List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Konuralp Tören Sold İzmir Orcas 3/3/2025 $ 300 100
Diego Rodrigo Rombolá Bought Tamiški demoni 2/9/2025 $ 224 400
Lai Mo Fok Sold Knights Templar 2/7/2025 $ 499 000
Tiresias Tsafas Bought Free Agent 1/30/2025 $ 89 960
Hugo Cunzuta Sold Blue Kings BC 1/25/2025 $ 307 900
Christoforos Zotalidis Bought manolopoliss 1/23/2025 $ 5 000
Mózes Garaba Bought Brigadas Internacionales 1/19/2025 $ 556 000
Eddy Pionnier Sold TORPEDO GRASDACKEL 1/17/2025 $ 699 999
Todd Lester Bought Hapoel Haifa 1/16/2025 $ 535 000
Efstathios Lakerdas Sold BC Burbulis 1/15/2025 $ 399 000
Herman Preca Sold BC Kupa 1/14/2025 $ 899 000
Newton Wilson Sold KK Kumanovo2022 1/6/2025 $ 99 999
Prodromos Sigalas Sold DreamTeam812 1/4/2025 $ 199 000
Brais Román Tárraga Sold VZULIA 12/20/2024 $ 249 000
Hugo Cunzuta Bought Culiacan Pink Bulls 12/20/2024 $ 204 000
Konuralp Tören Bought BC Nizhny Novgorod 12/17/2024 $ 266 200
Ploutonas Gavrilopoulos Sold Millonarios Basket Club 12/10/2024 $ 199 000
Eddy Pionnier Bought Sovrako Gaming II 11/23/2024 $ 56 600
Christoforos Peristeropoulos Sold AMPASKET 11/22/2024 $ 199 000
Newton Wilson Bought 圣芙蕾雅学园 11/22/2024 $ 70 800
Isidoro da Costa Sold pot de plage 11/21/2024 $ 510 000
Batu Kakhniashvili Sold Simple Attack 11/21/2024 $ 299 000
Raúl Calis Bought ortamir 11/2/2024 $ 550 000
Jožko Vozelj Sold BC Wolves 11/2/2024 $ 799 999
Yiorgis Stergiotis Bought Płońsk 10/20/2024 $ 250 000
Kostas Markou Sold CHRIS75ERS 10/15/2024 $ 199 000
Apostolos Siomos Sold BK Ušu pūznis 10/12/2024 $ 203 000
Isidoro da Costa Bought S.C.Freamunde 10/11/2024 $ 282 000
Batu Kakhniashvili Bought tbilisi bulls 9/29/2024 $ 162 200
Spiros Kalivas Bought C.A.R.T. 9/18/2024 $ 350 000
Herman Preca Bought BC Beroe Aigaio 9/12/2024 $ 556 900
Girts Grozs Sold Los Amigos de Scottie 9/10/2024 $ 152 700
Nicolò Fumarola Sold Domelo Sokół Łańcut 9/10/2024 $ 399 000
Piter Pothof Sold Harellend Globetrotters 8/26/2024 $ 699 999
Nicolò Fumarola Bought sporting mitchel 7/25/2024 $ 191 100
Rubén Burian Sold Vice city 7/18/2024 $ 203 000
Gugum Gambiro Bought Free Agent 7/13/2024 $ 291 100
Stefanis Samios Sold Mons Team 7/9/2024 $ 299 000
Petr Sychra Sold 德劭 7/5/2024 $ 102 100
Efthimios Tompoulidis Sold Kiss My Axe 7/5/2024 $ 199 000
Gérald Verdière Sold Teachers BC 7/1/2024 $ 129 000
Brais Román Tárraga Bought AvanGuard 6/29/2024 $ 239 300
Piter Pothof Bought Vattjom Vatos 6/28/2024 $ 351 800
Petr Kusý Sold B.C.MagicStars Ploieşti 6/28/2024 $ 308 800
Tejo Bonca Sold Estrellas de Durin 6/28/2024 $ 299 000
Jožko Vozelj Bought 46ers 6/14/2024 $ 208 100
Daya Moketsie Sold Basket 86 Caravaggio 6/14/2024 $ 699 000
Petr Kusý Bought Foxes Team 6/7/2024 $ 41 000
Petr Sychra Bought wenwen 5/5/2024 $ 250 000
Stefanis Samios Bought Agneaux BC 4/27/2024 $ 101 000
Tejo Bonca Bought Saile CB 4/19/2024 $ 214 200
Javier Sáenz Soria Sold barueri 4/17/2024 $ 299 000
Rubén Burian Bought Sbronzi Forti 4/7/2024 $ 70 400
Chow Sing Yui Sold Los Martinos 4/3/2024 $ 49 000
Daya Moketsie Bought Alaplı Devils 3/29/2024 $ 225 500
Kostas Kopanakis Sold Superbasket team 3/29/2024 $ 49 000
Erotas Chaidos Sold deportavo 3/29/2024 $ 59 000
Efthimios Tompoulidis Bought BK " BAUSKA" 3/23/2024 $ 51 000
Gérald Verdière Bought Les Boulettes Utopiennes 3/20/2024 $ 55 000
Kostas Markou Bought Free Agent 3/16/2024 $ 94 560
Javier Sáenz Soria Bought Xxthree 3/13/2024 $ 50 000
Girts Grozs Bought BK Sigulda 2 🔥 3/13/2024 $ 26 000
Lai Mo Fok Bought Wat Cats 3/12/2024 $ 172 100
Kostas Kopanakis Bought KolbeTo 3/11/2024 $ 1 000
Prodromos Sigalas Bought Kokoras 3/9/2024 $ 31 000
Ploutonas Gavrilopoulos Bought Lixouri Spurs 3/8/2024 $ 41 000
Chow Sing Yui Bought Hong Kong Dreams 3/8/2024 $ 2 000
Petros Psomas Bought Latest B.C 3/7/2024 $ 48 000
Christoforos Peristeropoulos Bought S.H.A.P.E 3/7/2024 $ 16 000
Erotas Chaidos Bought Fábrica de Café C.B. 3/7/2024 $ 2 000
Dinos Chalvatzis Sold Villans 3/7/2024 $ 340 000
Nikos Gaglias Sold MiraSquaD 3/7/2024 $ 27 000
Isidoros Gerasimou Sold Carpathian Cubs 3/6/2024 $ 203 000
Michalis Malliaras Sold Krušnohorští Permoníci 3/6/2024 $ 109 600
Yiannis Dertouzos Sold Zastal Burlington II 3/5/2024 $ 22 000
Pedro Brás Sold DimirBC 3/5/2024 $ 497 800
Mitar Isailović Sold IRUP 3/2/2024 $ 255 000
Armand Crane Sold JuveCaserta2023 3/2/2024 $ 227 500
Francis McNally Sold Real Valencia C.B 3/2/2024 $ 49 000
Luís Mata Sold SANTA ELENA MONTEVIDEO 3/2/2024 $ 30 000
Gelwin Heuts Sold SIMAGENIO DRAGONS 2/9/2024 $ 131 600
Marios Lolos Sold KAIMPAP 1/15/2024 $ 99 000
Armand Crane Bought Vallekas B. C. 1/12/2024 $ 221 000
Francis McNally Bought PAOK BC 2007 1/9/2024 $ 132 600
Zhuo Zeyun Sold Les Boulettes Utopiennes 1/8/2024 $ 999 999
Karli Aus Sold Phoenix Blue suns 1/5/2024 $ 99 000
Gelwin Heuts Bought Gems BC diepenbeek 12/24/2023 $ 104 100
Kostas Toutsidis Sold Rusty Nails 12/11/2023 $ 199 000
Panayiotakis Demelis Sold Rodmans 12/7/2023 $ 1 000
Karli Aus Bought HalbPeet 11/30/2023 $ 7 000
Michalis Malliaras Bought Danilovgradski Sokolovi 11/29/2023 $ 102 000
Gerwazy Olichwier Sold U.S.C.S.S. Nostromo 11/29/2023 $ 300 000
Mirko Kukk Sold Baltic Vikings 11/21/2023 $ 45 000
Stefos Tsokaridis Sold Puhu Miehet 10/21/2023 $ 4 000
Mirko Kukk Bought Dacia Chisinau BC 10/21/2023 $ 75 500
Francisco Casadevante Sold KK"GLASINAC" 10/15/2023 $ 299 000
Kostas Toutsidis Bought Garrapata Team 10/15/2023 $ 20 000
Artur Wesecki Sold Titanes II 10/7/2023 $ 165 800
Stefos Tsokaridis Bought Pallaso de fira 9/29/2023 $ 4 000
Golub Mihajlović Sold Alameda Ring 9/26/2023 $ 399 000
Artur Wesecki Bought Surry Hills Peeps 9/24/2023 $ 83 700
Robert Haręza Sold Crvena zvezda kk 9/10/2023 $ 199 000
Boubacar Boubacar Sold Wooden Warriors II 9/6/2023 $ 399 000
Jaroslav Horníček Sold Boards of Canada 8/5/2023 $ 3 000
Gerwazy Olichwier Bought Gruźlica 2000 7/19/2023 $ 82 400
Timos Dedes Sold BC AEK ATHENS 7/15/2023 $ 1 000
Pedro Brás Bought Free Agent 7/12/2023 $ 306 300
Poon Lai Him Sold Hippyhoopers 7/9/2023 $ 699 000
Robert Haręza Bought Hot Pepper Dogz 7/1/2023 $ 49 400
Nikos Gaglias Bought RZRBC 6/29/2023 $ 10 000
Konstantin Khaburzaniya Sold Pozeiro Basket 6/27/2023 $ 152 000
Yiannis Dertouzos Bought Free Agent 6/21/2023 $ 149 900
Dinos Chalvatzis Bought The Cockers 6/17/2023 $ 477 600
Ynon Eldar Sold Golden State Montarioso 6/17/2023 $ 899 000
