera Bought Arroyo Saints 11/24/2007 $ 1 000
Chagai Noah Bought The Jerusalem cats 11/23/2007 $ 5 000
Hüseyin Can Fehim Bought Yukatel Merkezefendi2C0 11/22/2007 $ 1 000
Roberto Morroto Sold Harding Hawks 8/30/2007 $ 6 000
Long Shuozong Bought 休斯顿毒龙 8/28/2007 $ 1 000
Stefano Santin Bought naduu 8/27/2007 $ 51 000
Ciro Lagomarsini Bought Virtus Mantua 8/27/2007 $ 1 000
Roberto Morroto Bought Leith StrayCats 8/27/2007 $ 2 000
Corrado Luraschi Bought Leith StrayCats 8/27/2007 $ 30 000
Total Sales: $ 352 000
Total Purchases: $ 1 143 700
Transfer Balance: $ -791 700