Jerries - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Jerries Hall of Fame.

Conor Bouzanis
7/21/2007 - 1/8/2009
Harry Ustaze
2/28/2009 - 4/23/2011
Clive Sawford
2/28/2009 - 1/30/2011

Frédéric Geay
12/19/2009 - 6/13/2011
Mohamed Habouche
1/29/2011 - 5/5/2012
Royce Vicelich
7/25/2011 - 4/15/2017

Ross Joshua
5/14/2012 - 7/30/2019
Osorio Montalvo
9/4/2015 - 3/13/2018
Steve Coleman
11/26/2015 - 5/28/2020

Levko Dobroscok
9/7/2017 - 12/14/2020