Timos Dedes Bought Motorhead BC 6/4/2023 $ 1 000
Tasos Mourelatos Sold BANDUNG BC 5/27/2023 $ 29 000
Ludovic Recher Sold Centauro ll 5/22/2023 $ 399 000
Jaroslav Horníček Bought Free Agent 4/15/2023 $ 38 000
Luís Mata Bought Kalev Crammo 4/14/2023 $ 300 000
Ismael Alberca Sold Bologna Fortitudo 103 4/14/2023 $ 599 000
Golub Mihajlović Bought Kaan Pacers 4/13/2023 $ 415 700
Thodoris Garakis Sold Munich Stoners 4/1/2023 $ 21 000
Vaggelis Vrekousis Sold Pontoon Dock Mavericks 4/1/2023 $ 20 000
Fedon Efthivolos Sold Kerabnos BC 3/24/2023 $ 16 000
Ynon Eldar Bought Újbudai Kinizsi KE 3/20/2023 $ 104 100
Prodromos Asproulias Sold Manpiii 3/16/2023 $ 9 000
Adam Psaila Sold Anwil Włocławek.. 3/15/2023 $ 459 000
Zhuo Zeyun Bought Free Agent 3/15/2023 $ 497 800
Uriele Gusmeroli Sold kk rosa 3/6/2023 $ 140 000
Francisco Casadevante Bought Underdogs Academy 2/24/2023 $ 108 400
Ludovic Recher Bought ALV TEAM 2/24/2023 $ 102 000
Thodoris Garakis Bought BK Vemenov 2/21/2023 $ 11 000
Prodromos Asproulias Bought QARANTINE TEAM 2/19/2023 $ 6 000
Ismael Alberca Bought Kerabnos BC 2/13/2023 $ 229 600
Vaggelis Vrekousis Bought BC Vilniaus rajonas 2/12/2023 $ 1 000
Fedon Efthivolos Bought FILIPPOS VERIAS 2/9/2023 $ 1 000
Mitar Isailović Bought Wojtusie 2/7/2023 $ 305 400
Adam Psaila Bought Free Agent 2/6/2023 $ 97 000
Boubacar Boubacar Bought Asingratitos BC 2/6/2023 $ 244 300
Poon Lai Him Bought Jakarta Warriors II 2/6/2023 $ 187 800
Konstantin Khaburzaniya Bought Çanakkale Kordon 2/4/2023 $ 132 600
Uriele Gusmeroli Bought Free Agent 2/3/2023 $ 101 100
Isidoros Gerasimou Bought Stade Gerzatois Basket Auvergne 2/3/2023 $ 450 000
Yiorgakis Alexiou Sold High School Drop-outs 2/2/2023 $ 316 600
Zefos Christoforou Sold 3nD rockets 2/2/2023 $ 1 000
Tasos Nalpantis Sold KK Gargždų Tornadas 2/2/2023 $ 3 000
Miloš Jíra Sold Guess Who's Back 2/2/2023 $ 169 400
Nektarios Tigkanas Sold Obrakadabra 2/2/2023 $ 474 400
Pavlos Melomakaronos Sold Team Pao 2/1/2023 $ 16 000
Tibor Pécsi Sold ElectricTriangles 2/1/2023 $ 200 000
Iraklis Papadogeorgakis Sold CDP Ponferrada 2/1/2023 $ 149 700
Tellis Pentaridis Sold Sakarya Devil's 2/1/2023 $ 2 000
Socé Diom Sold LOST4 1/31/2023 $ 698 100
Fredric Villegas Sold Batignolles Big Boys 1/31/2023 $ 639 000
Christiam Huaccha Sold KK POKERIS 12/31/2022 $ 399 000
Iraklis Papadogeorgakis Bought Free Agent 12/15/2022 $ 141 800
Miloš Jíra Bought WarIsOver 12/2/2022 $ 466 000
Cristian Damián Vieites Sold Virtus Sblinder 11/29/2022 $ 1 290 000
Mindaugas Deleckis Sold Wisła Kraków 11/17/2022 $ 499 000
Tahsin Isik Sold Les Gradubides 11/17/2022 $ 159 000
Christiam Huaccha Bought Biffy Clyro 9/29/2022 $ 127 600
Tibor Pécsi Bought Bp. Green Shooters 9/22/2022 $ 312 200
Osman Kapucu Sold amadinai 9/22/2022 $ 390 000
Yann Legendre Sold KK Kokora 9/22/2022 $ 399 000
Mathéo Wijbaillie Sold Rakveres Tibus 9/22/2022 $ 805 800
Hugo Gebell Sold Satyak KK 9/6/2022 $ 59 000
Tasos Nalpantis Bought BOMBAY MIXX 9/4/2022 $ 56 600
Fredric Villegas Bought Tranquil 8/27/2022 $ 697 100
Polykarpos Kasselakis Sold ΤΔΜΑ 8/27/2022 $ 59 000
Themistoklis Parginos Sold Iraklis Blue Devils 8/27/2022 $ 159 000
Jan Nieto Sold Mito só o da Caverna 8/26/2022 $ 499 999
Cristian Damián Vieites Bought Nerone bugiardo 8/24/2022 $ 761 500
Achilles Tacuban Sold WSG Fürstenwalde 8/23/2022 $ 1 190 000
Prokopis Sofianos Sold Panikaionios 8/21/2022 $ 9 000
Nektarios Tigkanas Bought Barnaul Basket 8/21/2022 $ 519 200
Pedro Villatoro Sold KK Mokra Gora 8/21/2022 $ 152 000
Mindaugas Deleckis Bought Free Agent 8/19/2022 $ 367 100
Julián Andrés De la Rosa Sold NTS 8/18/2022 $ 999 999
Yann Legendre Bought Free Agent 8/16/2022 $ 185 100
Yiorgis Sfirichtridis Sold Gannovat 8/15/2022 $ 207 100
Tahsin Isik Bought Penguins 8/13/2022 $ 106 200
Osman Kapucu Bought In honorem Heinrici II. 8/13/2022 $ 131 400
Vardis Fotoulakis Sold KALLISTI BULLS 7/28/2022 $ 1 000
Luis Romay Bermúdez Sold Rusnės "Žuvis" 7/26/2022 $ 149 000
Yiorgakis Alexiou Bought Sakuna_AQUA 7/18/2022 $ 250 100
Xiao Dajie Sold 天主孝子法兰鸡,平独镇露大玻璃;精罗落泪败仗廷,第三罗马俄罗西。 7/16/2022 $ 499 000
Ermes Righi Sold Real Promesas Basket Club 7/11/2022 $ 199 000
Dong Congwei Sold Real Promesas Basket Club 7/11/2022 $ 99 999
Ricardas Lovcikas Sold Maories de Badalona 7/8/2022 $ 199 000
Marios Mpourekakos Sold Laukiniai Šernai 6/28/2022 $ 199 000
Julián Cariello Sold Herculinos 6/21/2022 $ 423 600
Fayçal Bouchebri Sold LAZIO BASKET 6/21/2022 $ 220 000
Pigmalion Moustakakis Sold CB Barrufets 6/11/2022 $ 149 000
Ghasi Ramamoorthy Sold 中文男足 5/28/2022 $ 199 000
Savvas Kornaros Sold kalamatacity 5/21/2022 $ 199 000
Palmiro Vilarés Sold SK Wisła Płock SA 5/15/2022 $ 199 000
Ambroży Iwanowski Sold Fc.W.Pompe 5/12/2022 $ 399 000
Mathéo Wijbaillie Bought Mosbach 5/6/2022 $ 430 000
Achilles Tacuban Bought BC LionSnake 5/4/2022 $ 542 500
Terkel Olsen Sold bc zudikas 5/4/2022 $ 399 000
Alfonso Morillo Sold BK Luku TáborFF8 5/1/2022 $ 599 000
Mart Ehatamm Sold GUINDOS_BUZZER 5/1/2022 $ 299 000
Francisco Escandon Sold BC Brosta 4/30/2022 $ 250 000
Socé Diom Bought Team Authé 4/29/2022 $ 561 000
Dionisios Koumarianos Sold Püünsi Boa 4/29/2022 $ 399 000
Vardis Fitzios Sold ADAS BARCO 4/28/2022 $ 699 000
Ermes Righi Bought Houston Rokets 4/22/2022 $ 36 000
Aristidis Dellas Sold KS Kamieniec77 4/19/2022 $ 19 000
Themistoklis Feresopoulos Sold crete b.c 4/18/2022 $ 299 000
Xiao Dajie Bought cellat_23 4/16/2022 $ 7 000
Julián Cariello Bought Eggplantpopolopolous 4/15/2022 $ 250 000
Fayçal Bouchebri Bought Free Agent 4/9/2022 $ 100 800
Ali Lehatin Sold P-Town Magpies 4/8/2022 $ 299 000
Julián Andrés De la Rosa Bought Free Agent 4/7/2022 $ 578 100
Aleksy Metrak Sold MichiganN 4/2/2022 $ 399 000
Yiorgis Sfirichtridis Bought Lyse Konie 3/30/2022 $ 99 999
Christos Christoforou Sold BC Major 3/28/2022 $ 399 000
Ricardas Lovcikas Bought Los Illuminatis 3/24/2022 $ 150 000
Luis Romay Bermúdez Bought Los Illuminatis 3/24/2022 $ 100 000
Jan Nieto Bought esbama 3/22/2022 $ 459 000
Iraklis Papadogeorgakis Sold Gromek Siedleczka 3/21/2022 $ 299 000
Palmiro Vilarés Bought Dinamo BC 3/17/2022 $ 19 000
Stavros Exasferos Sold Vrakuňa Wizards 3/16/2022 $ 99 000
Ambroży Iwanowski Bought Free Agent 3/13/2022 $ 111 200
Alfonso Morillo Bought A. S. Pallacanestro Pollese 3/10/2022 $ 135 300
Achilleas Kimisis Sold Teachers BC II 3/9/2022 $ 19 000
