Bleachers : 5583 (Current Price: $10)
Lower Tier : 550 (Current Price: $35)
Courtside Seats : 100 (Current Price: $100)
Luxury Boxes : 37 (Current Price: $800)
Total Capacity : 6270
Attendance History

DateOpponentBleachersLower TierCourtside SeatsLuxury BoxesTotal AttendanceGame Type
10/29/2024 KK ŠAMPIONI 5583550100136246
10/24/2024 Iron Man 5583550100206253 Cup
10/22/2024 KK GLASINAC SOKOLAC 557354090146217
10/15/2024 Minesota Lions 547353585146107
10/10/2024 Haros 547353585156108 Cup
10/8/2024 OKK Celik "Zenica" 547353585146107
10/3/2024 ETF24 547353585146107 Cup
9/28/2024 ŠIPOVAČA 547353585146107
9/26/2024 KK Mak Sarajevo 547353585156108 Cup
9/21/2024 K.K.Tarx 547353585146107

The arena is currently undergoing expansion, to add:

Bleachers: 5
Lower Tier: 5
Courtside Seats: 5
Luxury Boxes: 5
The expansion will be complete in approximately 5 days.
