List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Gustavo Brito Bought 曾哥沧海难自我,疯牛改名扬中国 11/24/2022 $ 424 600
To Tsung Cheng Bought Waterford Celtics 11/24/2022 $ 247 900
Bronisław Myszka Bought Shipupi! 11/22/2022 $ 550 000
Ercüment Nedret Bought A.S. Scandicci 11/22/2022 $ 386 600
Goran Maljković Bought Wabaki Senzu 11/21/2022 $ 1 224 000
Allen Bohannon Sold ChAoX 7/29/2022 $ 204 000
Janu Sumant Bought Revenge team 5/29/2022 $ 38 000
Allen Bohannon Bought sotoni 5/29/2022 $ 101 200
He Yiu Cheong Bought Nittany Lions 5/27/2022 $ 108 400
Pit Gersweiler Bought without warning or mercy 5/6/2022 $ 20 000
Marc Fernández Bought L.A. LAKERS of Barna 5/3/2022 $ 176 900
Giuseppe Santarelli Bought Atletico Balbettante 5/3/2022 $ 10 000
Casimiro Brea Bought Free Agent 5/3/2022 $ 43 940
Héctor Bianchi Bought Zigdirovich 5/2/2022 $ 3 000
Himzo Vojvoda Bought Netflixablity 5/2/2022 $ 11 000
Karekin Parenyan Bought Tranquility Base 5/2/2022 $ 4 000
Chrisanthos Giannousopoulos Bought Curythiba GKBC 5/2/2022 $ 8 600
Total Sales: $ 204 000
Total Purchases: $ 3 358 140
Transfer Balance: $ -3 154 140