Terkel Olsen Bought Estrada 3/7/2022 $ 199 000
Mart Ehatamm Bought Isca Centurions 3/6/2022 $ 110 600
Christos Kiriazis Sold 靓仔团 2/27/2022 $ 29 000
Themistoklis Parginos Bought Rock Team 5 2/26/2022 $ 145 000
Ghasi Ramamoorthy Bought Tak Cuba Tak Tahu 2/26/2022 $ 81 600
Francisco Escandon Bought Free Agent 2/25/2022 $ 118 780
Vardis Fitzios Bought Mai Mai 2/24/2022 $ 311 600
Lavrentios Agaliotis Sold Neil Team 2/24/2022 $ 99 000
Viktoras Paliouras Sold La WestVirginia 2/24/2022 $ 199 000
Mitsos Chrisoulakis Sold Benny’s Butchers 2/22/2022 $ 1 000
Rinos Kapoyiannopoulos Sold São Mateus 2/21/2022 $ 39 000
Soulis Saroglou Sold Kalabagücü S.K 2/18/2022 $ 5 000
Pedro Villatoro Bought Singapore Scholars 2/16/2022 $ 138 000
Aleksy Metrak Bought Free Agent 2/16/2022 $ 57 400
Hugo Gebell Bought Venezia Dragons 2/16/2022 $ 60 000
Dong Congwei Bought Free Agent 2/16/2022 $ 60 800
Kostas Tsaganos Sold S.A.M.U.R.A.I. 2/15/2022 $ 190 000
Ali Lehatin Bought FromTheCarpark 2/15/2022 $ 20 000
Periklis Tsilikas Sold The Lion Lisbon 2/14/2022 $ 49 000
Marios Mpourekakos Bought Rockets01 2/14/2022 $ 60 000
Themistoklis Feresopoulos Bought Alfea 2/8/2022 $ 112 900
Pavlos Melomakaronos Bought Free Agent 2/7/2022 $ 60 750
Christos Christoforou Bought Free Agent 1/29/2022 $ 205 000
Aristidis Dellas Bought Free Agent 1/28/2022 $ 45 250
Polykarpos Kasselakis Bought Free Agent 1/28/2022 $ 41 600
Platonas Kanonopoulos Sold C.B. Paralímpicos 1/25/2022 $ 1 000
Iraklis Papadogeorgakis Bought ORLANDO★MAGIC 1/23/2022 $ 69 800
Dionisios Koumarianos Bought BC ErnRaz 1/22/2022 $ 112 900
Savvas Kornaros Bought Salento Sharks 1/19/2022 $ 50 000
Stavros Exasferos Bought BC Delfinii Purpurii 1/18/2022 $ 1 000
Achilleas Kimisis Bought ΣΙΜΩΝΙΔΗΣ ΚΕΑΣ 1/14/2022 $ 16 000
Lavrentios Agaliotis Bought theCelts 1/14/2022 $ 10 000
Kostas Charoupis Sold BC Tourangeau 1/13/2022 $ 73 700
Simos Gagakis Sold KS Społem 1/13/2022 $ 184 900
Octavian Laza Sold Reghin Bulls 1/13/2022 $ 68 200
Viktoras Paliouras Bought Kyanos Asteras B.C. 1/13/2022 $ 18 000
Haris Alevras Bought Antil Global B.C. 1/13/2022 $ 2 000
Periklis Tsilikas Bought HRAKLARA 1/13/2022 $ 1 000
Mitsos Chrisoulakis Bought Athenian Tigers 1/13/2022 $ 1 000
Rinos Kapoyiannopoulos Bought ROMA PALLACANESTRO 1/13/2022 $ 6 000
Prokopis Sofianos Bought Panellinios 1/13/2022 $ 5 000
Kostas Tsaganos Patzitzifiakos B.C. 1/13/2022 $ 93 700
Thomas Lalakis Bought mpekrides 1/13/2022 $ 1 000
Andrius Šikštas Sold deanswer 1/12/2022 $ 8 000
Soulis Saroglou Patzitzifiakos B.C. 1/12/2022 $ 6 000
Konstantinos Evaggenelis Sold Atenas10 1/12/2022 $ 400 000
Morlan Rodrique Sold Corfù Magic Squad 1/12/2022 $ 669 000
Mateusz Janik Sold Tin chacha 1/11/2022 $ 17 000
Angelo Bisiacco Sold Rocco schiaccia tutti 12/5/2021 $ 399 000
Stefanis Genitsaris Sold IceBreakers 12/5/2021 $ 129 000
Don Moreno Sold Generals 12/5/2021 $ 399 000
Grigoris Kalokiris Sold MONTEMUR 11/7/2021 $ 305 000
Mateusz Janik Bought Elva Huskies 11/7/2021 $ 425 000
Ricky Michaud Sold Koivulan korikset 10/25/2021 $ 199 000
Simos Gagakis Bought Arcoveggio Bologna 10/21/2021 $ 344 300
Krists Teraudlejejs Sold KK Dusko Vujosevic 10/20/2021 $ 2 000
Andrius Šikštas Bought Bosnian Tigers 10/16/2021 $ 275 400
Stefanis Genitsaris Bought Dream! Team! 10/15/2021 $ 102 000
Morlan Rodrique Bought Free Agent 10/15/2021 $ 598 000
Makar Myakota Sold Ashwini Twins 10/15/2021 $ 1 699 000
Octavian Laza Bought Brīvzemnieki 10/14/2021 $ 103 100
Ricky Michaud Bought Chelsea 11 10/9/2021 $ 13 000
Krists Teraudlejejs Bought Fermeri 10/8/2021 $ 2 000
Angelo Bisiacco Bought Shootersss2022 10/8/2021 $ 136 800
Edgardo De Meo Sold Klaipedos Pilstukas 10/5/2021 $ 509 000
Elzeušas Stiopkinas Sold დინამო თბილისი 10/5/2021 $ 499 000
Aris Donis Sold Matinhos AABM 10/5/2021 $ 199 000
Panayiotis Koukodimos Sold notimetolose 9/7/2021 $ 99 000
Vlasis Maniakis Sold MooWyzzDB7 8/30/2021 $ 120 000
Ignacio Macías Sold The Unofficial OKC 8/8/2021 $ 599 000
Edgardo De Meo Bought Free Agent 8/7/2021 $ 409 400
Grigoris Kalokiris Bought Free Agent 8/5/2021 $ 102 000
Feng Kin Chung Sold Kavala Lionhearts 8/1/2021 $ 199 000
Zhou Chulong Sold US DAGGERS 7/20/2021 $ 299 000
Arunas Geidrichis Sold Feel the Heat 7/20/2021 $ 131 600
Aris Donis Bought sestouomo 7/18/2021 $ 396 500
Elzeušas Stiopkinas Bought bc dainava 7/17/2021 $ 400 000
Huang Shuangyang Sold ALIGATORES 7/13/2021 $ 699 000
Panayiotis Koukodimos Bought green empire ΙΙ 7/9/2021 $ 3 000
Don Moreno Bought mauricioteam17E 7/4/2021 $ 185 400
Jesús Orihuela Sold Left-footed 7/4/2021 $ 305 000
Kostas Charoupis Bought Free Agent 6/23/2021 $ 105 190
Nikola Trifunac Sold 大潮 6/18/2021 $ 299 000
Klavs Meldbye Sold 5/25/2021 $ 399 000
Vít Novotný Sold F3LIXLY 5/12/2021 $ 99 999
Charles McMillan Sold Vallerud 5/10/2021 $ 199 999
Gilberto Ortega Sold 一一 5/1/2021 $ 299 000
Huang Shuangyang Bought Tórshavn PistolsC84 5/1/2021 $ 475 000
Jesús Orihuela Bought Unicaja Torremolinos 5/1/2021 $ 205 100
Mariusz Sulinski Sold BC Tourangeau 4/30/2021 $ 499 000
Thomas Tourkoyiorgis Sold mastro basket 4/29/2021 $ 29 000
Klavs Meldbye Bought PippersFB4 4/23/2021 $ 48 000
Kostas Tsaganos Bought Pagratian Roosters 4/21/2021 $ 320 000
Urbán Hajós Sold Fekete Sasok 4/21/2021 $ 399 000
Fredrik Simonsson Sold Kobe8 4/17/2021 $ 999 000
Konstantinos Evaggenelis Bought Free Agent 4/17/2021 $ 687 200
Charles McMillan Bought Free Agent 4/9/2021 $ 80 200
Yiorgos Tiropitaras Sold Åbo Väktares 4/6/2021 $ 29 000
Zhou Chulong Bought Langley City Thunder 3/31/2021 $ 100 000
Gilberto Ortega Bought S.C.Freamunde 3/31/2021 $ 36 000
Nikola Trifunac Bought Ginnheim Timberwolves 3/31/2021 $ 400 000
Mariusz Sulinski Bought Spitfire Snipers 3/29/2021 $ 270 900
Óscar Manubens Sold Limoeiro 3/28/2021 $ 599 000
Francisco Manuel Martínez Sold Teamdamy 3/26/2021 $ 199 000
Song Yongguo Sold Arad Megusta 3/26/2021 $ 399 000
Feng Kin Chung Bought KS Pogoń Prudnik 3/25/2021 $ 102 000
Kostas Panagiotidis Sold SC Beira-MarFC5 3/25/2021 $ 103 100
Christian Lamant Sold AracDegerKaybi 3/19/2021 $ 2 000
Vít Novotný Bought Free Agent 1/30/2021 $ 88 600
Golan Sharabi Sold BC REx Force 1/26/2021 $ 101 000
Arunas Geidrichis Bought Kritusios Lietuvos Žvaigždės 1/17/2021 $ 358 900
Francisco Manuel Martínez Bought Basket Rioja 1/16/2021 $ 7 000
Luca Ortolan Sold BK Vrajdebna 1/15/2021 $ 499 000
