List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Cyril Heffernan Bought BK Balahiro 10/20/2013 $ 572 300
José Mateus Pit Bull Sold ChicagoBullss 9/29/2013 $ 600 000
Muamer Berdajs Bought GreenStars 9/22/2013 $ 302 000
Tony Massol Bought Zuzuteam 9/22/2013 $ 260 200
Jordi Cavallé Sold Dike BBC 9/17/2013 $ 382 600
Dawid Tylus Bought Free Agent 7/16/2013 $ 408 000
Glenn Peter Solido Sold Indy Panthers 6/30/2013 $ 500 000
Jordi Cavallé Bought Geliboluspor 6/13/2013 $ 260 200
Steven Farris Sold Collosi 6/10/2013 $ 408 000
Hubert Oleksiejuk Sold Deerlijk Blues 4/28/2013 $ 20 000
Steven Farris Bought Sydney 76ers 4/25/2013 $ 510 000
José Mateus Pit Bull Bought Red Line 4/18/2013 $ 964 400
Maurilio De Castris Sold cappuccinoBFD 4/15/2013 $ 400 000
Frédéric Bénéteau Sold crete b.c 4/12/2013 $ 468 200
Vladimiro Bidoglia Sold cantùforever 4/12/2013 $ 375 600
Samba Timera Sold violet kangaroos 3/10/2013 $ 394 400
Jean-Romain Swartele Sold Como Dubliners 3/8/2013 $ 80 000
Vladimiro Bidoglia Bought Free Agent 2/20/2013 $ 277 100
Frédéric Bénéteau Bought Free Agent 2/19/2013 $ 371 500
Glenn Peter Solido Bought O-Be 2/13/2013 $ 265 500
Manuele Ghiberti Sold EsfoliatoriFE9 2/8/2013 $ 600 000
Yiannis Lemonis Sold Olimpia Salo 2/3/2013 $ 146 700
Itzchak Chazan Sold הפועל יאיר 2/3/2013 $ 163 100
Samba Timera Bought FRA Team 12/25/2012 $ 408 000
Pedro Pablo Deya Sold Kauno Atletas 12/6/2012 $ 300 000
Maurilio De Castris Bought Lebrakers 12/3/2012 $ 265 500
Kenji Ishimura Bought SEIRIN MACAU 12/3/2012 $ 291 400
Yiannis Lemonis Bought Asian Domination OG 12/1/2012 $ 102 000
Bertram Zemło Sold Azucareros BC 11/27/2012 $ 350 000
Vito Mascia Sold Arash Szczecin 11/20/2012 $ 500 000
José Luis Tapia Bought h knicks 8/7/2012 $ 500 000
Vito Mascia Bought Free Agent 7/19/2012 $ 237 000
Pier Giovanni Cantoni Bought Free Agent 7/3/2012 $ 356 800
Petar Dzurovski Sold Dunav-Jezava 6/30/2012 $ 500 000
Víctor Goyenechea Sold Kauno Alus 9,5 5/6/2012 $ 26 000
Bertram Zemło Bought Free Agent 3/1/2012 $ 356 500
Nektarios Rouvas Sold KK Kosarkasi 2/14/2012 $ 190 000
Pedro Pablo Deya Bought Basketeria Pascoal 1/11/2012 $ 300 000
Jean-Romain Swartele Bought Free Agent 1/4/2012 $ 220 500
Servác Šestko Sold C.B. Black Stars 12/28/2011 $ 800 000
Itzchak Chazan Bought Kindel Võit 12/17/2011 $ 250 000
Víctor Goyenechea Bought Barnaul Basket 12/8/2011 $ 65 000
Romulo Velasco Sold MKS Lubin 11/23/2011 $ 2 000
Hubert Oleksiejuk Bought Candar Efe BK 11/15/2011 $ 75 000
Isidoro Resende Sold Rytassss 11/7/2011 $ 350 000
Manuele Ghiberti Bought canon04 9/1/2011 $ 874 000
Rãzvan Cismaru Sold Saint Sébastien du Poney 8/30/2011 $ 600 000
Xia Changyi Sold 超音速快艇 8/30/2011 $ 100 000
Stanys Nagrodskis Sold Llenyataires 8/22/2011 $ 32 000
Isidoro Resende Bought Free Agent 7/28/2011 $ 131 200
