ChicaBobCats - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the ChicaBobCats Hall of Fame.

Yasuyoshi Egawa
1/15/2011 - 12/9/2012
Miraslau Nitskovich
1/18/2011 - 1/11/2012
Jérôme Leullier
11/5/2011 - Present

Deng Jin Yau
6/4/2012 - 12/5/2013
Ben Glatigny
3/13/2017 - Present
Guy Rieu
2/24/2020 - 8/22/2023

Willy Clain
2/24/2020 - 1/30/2023
Saloum Guene
2/28/2020 - 8/22/2023
Issa Gandega
4/20/2022 - 8/22/2023

Benoît Gendron
4/20/2022 - 8/22/2023
Gil Pronost
8/2/2022 - 11/20/2023
Xavier Robin
10/25/2022 - 8/22/2023

Laurent Cornuau
8/29/2023 - 9/13/2024