Song Yongguo Bought Lazarevac 1/10/2021 $ 120 000
Christian Lamant Bought FC Żywiec 1/7/2021 $ 75 500
Linghu Xiangtai Sold SC Green 1/4/2021 $ 399 000
Lucio Salvador Yotoko Sold Golden Limousine 12/15/2020 $ 199 000
Kévin Philibert Sold ΕLEFSIS OMEGA 11/19/2020 $ 199 000
Joto Asatiani Sold polpharma stg 11/5/2020 $ 299 000
Linghu Xiangtai Bought Free Agent 10/14/2020 $ 138 200
Daniel Bassaganyes Sold Petokissat 10/13/2020 $ 2 999
Joto Asatiani Bought YerevanFE2 10/13/2020 $ 99 000
Pigmalion Tremis Sold BC Zalia Balta 10/11/2020 $ 306 000
Kévin Philibert Bought Mitimybo 10/7/2020 $ 52 100
Murat Sahin Fersan Sold Tean teasen 10/4/2020 $ 299 000
Urbán Hajós Bought Free Agent 10/3/2020 $ 86 200
Golan Sharabi Bought Quaquaraqua 9/30/2020 $ 75 000
Óscar Manubens Bought Monza Lions 9/26/2020 $ 212 300
Daryl Francisco Sold BC Volish Gdańsk 9/21/2020 $ 690 000
Lucio Salvador Yotoko Bought Turbo Mruczki 9/14/2020 $ 8 000
Murat Sahin Fersan Bought Atletico Guagna 9/2/2020 $ 3 000
Yao Kuanyi Sold BC Rytas 69 9/1/2020 $ 49 000
Emilio Usandizaga Sold QuarantineAge Mutant Ninja Turtles 9/1/2020 $ 199 000
Frank Winkelbauer Sold Cobra Kai 8/21/2020 $ 399 000
Arne Musall Sold SPORTING DE ELVASD79 8/10/2020 $ 305 000
Luca Ortolan Bought Red Rocket 7/25/2020 $ 102 000
Makar Myakota Bought Warroad II 7/19/2020 $ 862 000
Júlio Brandão Sold aequipa 7/19/2020 $ 1 190 000
Inoke Merrill Sold Tippa Magic 7/17/2020 $ 299 000
Frank Winkelbauer Bought Free Agent 7/8/2020 $ 166 600
Yao Kuanyi Bought 3 points et pi cest tout 7/6/2020 $ 39 000
Jari Mosconi Sold Hippopotamuses 7/6/2020 $ 399 000
Daryl Francisco Bought Free Agent 7/4/2020 $ 305 100
Trevor Watts Sold Lima 43ers 6/30/2020 $ 611 000
Yiannis Gonatopoulos Sold Antil Global B.C. 6/14/2020 $ 199 000
Inoke Merrill Bought KIDISPOR 6/12/2020 $ 105 200
Jari Mosconi Bought felettano 6/8/2020 $ 149 700
Joel Urreche Sold 阿傻回來囉 6/2/2020 $ 290 000
Arne Musall Bought Chelsea Włocławek 5/30/2020 $ 65 400
Olivio Araujo Sold Nico Robin Taranto 5/29/2020 $ 490 000
Albino Paiva Sold MVP Team SLO 5/25/2020 $ 151 000
Tadej Krevh Sold Green Team 420 5/25/2020 $ 335 000
Xavi Pellicer Sold Chelsea Włocławek 5/22/2020 $ 250 000
Yiannis Palioyiannos Sold BC Ilmenau Rangers 5/3/2020 $ 599 000
Trevor Watts Bought Natolin Grizzlies 5/3/2020 $ 578 800
Albino Paiva Bought Realist 4/29/2020 $ 254 200
Julien Dallemagne Sold Xoteam 4/27/2020 $ 999 000
Agamemnon Chantampakis Sold Sesto Moles 4/25/2020 $ 75 900
Kostas Meloyiannis Sold BBT 1/3 4/18/2020 $ 9 000
Pigmalion Tremis Bought KK Akukho Umusa 4/11/2020 $ 51 000
Xavi Pellicer Bought Free Agent 4/7/2020 $ 130 200
Chet Wahl Sold Podanici 4/7/2020 $ 499 000
Emilio Usandizaga Bought CB funker2 4/2/2020 $ 462 500
Xia Kaiqing Sold Agia Sofia 3/31/2020 $ 149 000
So Shu Sold Trailblazee 3/29/2020 $ 490 000
Joel Urreche Bought KwH Lakers 3/24/2020 $ 104 100
Olivio Araujo Bought Free Agent 3/20/2020 $ 441 000
Deniz Ezmigül Sold Rottweilery Choceń 3/16/2020 $ 690 000
Daniel Bassaganyes Bought Tomahawkers 3/8/2020 $ 2 000
Tadej Krevh Bought WooBangers 2/20/2020 $ 357 000
Shawn Keenan Sold BC Pituhai 2/18/2020 $ 228 900
Frédéric Lenoble Sold Sarlatani 2/18/2020 $ 85 700
Zhang Runxin Sold TróiaTeam 2/16/2020 $ 199 000
Chet Wahl Bought olimpia tarraco 2/15/2020 $ 210 900
Karol Fida Sold Haba united 2/12/2020 $ 405 800
Ilya Ros Sold Ashwini Twins 2/10/2020 $ 290 000
You Zhonghao Sold CB Capital 2/4/2020 $ 16 000
Loi Nguyên Sold Peetri HEAT 1/26/2020 $ 490 000
Shawn Keenan Bought ΛΕΠΙΔΕΣ B.C 1/24/2020 $ 350 000
Vernon Wilson Sold Baltimor alligators 1/19/2020 $ 390 000
Paris Kalkavouras Sold Apollonia Med 1/19/2020 $ 190 000
So Shu Bought BK ZATC 1/19/2020 $ 195 500
Frédéric Lenoble Bought Acid Bulldogs 1/17/2020 $ 53 500
Santo Priolo Sold U.S. Castello 1/3/2020 $ 390 000
Júlio Brandão Bought Free Agent 1/3/2020 $ 431 900
Hasan Hüseyin Ölmezbey Sold Fortitudo 77 12/31/2019 $ 490 000
Massimo Montani Sold East High Wildcats 12/31/2019 $ 99 000
Yiorgos Kavazis Sold Tean teasen 12/31/2019 $ 49 000
Deniz Ezmigül Bought Saint-Lô 101st Airborne 12/27/2019 $ 255 000
Daniele Laus Sold scaligera basket vr 12/24/2019 $ 290 000
Maxence Marot Sold Saint-Lô 101st Airborne 12/23/2019 $ 99 000
Domantas Ereksonas Sold The Fellowship of the RingC44 12/21/2019 $ 49 000
Ilya Ros Bought The Untouchables 12/21/2019 $ 132 200
Yiannis Palioyiannos Bought Free Agent 12/19/2019 $ 217 400
Kostas Panagiotidis Bought Free Agent 12/18/2019 $ 69 700
Ville Pohjolainen Sold tiger sharks 12/18/2019 $ 190 000
Ignacio Macías Bought Vilniaus "Švyturys" 12/17/2019 $ 857 000
Marvin Jacobsen Sold Lions City 12/15/2019 $ 490 000
Attila Zoltai Sold Komárom Raptors 12/15/2019 $ 199 000
Julien Dallemagne Bought Free Agent 12/13/2019 $ 387 600
Fredrik Simonsson Bought silver dogs 12/10/2019 $ 687 200
Yiannis Papalampros Sold losangeles_ 12/7/2019 $ 190 000
Herminio Sánchez Sold noobs united 12/7/2019 $ 490 000
Keith Moore Sold Päiväkoti 12/6/2019 $ 190 000
Lampis Mpanasidis Sold BC Northerners 12/3/2019 $ 197 700
Isaia Messineo Sold XInBa 12/3/2019 $ 99 000
Iraklis Trelokamperis Sold 大朗 12/3/2019 $ 19 000
Maxence Marot Bought PARTOUZE CLUB 11/8/2019 $ 4 000
Ville Pohjolainen Bought clippers fore life 11/3/2019 $ 14 000
Xia Kaiqing Bought 大潮 10/28/2019 $ 135 300
Massimo Montani Bought Atletico Strakanati 10/27/2019 $ 19 000
Herminio Sánchez Bought Free Agent 10/24/2019 $ 129 300
Romaleos Chaidemenos Sold Chapas 10/20/2019 $ 49 000
Lampis Mpanasidis Bought Odin Baskets Berlin 10/18/2019 $ 81 100
Loi Nguyên Bought korvpalli sõber 10/17/2019 $ 300 000
Santo Priolo Bought Mortdale Maulers 10/17/2019 $ 204 000
Rafael Moral Sold Algoma Thunderbirds 10/13/2019 $ 149 000
Domantas Ereksonas Bought The Red Falcon 10/13/2019 $ 16 000
You Zhonghao Bought Athletic Alkala Basket 10/13/2019 $ 6 000
Zhang Runxin Bought The Red Falcon 10/13/2019 $ 100 000
Daniele Laus Bought Free Agent 10/10/2019 $ 62 900
Roby Grande Sold Mozart 10/8/2019 $ 99 000
Deng Yingjie Sold Zugló KC 10/8/2019 $ 499 000
Venicio Galdeano Sold Белые Негры 10/7/2019 $ 61 200
Li Minxiong Sold KK Angels 10/6/2019 $ 99 000
Ryszard Pacyga Sold Spūrgos 10/6/2019 $ 103 100
Vernon Wilson Bought Free Agent 10/5/2019 $ 113 700
Keith Moore Bought Free Agent 10/5/2019 $ 72 440
Adam Snyder Sold Angelcinja2 10/4/2019 $ 91 400
Sergio Agrelo Sold Zajezdnicy 10/4/2019 $ 101 000