Rãzvan Cismaru Bought Free Agent 7/26/2011 $ 373 500
Petar Dzurovski Bought Питтсбург Пингвинс 5/21/2011 $ 1 530 000
Francesc Lleixà Sold PLC 7 5/14/2011 $ 541 400
Denzil Eliab Sold REAL CANOE 5/2/2011 $ 2 000
Ted Monroe Sold efiKing 4/24/2011 $ 500 000
Xia Changyi Bought ASAFG 2/14/2011 $ 300 000
Sondo Sumayod Sold Praga bc 2/1/2011 $ 1 000
Ritche Grajales Sold Philippine Ballers 2/1/2011 $ 10 000
Raido Nigul Sold Perifeeria 1/20/2011 $ 400 000
Francesc Lleixà Bought Free Agent 1/19/2011 $ 488 600
Leslie Ho Sold kingsgrove lions 12/26/2010 $ 200 000
Raido Nigul Bought kana-2 kk 12/15/2010 $ 336 100
Ted Monroe Bought Proutac Omnisports 11/26/2010 $ 500 000
Rudolph Racky Sold 80894 11/13/2010 $ 41 000
Adán Alonso Sold Saint-George SC 10/31/2010 $ 102 000
Nektarios Rouvas Bought Foxes_ 9/15/2010 $ 728 300
Riccardo Stame Sold Orro Xabarín6F4883 7/2/2010 $ 153 000
Norman Nava Sold XALANDRI BC 7/2/2010 $ 50 000
Riccardo Stame Bought S H A R K S 5/18/2010 $ 179 700
Stanys Nagrodskis Bought Nedtriai 4/29/2010 $ 408 000
Rudolph Racky Bought Microsoft nerviano. 4/26/2010 $ 153 000
Kantrimas Dunecas Sold BatTeamWayne 4/21/2010 $ 200 000
Luis Zárate Sold Juuru Korvpalliklubi 4/21/2010 $ 20 000
Servác Šestko Bought Free Agent 3/17/2010 $ 883 500
Diego Noffke Sold madara genjliq 3/16/2010 $ 541 400
Thomas Leroy Sold 辽宁本刚飞豹 2/21/2010 $ 4 000
Diego Noffke Bought Little monkeys 1/27/2010 $ 907 500
Leslie Ho Bought cj 1/27/2010 $ 265 500
Luis Zárate Bought 四川全兴 1/26/2010 $ 350 000
Cristobal Corro Sold Junior Basket 2003 1/26/2010 $ 1 240 100
Loreto Alegro Sold DREAM THEATER Litvínov 1/25/2010 $ 51 000
Chen Dichao Bought china-dragon 1/6/2010 $ 424 600
Shilah Bernardo Sold WolvesOfTheChaos 12/31/2009 $ 102 000
Adrià Fontbona Bought Highflyers468 11/26/2009 $ 93 500
Thomas Leroy Bought Ráztočno Lakers 11/26/2009 $ 14 000
Adán Alonso Bought Hounds of Justice43A 11/12/2009 $ 500 000
Ge Pingjie Sold raphaeus 11/10/2009 $ 150 000
Rafael Hallasgo Sold Kavala Lionhearts 11/3/2009 $ 5 000
Daniel Moura Sold Highlights 2.0 11/3/2009 $ 2 000
Ge Pingjie Bought Lonely Hero3DE 10/17/2009 $ 190 800
Daniel Moura Bought Saiyan_Warriors 10/7/2009 $ 7 200
Rigoberto Omeya Bought International college spain 10/7/2009 $ 52 100
Yuri Moccagatta Sold Mardi Gras Gators 9/30/2009 $ 219 700
Yuri Moccagatta Bought Gigantes de caracas 9/19/2009 $ 176 000
Kantrimas Dunecas Bought BALERS COOL 9/11/2009 $ 42 000
Goran Opalic Bought Los Guayas 9/9/2009 $ 357 000
Sotero Ayala Sold Cartaboșul Bacău 9/8/2009 $ 54 300
Teobald Branecki Bought sportino2018 7/30/2009 $ 400 000
Filippo Farina Bought Angels Santarcangelo 7/21/2009 $ 10 000
Lisandros Zapropoulos Bought DU30 10/6/2008 $ 150 000
Warren Simas Sold DU30 10/6/2008 $ 138 100
Total Sales: $ 13 016 600
Total Purchases: $ 18 445 000
Transfer Balance: $ -5 428 400