pirulos - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the pirulos Hall of Fame.

Cibrao Alvarado
5/10/2008 - 9/19/2010
Pablo Vayá
11/25/2008 - 1/20/2011
Xavier Domingues
1/18/2011 - Present

Donnell Nichols
1/25/2011 - Present
Enrique Casani
2/3/2011 - Present
Spiros Sichamenopoulos
5/12/2013 - 7/6/2014

Oleg Uvanović
5/15/2013 - 9/9/2014
Daniel Lanzuela
9/28/2013 - 7/6/2014
Greg Gibbs
10/29/2014 - 10/25/2018

Santiago Valenzuela Aranda
10/29/2014 - 10/25/2018
Rubén Villabel
10/28/2018 - 12/13/2022
José María Doriga
10/28/2018 - 11/10/2022