Zuo Mu cheng Sold Caledonian Warriors 10/4/2019 $ 139 000
Karol Fida Bought KK Pariske Komune 10/2/2019 $ 58 600
Hasan Hüseyin Ölmezbey Bought Free Agent 10/2/2019 $ 101 600
Samuele Tarroni Sold LA Stallions 10/2/2019 $ 199 000
Attila Zoltai Bought Free Agent 10/2/2019 $ 57 200
Bud Scott Sold platino 9/29/2019 $ 590 000
Marvin Jacobsen Bought Free Agent 9/28/2019 $ 172 600
Agamemnon Chantampakis Bought Free Agent 9/26/2019 $ 52 100
Geoffrey Laille Sold Alliens 9/26/2019 $ 49 000
Yiannis Papalampros Bought P3,1415926535Í 9/22/2019 $ 11 400
Isaia Messineo Bought AS RomaLanciani 9/20/2019 $ 9 000
Samuele Tarroni Bought All Elite Basketball 9/14/2019 $ 200 000
David Moreno Sold KK Gottschee 9/13/2019 $ 299 000
Pi Dehui Sold starina novak 9/11/2019 $ 99 000
Adam Snyder Bought MAŽEIKIŲ "LOKIAI" 9/6/2019 $ 204 000
Ryszard Pacyga Bought Serwety 8/29/2019 $ 200 000
Roby Grande Bought Free Agent 8/29/2019 $ 126 990
Deng Yingjie Bought 奥林匹克 8/24/2019 $ 159 000
Venicio Galdeano Bought Free Agent 8/17/2019 $ 199 310
David Moreno Bought manavgatspor 8/16/2019 $ 106 200
Romaleos Chaidemenos Patzitzifiakos B.C. 8/15/2019 $ 1 000
Amel Rotovnik Sold Snake River Panthers 8/15/2019 $ 4 000
Luca Pitsch Sold High Up Flights 8/15/2019 $ 350 200
Pi Dehui Patzitzifiakos B.C. 8/15/2019 $ 1 000
Mitar Vulić Sold Gepetto Brothers 8/15/2019 $ 30 000
Doru Gorgorin Sold Scr00ge 8/15/2019 $ 1 000
Geoffrey Laille Bought Barceloni 8/15/2019 $ 100 000
Li Minxiong Patzitzifiakos B.C. 8/15/2019 $ 102 000
Zuo Mu cheng Bought US DAGGERS 8/14/2019 $ 46 000
Bud Scott Bought kk mm 8/14/2019 $ 205 100
Rafael Moral Bought Free Agent 8/14/2019 $ 75 700
Theodoros Nerozoumis Sold Amici del Raffo 8/14/2019 $ 235 100
Alexey Shevkun Sold Idaho State 8/14/2019 $ 71 000
Sergio Agrelo Bought Ivatuba Falcons 8/14/2019 $ 61 200
Yip Chun Tak Sold Riksun koripallot II 8/14/2019 $ 511 100
Rolando Caramelli Sold Life Styles 8/14/2019 $ 19 000
Doru Gorgorin Bought BC Nokia Networks 6/26/2019 $ 81 600
Rolando Caramelli Bought BC Nokia Networks 6/26/2019 $ 56 600
Kermantas Galvelis Sold LasVenturasBandits 6/25/2019 $ 101 000
Tenis Rukšs Sold СТЕФАН 2011 6/25/2019 $ 199 900
Alexey Shevkun Bought Krótkie Spodenki Przedmieście 6/23/2019 $ 117 600
Luca Pitsch Bought Warsaw Mutants 6/23/2019 $ 510 000
Wilfried Quemeneur Sold KK Šalamenci 6/22/2019 $ 99 000
Li Minxiong Bought NK AFRICA 6/15/2019 $ 101 000
Miguel Prieto Sold Poudereux Maristas 6/15/2019 $ 99 000
Valteris Viržonis Sold THE CRITTERS 6/15/2019 $ 390 000
Yip Chun Tak Bought SK Tigers 6/7/2019 $ 624 300
Anthony Mark Macapagal Sold Barceló Fighters 6/4/2019 $ 390 000
Amel Rotovnik Bought Fortuna Halberstadt 6/3/2019 $ 159 800
Li Wan Ho Sold All Torn Down 6/1/2019 $ 490 000
Pi Dehui Bought Free Agent 5/30/2019 $ 86 200
Wilfried Quemeneur Bought S.O.Carcassonne 5/26/2019 $ 2 000
Mitar Vulić Bought Le Brongeles Lakers 5/19/2019 $ 102 000
Theodoros Nerozoumis Bought akatanikitoi 5/17/2019 $ 219 600
Henri André Sold 404 Not Found 5/15/2019 $ 490 000
Kermantas Galvelis Bought KK Varažbas 5/12/2019 $ 1 000
Anthony Mark Macapagal Bought Sid & Co 5/3/2019 $ 65 433
Tenis Rukšs Bought Varakļāni 5/2/2019 $ 2 000
Osny Teles Silva Sold Río Tercero Reapers 4/30/2019 $ 399 000
Pavel Čáslavský Sold Sant Mateu 4/30/2019 $ 199 000
Oddone Antoniello Sold DoubleSM Basketball 4/30/2019 $ 99 000
Lin Chul Soo Sold Goldbergs 3/31/2019 $ 290 000
Vasfi Kekik Sold Warriors of Light810 3/31/2019 $ 790 000
József Bancsó Sold MLK Dreamers 3/28/2019 $ 99 000
Henri André Bought UBC Eastside Potsdam 2/28/2019 $ 358 900
Sun Pingyou Sold BC Gardaokas 2/27/2019 $ 590 000
Osny Teles Silva Bought Três Rios Carijós 2/24/2019 $ 198 600
Marián Dubový Sold Šančių Tritaškis 2/22/2019 $ 590 000
José Lerga Sold 国教 2/14/2019 $ 390 000
Oker Bastegieta Sold Power Forward 2/5/2019 $ 397 800
Oddone Antoniello Bought S.C. Vinho de Pacote 2/3/2019 $ 50 000
Pavel Čáslavský Bought BC Hostivař 2/3/2019 $ 510 000
Jamy Decuyper Sold BC GoldenStars 1/29/2019 $ 99 000
Artur Moryakov Sold ABC 11 BISON 1/28/2019 $ 499 800
Yishai Naim Sold TF Opena 1/25/2019 $ 490 000
Vasfi Kekik Bought HACILI BK 1/25/2019 $ 572 100
Li Wan Ho Bought ARIA☆ 1/25/2019 $ 493 600
Alex Salinas Sold Rockets de izcalli 1/22/2019 $ 590 000
Lin Chul Soo Bought Polpi Team 1/13/2019 $ 420 600
Morics Daudis Sold Brooklyn Knixks 1/11/2019 $ 590 000
József Bancsó Bought NETFLIX 12/21/2018 $ 5 000
Thomas Raag Sold Poblenou Basquet 12/17/2018 $ 10 000
Valteris Viržonis Bought Lalkers Sofia 12/13/2018 $ 156 100
Marián Dubový Bought Free Agent 12/6/2018 $ 200 500
Yishai Naim Bought Los Patriotas 12/4/2018 $ 318 500
Stefano Bongiorno Sold ESTO ES BOCA 12/2/2018 $ 49 000
Chen Ruilun Sold Panabo Tigers 12/2/2018 $ 699 000
Jamy Decuyper Bought KK Stihija 11/25/2018 $ 32 000
Alex Salinas Bought Cesenaforever 11/16/2018 $ 415 200
Ödön Hegedűs Sold Debreczen 11/12/2018 $ 290 000
Luca Forte Sold KK Maarja 11/8/2018 $ 290 000
Artur Moryakov Bought Charlotte Bullets 9/1/2018 $ 26 000
Morics Daudis Bought PilsSalas 8/26/2018 $ 357 000
Teodor Rotaru Sold shoko5 8/20/2018 $ 190 000
Remí Coquard Sold DVTK HAWKs 8/20/2018 $ 290 000
Bolesław Rajs Sold Rados2016 8/9/2018 $ 390 000
Ludovico Serafini Sold Bocarite 8/3/2018 $ 295 800
Givi Liluashvili Sold Magic_mafia 7/3/2018 $ 190 000
Oker Bastegieta Bought Free Agent 6/29/2018 $ 188 600
Chen Ruilun Bought Sololá HEAT 6/23/2018 $ 800 000
Vootele Riit Sold Balmipuud 6/22/2018 $ 590 000
Álvaro Diaz Sold A. Juventus 6/19/2018 $ 690 000
Carlinhos Cordeiro Sold BC Iron Horse 6/19/2018 $ 499 800
Bolesław Rajs Bought Seixal FC 6/14/2018 $ 46 000
Luca Forte Bought Leghem Spurs 6/13/2018 $ 223 200
Christopher Le Guern Sold liceo pulmahue 6/12/2018 $ 590 000
Remí Coquard Bought BC Wendre Pärnu 6/9/2018 $ 219 400
Otto Mölsä Sold Alsace UA 6/9/2018 $ 390 000
Teodor Rotaru Bought Free Agent 6/2/2018 $ 117 100
Carlinhos Cordeiro Bought Free Agent 5/31/2018 $ 128 200
Eidmantas Muraškovas Sold Hurricane11 5/29/2018 $ 168 900
Mehmet Kahveci Sold Fabteam2 5/29/2018 $ 29 000
Nektarios Iliou Sold AΕΝΚ 5/26/2018 $ 199 999
Vootele Riit Bought Free Agent 5/18/2018 $ 60 800
Ödön Hegedűs Bought Hazers 5/15/2018 $ 4 000
José Lerga Bought Sznurasy Kolejowo 5/12/2018 $ 357 000
Emery Hanks Sold Raptor City B.C. 5/10/2018 $ 99 000
Ed Gandy Sold elva KK 5/3/2018 $ 634 200
Miguel Prieto Bought Script Breakers 5/2/2018 $ 563 400
