The Cowboys - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the The Cowboys Hall of Fame.

Yoann Wolzer
5/22/2008 - Present
Kobus Vercaigne
3/27/2010 - 6/28/2014
Jean-Paul Gilmont
7/3/2010 - 6/2/2012

Gérald Thys
9/7/2010 - 8/3/2012
Mees Freire
5/17/2011 - 4/24/2014
Connor Marshall
10/4/2011 - 8/5/2015

Sammy Backaert
8/4/2012 - 9/26/2014
Marcos Beeusaert
5/26/2013 - 4/1/2016
Danilo Marighetti
7/7/2015 - 9/4/2017

Stefan Demuth
7/25/2016 - 6/20/2018
Jim-Bob Verest
1/7/2019 - 2/3/2020
Fille Mommaerts
1/11/2019 - 2/3/2020

Jeffrey Guillaume
5/10/2019 - 8/25/2023
Ulbo de Groote
5/11/2019 - 8/26/2023
Pascal Stes
7/14/2021 - 12/2/2023

Nikola Todorović
9/23/2021 - 8/26/2023
Eddy Beerten
4/21/2022 - 11/29/2023
Noël Veldeman
11/3/2022 - 8/26/2023
