ESSEC - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the ESSEC Hall of Fame.

Rui Oliveira
2/26/2011 - 4/18/2012
Nicolas Berlot
4/23/2011 - 9/30/2012
Evgen Mezheiko
11/19/2011 - 9/30/2012

Théo Serve
2/11/2012 - Present
Mauro Ortexa
12/25/2012 - 11/1/2014
Mbar Baro
9/19/2013 - 1/23/2015

Krzysztof Chachaj
11/2/2014 - 2/27/2017
Dementy Kuprikov
12/3/2014 - 9/3/2016
Triantafillos Asvestopoulos
11/12/2015 - 9/3/2016

Nicolas Torres
1/29/2016 - 5/14/2017
Izidor Kulušić
2/17/2017 - Present
Frithjof Sternburg
2/18/2017 - Present

Jacky Feron
3/2/2017 - 7/6/2018
Nicolas Bordel
3/6/2017 - 10/21/2017
Nicolas Bailleul
7/22/2018 - 6/27/2021

Ismaël Cornuel
7/29/2018 - Present
Cédric Ripert
8/17/2019 - Present
Guillaume Havard
10/19/2019 - Present

Christian Fourez
4/1/2020 - Present
Maurilio Forgione
9/4/2020 - 6/2/2021
Pierre-Philippe Druwel
7/1/2021 - Present

Erwan Calmon
7/3/2021 - Present
Roman Savasteev
8/13/2023 - Present
Ben Hays
11/26/2023 - Present

Bruno Louviot
11/29/2023 - Present