Roy Runcie Sold Oklahoma City Thundr 5/1/2018 $ 890 000
Sun Pingyou Bought Free Agent 4/27/2018 $ 561 000
Thomas Kapranos Sold 大师兄别跑 4/22/2018 $ 290 000
Grigorakis Giftidis Sold HeatBrd 4/22/2018 $ 408 000
Eidmantas Muraškovas Bought BC Stance 4/21/2018 $ 51 000
Jakub Batelka Sold BC GoldenStars 4/16/2018 $ 3 000
Romano Petercol Sold Zivine 4/9/2018 $ 690 000
Otto Mölsä Bought WorldChamps 4/7/2018 $ 104 000
Donnie Kinsey Sold Gamechanger 3/27/2018 $ 350 000
Givi Liluashvili Bought ΣΙΜΩΝΙΔΗΣ ΚΕΑΣ 3/25/2018 $ 122 400
Ludovico Serafini Bought Aimbotters 3/25/2018 $ 130 200
Tasos Mitrakas Sold ΠΑΝΗΛΕΙΑΚΟΣ 3/23/2018 $ 9 000
Ludvík Přineskarladomů Sold Seven Nation Army B.C. 3/20/2018 $ 399 000
Thomas Raag Bought VillaCrepusculo C.B. 3/17/2018 $ 208 100
Cãtãlin Vasile Sold Norfolk NeptunesD17 3/16/2018 $ 190 000
Ed Gandy Bought Bern Bears 3/10/2018 $ 795 700
Stefano Bongiorno Bought Free Agent 3/9/2018 $ 187 700
Mehmet Kahveci Bought MMKS Dąbrowa Górnicza 3/8/2018 $ 190 000
Darron Robinette Sold Whateverton 3/4/2018 $ 790 000
Ricardo Sabater Sold Ferrocarril Oeste 3/4/2018 $ 590 000
Donnie Kinsey Bought Bisamberg Torpedos II 2/24/2018 $ 18 000
Ignacio Fernández Sold Brasília Abakts 2/20/2018 $ 490 000
Emery Hanks Bought Albany Waves 2/18/2018 $ 24 000
Nektarios Iliou Bought C.B. Real Hesperides 2/11/2018 $ 196 500
Jackie Bernard Sold Sentenza Mavericks 2/9/2018 $ 390 000
Kévin Billet Sold Vilniaus Naujamiestis 1/29/2018 $ 290 000
Romano Petercol Bought Μπαμπαδες 1/19/2018 $ 108 400
Jesús Cañete Sold Borsod Celtics 1/15/2018 $ 190 000
Ludvík Přineskarladomů Bought REB BBC 1/13/2018 $ 196 900
Armando Yacumal Sold Ragu kontora 1/11/2018 $ 590 000
Darron Robinette Bought Severno Kosovo 1/7/2018 $ 408 000
Jackie Bernard Bought Elan béarnais Orthez 1/6/2018 $ 5 000
Zhou Hoi Mo Sold CB Cristiñade 1/6/2018 $ 390 000
Oleg Dragutinovic Sold arzei halevanon 13 1/2/2018 $ 199 000
Slava Matsyuk Sold Neutro Roberts 1/2/2018 $ 610 000
Cãtãlin Vasile Bought Free Agent 12/8/2017 $ 94 540
Marc Martischnig Sold Było Gorzej i Chwalili 12/6/2017 $ 190 000
Ignacio Fernández Bought ŠIAUDUVA 11/25/2017 $ 293 500
Lai Er Sold bigpoint 11/24/2017 $ 990 000
Lakis Tsavelas Sold lbj james 11/16/2017 $ 390 000
Carlos Yanke Sold KozzyClippers 11/14/2017 $ 49 000
John Templeton Sold Lucky~ 10/31/2017 $ 490 000
Dimitris Zampiadakis Sold I_AM 10/27/2017 $ 101 000
Zhou Hoi Mo Bought JokerAllstars 10/22/2017 $ 203 000
Amando Castronuevo Sold Fakezű 15 10/15/2017 $ 233 600
Vuk Selkić Sold Tarjáni BC 10/15/2017 $ 290 000
Oleg Dragutinovic Bought Asteras Ilision 10/15/2017 $ 572 300
Armando Yacumal Bought Free Agent 10/13/2017 $ 136 360
Ricardo Sabater Bought Free Agent 10/12/2017 $ 308 800
Jakub Batelka Bought Lepšiai 10/10/2017 $ 13 000
Jesús Cañete Bought Lepšiai 10/10/2017 $ 4 000
Kévin Billet Bought Moltas Matsson Academy 10/10/2017 $ 8 000
Slava Matsyuk Bought Redway 10/10/2017 $ 100 000
Andrea Martello Sold ΠΕΡΙΜΕΝΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΚΟΝΤΗ 10/9/2017 $ 299 000
Keith Johnson Sold SCC Gooneris 10/9/2017 $ 390 000
Li Zibin Sold Skoda Ξάνθη 10/5/2017 $ 390 000
Provokentios Mplekos Sold From Behind 10/3/2017 $ 70 000
Yoon-Suk Park Sold Virka tigers 10/3/2017 $ 149 000
Tonis Paparigas Sold CivileParty 10/3/2017 $ 39 000
Lakis Tsavelas Bought Free Agent 9/30/2017 $ 94 200
Marc Martischnig Bought ESCL_ETN 9/30/2017 $ 22 000
Nasos Grillakis Sold Oranjie 9/29/2017 $ 49 000
Feng Tiansong Sold MTA-Power 9/29/2017 $ 395 800
Lai Er Bought Kobe forever857 9/28/2017 $ 305 400
Emeric Freire Sold The Debauchery Tea 9/12/2017 $ 99 000
Grigorakis Giftidis Bought Axaparoi 9/3/2017 $ 180 000
Vytenis Ševyriovas Sold Malta knights 9/1/2017 $ 49 000
John Templeton Bought Free Agent 8/31/2017 $ 257 200
Christian Olson Sold Spill 8/28/2017 $ 99 000
Linhart Kaprálik Sold certified snipers 8/28/2017 $ 68 200
Taylor Williams Sold Αφροδίτη Ζωγράφου 8/28/2017 $ 101 000
Marcos Francisco Goya Sold Eltee Academy 8/28/2017 $ 49 000
Li Zibin Bought Pastuteam 8/24/2017 $ 204 000
Feng Tiansong Bought Bomžikiniai 8/24/2017 $ 194 300
Andrea Martello Bought mRAVI tRNSKO Zagreb 8/24/2017 $ 80 700
Yoon-Suk Park Bought Free Agent 8/23/2017 $ 100 200
Keith Johnson Bought Free Agent 8/23/2017 $ 207 100
Amando Castronuevo Bought Free Agent 8/23/2017 $ 119 800
Wang Tock Ling Sold Correcaminos de Panamá 8/16/2017 $ 990 000
Dimitris Zampiadakis Bought A. Juventus 7/23/2017 $ 75 000
Efthimis Papadoyiannis Sold El chiringuitoBE4 7/19/2017 $ 29 000
Vuk Selkić Bought Nanooks of the North 7/8/2017 $ 173 400
Zygfryd Borzecki Sold dimona alkabatz 7/6/2017 $ 392 800
Takis Kaketsis Sold In the middle of nowhere 7/6/2017 $ 703 800
Nikos Nikolaidis Sold Pescara Basket 7/3/2017 $ 99 000
Nenad Novaković Sold Shiny Province Fighters 5/23/2017 $ 590 000
Marcos Francisco Goya Bought Danok 5/11/2017 $ 12 000
Emeric Freire Bought Danok 5/11/2017 $ 21 000
Linhart Kaprálik Bought Amsterdamos BC 5/4/2017 $ 8 000
Redas Barys Sold BC Lupus72D 4/30/2017 $ 390 000
Christian Olson Bought Mascaraque C.B. 4/25/2017 $ 99 999
Vytenis Ševyriovas Bought Kauno Stumbrai537 4/25/2017 $ 1 000
Esteve Mas Sold BC Lions Frýdlant 4/23/2017 $ 990 000
Carlos Yanke Bought RocknRolla 4/23/2017 $ 93 700
Nenad Novaković Bought RocknRolla 4/23/2017 $ 277 500
Chiu Sin wing Sold MetaBasket 4/11/2017 $ 790 000
Zhang Zhide Sold Mamba Instinct 4/1/2017 $ 190 000
Janka Charneika Sold Bombardeira Wolfs 3/21/2017 $ 290 000
Nikos Dallas Sold CSD Los Búhos 2/28/2017 $ 59 000
Chiu Sin wing Bought Free Agent 2/25/2017 $ 324 900
Redas Barys Bought Plot Twist 2/23/2017 $ 100 000
Taylor Williams Bought Free Agent 2/23/2017 $ 68 730
Eric Eastwood Sold Moustrosbasket C. B. 2/17/2017 $ 295 800
Wang Tock Ling Bought Free Agent 2/3/2017 $ 574 700
Steve Braconnier Sold Utah Jazz ³ 1/28/2017 $ 590 000
Mirko Vuletic Sold Argoporiakos B.C. 1/24/2017 $ 599 000
Francisco Alemão Sold OrlandoMagic 1/20/2017 $ 290 000
Janka Charneika Bought Cergy95c 1/7/2017 $ 104 100
Mirko Vuletic Bought Macabi 2018 12/29/2016 $ 288 700
Ludis Strelis Sold Memelburg 12/23/2016 $ 690 000
Steve Braconnier Bought Alpha Tauri BC 12/22/2016 $ 285 100
Esteve Mas Bought Oso Pinoso 12/22/2016 $ 624 300
Maxime Laurent Sold Alpen Gold Poznań 12/20/2016 $ 990 000
Eric Eastwood Bought Free Agent 12/15/2016 $ 110 000
