A new hope
Posted on 3/23/2025
So, after 11 seasons, our first relegation came. You can't imagine how disappointed I am. I believed and still believe in this team, in these players. I was convinced that we could, if not win, at least fight for victory. Everything made me think so but things gone differently. I feel the need to apologize to our fans and my players. I made all the mistakes that a manager can make: the worst was the mistrust in my men. But if it is true that to learn to win you have to lose, we must make the most of this experience. Today I have already started working again to improve the situation. I will tell you right away that our historic block of players will be the heart of our new project. We already have a strong team and there is no need for revolutions. We will continue to do what we have done in the past and we will no longer make the mistakes of this last championship. It's my promise to myself and our fans.
We will be back!!!
Coach Mauro Peterson