AmenRa - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the AmenRa Hall of Fame.

Axel Daenen
8/22/2009 - 7/22/2012
Mathias Lacroix
9/12/2009 - 7/28/2013
Jean Fradet
5/1/2011 - 9/21/2013

Guntars Rausitis
7/30/2011 - 4/21/2012
Ronald Van Der Haeghen
10/29/2011 - 7/6/2013
Aristotele Borro
2/11/2012 - 5/23/2013

Mickaël Sanchez
4/21/2012 - 1/26/2014
Denny Hall
10/30/2012 - 1/26/2014
Mark Clabots
12/31/2013 - Present

Martin Machovčák
10/19/2014 - 11/6/2016
Nedjeljko Zausnig
12/25/2014 - 11/6/2016
Uku Undrits
9/16/2015 - 11/6/2016

Luigi Bosco
12/8/2016 - 1/2/2021
Aris Iatros
12/8/2016 - 12/20/2020
Jaimie Devenyn
12/15/2016 - 1/2/2021

Jarosław Wiekiera
11/24/2018 - 4/4/2020
