Napoli Basket Knights - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Napoli Basket Knights Hall of Fame.

Ekaitz Ganborena
1/17/2011 - Present
Tristan Ferland
4/24/2011 - 9/8/2012
Aristotele Del Castello
4/26/2011 - 3/22/2013

Javier Sánchez Palanco
5/2/2011 - 9/8/2012
Omar Bergonzoni
2/9/2012 - 12/31/2013
Juan Carlos Botello
6/26/2012 - Present

Jevgenijs Ledajs
8/28/2012 - 9/10/2016
Angelo Garibaldi
1/20/2015 - 3/19/2017
Gioele Aschieris
3/23/2017 - 12/15/2021

Emanuele Soncin
8/12/2018 - 12/15/2021
Valerio Fanesi
8/13/2018 - 5/27/2022
Otis Murray
8/17/2018 - 7/12/2021
