List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Diego Goncalvez Sold Luijendijk All-Stars 2/8/2009 $ 400 000
Yue Baoyun Bought FC congo 2/8/2009 $ 387 600
Heiki Vertmann Bought Panzerfaust 12/31/2008 $ 510 000
Dimitri Domela Nieuwenhuis Sold NAUJIEJI RUSAI 12/28/2008 $ 624 300
Gazmend Keçi Bought los aguirre 12/23/2008 $ 250 000
Volkan Ural Ogultürk Bought Gameover CB 12/23/2008 $ 81 600
Luis Vivero Sold Basel Fire6E9 12/22/2008 $ 300 000
Sjefke Fresen Sold KK Mladost Sarajevo 12/15/2008 $ 245 000
Bora Mitic Bought Foshan Loong Lions 12/12/2008 $ 51 000
Diego Goncalvez Bought Snorros 12/12/2008 $ 200 000
Lance van Zeeland Sold Lillo B.C. 12/10/2008 $ 153 000
Reinaart Oude Weernink Sold alza de arriba 12/10/2008 $ 79 800
Norbert Lajtos Bought Kistarcsa Raptors 12/9/2008 $ 1 000
Eduardo Alaín Massoc Bought Coquimbo Fishers 11/24/2008 $ 51 000
Niccolò Segale Bought Missouri_ Tigers 11/24/2008 $ 7 000
Luis Vivero Bought St. Louis Billikens 11/24/2008 $ 81 600
Toni Hombedeu Bought Philly Asylum 11/24/2008 $ 110 600
Kim Godander Sold EA7 Olimpia Milano 8/28/2008 $ 1 000
Saša Vulic Bought Fc Zhunica 8/19/2008 $ 89 121
Jan Hågensen Bought nk orlando 8/19/2008 $ 201 212
Felix Spin Sold DKV JEREZ 8/7/2008 $ 81 400
Guillem Bundó Sold zone infinity 6/29/2008 $ 1 000
Víctor Pacheco Sold Gotthard Saints 6/29/2008 $ 32 000
Godert van Andel Sold BK 99 VNB 6/29/2008 $ 1 530 000
Jean Milne Sold El Gigante De Madero 6/28/2008 $ 1 000
Edmund Murcina Bought The Destroyes 6/25/2008 $ 326 231
Giuseppe Berardengo Bought CrossBBALL 6/25/2008 $ 5 212
Adrian Winterbach Sold Quei bravi ragazzi 6/25/2008 $ 1 000
André Van Croonenborch Bought Millos BASket 6/25/2008 $ 582 145
Ahmet Fahri Gelincik Sold Granicza 6/23/2008 $ 812 100
Alessandro Zago Bought Duplex Steel 6/20/2008 $ 331 456
Bogo Kušcar Bought KK Radler 6/20/2008 $ 312 154
Marko Hanhisalo Bought fiser 6/20/2008 $ 312 252
Tjeerd Doensen Sold Hamm Indians 6/17/2008 $ 1 428 000
Tarkan Kapar Sold RealTeam 5/20/2008 $ 1 000
Luís Pimentel Sold Sheerness Tigers 5/11/2008 $ 1 000
Bo Wight Bought Phoebe 4/10/2008 $ 8 400
Diede de Wijk Sold GAHKAS 24 STRTS WORS 3/29/2008 $ 9 000
Ronny Blomme Sold Instituo Zeus 3/28/2008 $ 19 000
Bengt Säfskog Bought HoesAintLoyal 3/28/2008 $ 7 250
Kim Godander Bought HoesAintLoyal 3/28/2008 $ 7 250
Víctor Pacheco Bought pelotazos 3/28/2008 $ 7 250
Wayne Delius Sold Kennedys Moon 3/28/2008 $ 40 000
Adrian Winterbach Bought Brick Shooters 3/28/2008 $ 6 250
Jean Milne Bought yeetersnmemers 3/26/2008 $ 22 145
Tarkan Kapar Bought FearS1 All Stars 3/25/2008 $ 7 825
Rinus Koolmoes Sold L.A. Guillepakete 3/24/2008 $ 95 500
Bastiaan Hoeneveld Sold Theresvar Vikings 3/24/2008 $ 55 400
Marco Rutjes Sold Les Pink BoyZ 3/24/2008 $ 9 000
Humbert Backx Sold easy-maccabi 3/24/2008 $ 14 000
Roël Eedema Sold Imperator FCE04 3/24/2008 $ 30 000
Rick Plomp Sold 2much4you 3/24/2008 $ 102 000
Florian Lanoé Bought Basket Club de Villeneuve dAscq 3/23/2008 $ 1 000
Agatino Cremonini Bought Seqttle Sonics 3/23/2008 $ 1 000
Guillem Bundó Bought charlotte bobcats.6DF 3/23/2008 $ 9 000
Cuono Succi Bought CAMPUS BELLIS 3/22/2008 $ 4 000
Johann Sebastian Biechl Bought RexDreamTeam 3/22/2008 $ 1 000
Luís Pimentel Bought Vigo Basket275 3/21/2008 $ 15 000
Will Ley Bought kjl3 3/21/2008 $ 1 000
Arvydas Kiminis Bought Juanito Caminante 3/21/2008 $ 14 250
Erkal Namik Bought Verruckter Fc 10/23/2007 $ 16 000
Total Sales: $ 6 065 500
Total Purchases: $ 4 019 803
Transfer Balance: $ 2 045 697