Zhang Zhide Bought Wujasy 12/9/2016 $ 102 000
Eugenio Udoy Sold Universal LP 12/7/2016 $ 1 050 500
Ottorino Montemurro Sold Tigers LT 12/7/2016 $ 907 800
Ludis Strelis Bought Free Agent 11/3/2016 $ 368 800
Álvaro Diaz Bought Free Agent 11/2/2016 $ 1 698 600
Francisco Alemão Bought Free Agent 11/2/2016 $ 137 000
Lin Chulong Sold Mani di Balsa Reborn 11/1/2016 $ 2 990 000
Eurikas Laivys Sold Saika 10/23/2016 $ 410 000
Linas Govorkovas Sold Beniball 10/17/2016 $ 399 000
Maxime Laurent Bought Free Agent 10/12/2016 $ 530 400
Ottorino Montemurro Bought tbilisi bulls 10/7/2016 $ 1 449 200
Alexandre Pérès Sold karlo 10/4/2016 $ 1 490 000
Jérôme Varin Sold Pearl City 10/4/2016 $ 325 000
Boris Jonas Sold Quattrostracci 9/30/2016 $ 1 009 800
Luke Wooley Sold BC New Stone 9/27/2016 $ 99 000
Christopher Le Guern Bought Smallfries 9/16/2016 $ 1 530 000
Eugenio Udoy Bought boes 9/15/2016 $ 1 600 000
Zygfryd Borzecki Bought 无道具 9/12/2016 $ 1 591 900
Teddy Schreiber Sold Mafijozai 9/10/2016 $ 285 600
Matteo Bramati Sold Bisbastunerner86A 9/10/2016 $ 1 790 000
Turgay Berdibey Sold VENTINION 9/10/2016 $ 3 490 000
Roy Runcie Bought Mûrs-Erigné 9/3/2016 $ 757 800
Andrikos Mpenakis Sold Arcadia Oaks 9/2/2016 $ 1 678 300
Eurikas Laivys Bought MS.LAKERS 9/2/2016 $ 95 800
Toni Rapo Sold blood28 8/22/2016 $ 390 000
Linas Govorkovas Bought Ostre Papryczki 7/28/2016 $ 255 000
Alexandre Pérès Bought Free Agent 7/23/2016 $ 704 600
Toni Rapo Bought Free Agent 7/15/2016 $ 93 500
Liu Xiaoyun Sold The No Sensers 7/12/2016 $ 1 417 800
Boris Jonas Bought Dark Panthers 7/9/2016 $ 689 500
Jérôme Varin Bought Free Agent 7/9/2016 $ 83 300
Adérito Sousa Sold Real Madraso 7/1/2016 $ 290 000
Tse Hoai Viet Sold Maryland Marauders 6/25/2016 $ 29 000
Janar Leinatamm Sold Shublazed 6/25/2016 $ 397 800
Žarko Merdović Sold Perła Lbn. 6/18/2016 $ 601 800
Luis Alfredo Lozano Sold tom y jerry 6/14/2016 $ 651 600
Turgay Berdibey Bought AvanGuard 6/11/2016 $ 1 971 100
Walerian Popek Sold FC Azimut 6/10/2016 $ 190 000
Erik Hennies Sold medova druzina 5/29/2016 $ 790 000
Žarko Merdović Bought Battleground Blazers 5/27/2016 $ 108 400
Janar Leinatamm Bought Coreff 5/9/2016 $ 79 800
Gustavas Tarvydavicius Sold Memelburg 5/8/2016 $ 490 000
Teddy Schreiber Bought Free Agent 5/5/2016 $ 137 800
Erik Hennies Bought Free Agent 4/12/2016 $ 207 900
Liu Xiaoyun Bought KK Mordor 4/9/2016 $ 1 243 900
Gustavas Tarvydavicius Bought Free Agent 4/6/2016 $ 107 000
Hector Pimentel Sold Wood Bulls 3/27/2016 $ 3 490 000
Valtinho Camaragipe Sold CSyD Stark 3/24/2016 $ 590 000
Priidu Ohtla Sold club baloncesto valcabadillo 3/6/2016 $ 397 800
Mohd Faizal bin Razuwan Sold WORLD ALL STARS 3/6/2016 $ 690 000
Valtinho Camaragipe Bought Thunders 2/21/2016 $ 101 000
Pol Quintà Sold Racing Castilla BC 2/14/2016 $ 390 000
Yiorgos Kotromagias Sold AZS Polibuda 2/14/2016 $ 190 000
Walerian Popek Bought ninja_team 2/10/2016 $ 12 000
Luis Alfredo Lozano Bought Börta Cavaliers 2/5/2016 $ 510 000
Priidu Ohtla Bought Free Agent 2/4/2016 $ 75 300
Dargenis Gauchmanas Sold Bauru Basket 2/2/2016 $ 590 000
Jeffrey Busse Sold BC Stoks 86² 1/24/2016 $ 190 000
Matteo Bramati Bought Family All Stars 1/20/2016 $ 1 238 300
Jayvee Loterte Sold 321mpbl 1/18/2016 $ 490 000
Fabio Paratore Sold Nils1977 1/15/2016 $ 1 490 000
Luke Wooley Bought Free Agent 12/30/2015 $ 53 900
Hector Pimentel Bought Kitakyushu 12/29/2015 $ 1 971 700
Takis Kaketsis Bought Looping 12/25/2015 $ 2 438 500
Jani Kovala Sold Ripage BC 12/24/2015 $ 190 000
Jayvee Loterte Bought Free Agent 12/24/2015 $ 134 800
Dargenis Gauchmanas Bought Free Agent 12/24/2015 $ 83 100
Alfaridzi Barus Sold krepsi 12/21/2015 $ 615 600
Dionisis Alefantis Sold Team Longshot 12/20/2015 $ 99 000
Włodzimierz Smialy Sold Butter Islet Wikings 12/17/2015 $ 2 690 000
Artur Silva Sold Polas team 12/17/2015 $ 1 190 000
Pol Quintà Bought Oriali C.B. 12/15/2015 $ 70 600
Alfaridzi Barus Bought Free Agent 12/3/2015 $ 38 700
Mario Rodrigo Puerta Sold KK Mozgalice 11/23/2015 $ 790 000
Adérito Sousa Bought SC Dortmund 11/18/2015 $ 21 000
Yiorgos Kotromagias Bought Bk Bruveli 11/17/2015 $ 5 000
Tane McManus Sold Asian Domination OG 11/16/2015 $ 1 490 000
Mohd Faizal bin Razuwan Bought Sparta Białobłoty725 10/25/2015 $ 428 400
Alberto Ortega-Montañés Sold dunarea oinacu 10/24/2015 $ 590 000
Artur Silva Bought Mem Martins Basket 68 10/22/2015 $ 700 700
Fang Haiyong Sold Alvarenses 10/8/2015 $ 390 000
Włodzimierz Smialy Bought Timakiños 10/7/2015 $ 1 145 200
Gitan Van Gerven Sold Pruszkow Blackdogz 10/3/2015 $ 99 000
Tane McManus Bought BC CSKA Sofia 9/30/2015 $ 779 400
Gniewosz Matelski Sold BC Utopia 9/30/2015 $ 1 490 000
Mario Rodrigo Puerta Bought Syndicate CB 9/14/2015 $ 408 000
Arron Pease Sold Green cat junior 9/10/2015 $ 590 000
Martin Dostál Sold olumpiakos kardiitsas 9/10/2015 $ 290 000
Fang Haiyong Bought HapoelTelAviv 9/8/2015 $ 94 200
Martin Siinma Sold Borca-Pretok 9/6/2015 $ 690 000
Andrés Bernal Sold Club Atlético Sacachispas 9/1/2015 $ 390 000
Lin Chulong Bought Mojo so dope 8/24/2015 $ 662 600
Arron Pease Bought BunnyShop 8/21/2015 $ 124 900
Murat Sahin Demir Sold Sharok BC 8/21/2015 $ 390 000
Benny Olsen Sold Gunners FC Arsenal 8/21/2015 $ 290 000
Jeffrey Busse Bought Eisbären Bremerhaven 8/19/2015 $ 69 000
Jani Kovala Bought hilariushiiri 8/17/2015 $ 21 000
Gniewosz Matelski Bought Corsica team 8/15/2015 $ 510 000
Fabio Paratore Bought Lypa 8/15/2015 $ 306 300
Martin Dostál Bought BC LA Alofi 8/11/2015 $ 5 000
Martin Siinma Bought Catalão Basquete Clube 8/10/2015 $ 183 600
Alberto Ortega-Montañés Bought Tampere Eagles 8/9/2015 $ 204 000
Murat Sahin Demir Bought UTA ARAD 8/8/2015 $ 18 000
Benny Olsen Bought Goon Squad 8/7/2015 $ 31 000
Andrés Bernal Bought Nicomedes 8/7/2015 $ 69 300
Gerardo Balzani Sold Bogotá Rockets 8/6/2015 $ 153 000
Liang Kaifu Sold Junior Basket Casale M. 8/6/2015 $ 27 000
Lionel Touzard Sold Celebasket 8/6/2015 $ 31 000
Tse Hoai Viet Bought JPANG 8/6/2015 $ 53 200
Aparicio Scaglia Sold Azul de la Playa 8/5/2015 $ 816 000
Giorgio Ammannati Sold Pictave BB 8/5/2015 $ 387 500
Gerald Villarosa Sold Star Starachowice 8/5/2015 $ 1 365 100
Yavuz Selim Çisem Sold Patarei KK 8/4/2015 $ 747 000
Kwok Hin Kei Sold Beaverswood 7/5/2015 $ 590 000
Gerald Villarosa Bought MACHINE Elements Legacy 6/8/2015 $ 1 479 000
Zenel Bublica Sold Mens Sana Siena 6/5/2015 $ 190 000
Sébastian Poidevin Sold Fuzja Bydgoszcz 6/5/2015 $ 290 000
Aytürk Serkut Sold San Juan Conquistadores 6/5/2015 $ 99 000
Inocêncio Ciata Sold תה מלכים 5/29/2015 $ 390 000
Abel Pascual Arana Sold LUNATICOS 5/29/2015 $ 690 000
Liang Kaifu Bought Taitung Heat 5/16/2015 $ 24 000
Yavuz Selim Çisem Bought Morgantown Mad Dogs 5/12/2015 $ 700 000
Hinnerk Birckholtz Sold BC STRATOVARIUS 01 5/8/2015 $ 990 000
Nikolakis Loukoumis Sold BasketZone 4/22/2015 $ 120 001
Riley Melton Sold Nový Jičín - Planá 4/22/2015 $ 690 000
Enrique Doliva Sold Miami Cheat 3/8/2015 $ 290 000
Sébastian Poidevin Bought LIMOZAC 3/5/2015 $ 23 000
Lémou Bousso Sold Taiwan.ATM 2/24/2015 $ 499 800
Hinnerk Birckholtz Bought SaCATmento Kings 2/22/2015 $ 591 200
Valerijonas Bobyras Sold Toronto Boxers 2/22/2015 $ 299 000
Gerardo Balzani Bought Selja Seljass 2/20/2015 $ 204 000
Inocêncio Ciata Bought Navaja Mariposa 2/13/2015 $ 7 000
Monty Wynn Sold BabaYaga 2/10/2015 $ 390 000
Jan Blaha Sold Lazio Eagles 2/10/2015 $ 300 000
Zenel Bublica Bought Les Jaguars Aventuriers 2/7/2015 $ 3 000
Lionel Touzard Bought La Schraïoune Academy 2/1/2015 $ 26 000
Enrique Doliva Bought SiAlosToros 2/1/2015 $ 2 000
Nikolakis Loukoumis Bought Dare Devils 2/1/2015 $ 2 000
Klevas Šliaužys Sold 大灰机 1/26/2015 $ 590 000
Aytürk Serkut Bought Mavisehir SK Izmir TR 1/1/2015 $ 2 000
Giorgio Ammannati Bought C.B. Nans 12/27/2014 $ 459 000
Cico Kaštela Sold Ajax Club 12/26/2014 $ 1 290 000
Sahin Güral Sold MS.LAKERS 12/14/2014 $ 129 000
Riley Melton Bought CB Borrachuzos 11/28/2014 $ 597 700
Larry Israel Sold PARTOUZE CLUB 11/25/2014 $ 199 000
Aparicio Scaglia Bought Briantea484 11/17/2014 $ 715 300
Taras Gililov Sold TD STARS 11/16/2014 $ 1 290 000
Klevas Šliaužys Bought AtlantaWarriors 11/14/2014 $ 510 000
Józef Heluszka Sold ChichagoBulls 11/12/2014 $ 390 000
Settachai Sowatee Sold Avatar Team 11/6/2014 $ 155 100
Monty Wynn Bought 武汉江城 11/5/2014 $ 16 000
Lémou Bousso Bought Real Kavedonia 11/3/2014 $ 127 400
Papuna Chkheidze Sold Warriors City 11/2/2014 $ 390 000
Martin Nugin Sold 熾熱 11/2/2014 $ 590 000
Jan Blaha Bought Diables 11/1/2014 $ 351 800
Gitan Van Gerven Bought Biarnés Academy 10/26/2014 $ 6 000
Józef Heluszka Bought RheinStars Köln 10/19/2014 $ 10 000
Abel Pascual Arana Bought R.Madrid76 10/18/2014 $ 102 000
Sahin Güral Bought Çamlıcaspor 10/17/2014 $ 8 000
Larry Israel Bought Hapoel Katamon 10/16/2014 $ 2 000
Ettore Sansone Sold Aїr 10/16/2014 $ 314 100
Jovan Kežman Sold Paises Mundiales 10/16/2014 $ 790 000
Jovan Kežman Bought kampaniakos 9/13/2014 $ 270 400
Edmundo Pan Bajo Sold AZS KATOWICEC1A 9/12/2014 $ 390 000
Settachai Sowatee Bought Free Agent 9/3/2014 $ 306 000
Pârcãlab Bîtã Sold BC Vienna Hirscher 9/1/2014 $ 390 000
Cico Kaštela Bought Free Agent 8/20/2014 $ 623 300
Lounès Bassir Sold sky2.0 8/17/2014 $ 1 490 000
Onyok Gonzales Sold Me®alco Bolt$ 7/26/2014 $ 290 000
Ettore Sansone Bought Imphy 7/25/2014 $ 450 000
Huba Czinege Sold KK NeVaražbas 7/19/2014 $ 295 800
Robby Price Sold bleed greenC47 7/19/2014 $ 190 000
Onyok Gonzales Bought Bagitoz 7/12/2014 $ 5 000
Huba Czinege Bought BK CIRVIS 7/11/2014 $ 104 100
Pârcãlab Bîtã Bought Las Vegas Typhoons 7/7/2014 $ 71 400
Lisandros Dellistathis Sold Batorego Warriors 6/28/2014 $ 190 000
Ricardo Wiesner Sold 地球人 6/20/2014 $ 90 000
Xander Bolder Sold PlayingBears 6/16/2014 $ 299 000
Xander Bolder Bought gfegtr 5/28/2014 $ 122 200
Taras Gililov Bought Fortuna Halberstadt 5/14/2014 $ 510 000
Lounès Bassir Bought Swish Kebabs 5/5/2014 $ 1 030 000
Robby Price Bought Des Moines Convicts 5/5/2014 $ 53 200
Edmundo Pan Bajo Bought CB Stenes 5/5/2014 $ 95 000
Lisandros Dellistathis Bought CITY12 5/3/2014 $ 90 000
Kwok Hin Kei Bought Comegetme 5/2/2014 $ 675 900
Martin Nugin Bought bctallinncavs 5/1/2014 $ 318 500
Ricardo Wiesner Bought Šemso™ 4/30/2014 $ 37 000
Papuna Chkheidze Bought A W A Z A 4/30/2014 $ 212 300
Valerijonas Bobyras Bought KK Borjomi 4/25/2014 $ 243 000
Doudou Diame Sold Divergents 4/24/2014 $ 737 000
Song Bangyao Sold TeamYS 4/24/2014 $ 750 000
Ivo Tavares Sold BC Batonai 4/24/2014 $ 7 000
Gianfranco Patruno Sold Moyomi 4/24/2014 $ 609 200
Lenos Vrettakos Sold Argentiina II 4/24/2014 $ 36 000
Piero Tamelli Sold a.o.melission 4/24/2014 $ 343 400
Kev Baxter Sold TheKenShow 4/23/2014 $ 900 000
Ferrán Martín Sold Cartmanlandia 4/23/2014 $ 683 400
Yiorgos Gravanis Sold Les 3 frères 4/23/2014 $ 179 100
Zenon Macyszyn Sold Zelek 3/28/2014 $ 190 000
Tibor Szabados Sold BasketballBreak Ballers 3/24/2014 $ 500 000
Olgierd Kortas Sold Future Prophecy 3/24/2014 $ 49 000
Gianpiero Girardi Sold Sairijų Būralis 3/24/2014 $ 990 000
Siarzhuk Huseu Sold Sydney Slackers 2/21/2014 $ 805 800
Zenon Macyszyn Bought KKZurich 2/16/2014 $ 83 300
Charalampos Psichomanis Sold SuncityBulls 1/30/2014 $ 99 000
Gianpiero Girardi Bought Free Agent 1/29/2014 $ 1 276 300
Björn Reikop Sold Primorsko 1/27/2014 $ 1 990 000
Ágoston Györkös Sold Anatolian Tigers 1/27/2014 $ 99 000
Yohann Adnet Sold UMKS Kraków 1/24/2014 $ 390 000
Kev Baxter Bought Piss Cutters 1/21/2014 $ 1 224 000
Lavrentis Stavrou Sold Parquet B.C. 1/17/2014 $ 1 734 000
Song Bangyao Bought zealotz 1/8/2014 $ 600 000
Mark Philipsborn Sold St Quentin-Basket 12/28/2013 $ 390 000
Tezej Zalokar Sold Laguna Wolves 12/28/2013 $ 590 000
Ágoston Györkös Bought RadicAkademia 12/27/2013 $ 3 000
Tibor Szabados Bought Free Agent 12/26/2013 $ 761 970
Ferrán Martín Bought Free Agent 12/25/2013 $ 660 700
Vítězslav Vrabec Sold ARCADE Gaming 12/24/2013 $ 1 390 000
Grygoriy Karyaka Sold BC KrAZ 12/24/2013 $ 290 000
Tezej Zalokar Bought Free Agent 12/5/2013 $ 310 600
Mark Philipsborn Bought PARTOUZE CLUB 12/4/2013 $ 162 500
Yohann Adnet Bought PARTOUZE CLUB 12/4/2013 $ 96 800
Piergiorgio Chiezzi Porrini Sold XDARMIA 11/27/2013 $ 49 000
Björn Reikop Bought Free Agent 11/27/2013 $ 859 000
Ivan Yakimov Sold Vilniaus "White Sox" 11/24/2013 $ 1 890 000
Lin Eng Hock Sold SUPREME BASKET 11/4/2013 $ 90 000
Siarzhuk Huseu Bought Flying Dragon 08 11/4/2013 $ 689 900
Vítězslav Vrabec Bought Free Agent 10/31/2013 $ 468 200
Wan Dingrong Sold Susano 10/27/2013 $ 90 000
Stratos Leontiadis Sold Stealers BBK 10/27/2013 $ 1 790 000
Lin Eng Hock Bought F1970 10/10/2013 $ 2 000
Charalampos Psichomanis Bought Carteliakos 10/9/2013 $ 3 000
Olgierd Kortas Bought VICTORIA TARNÓW 10/9/2013 $ 5 000
Nikos Epithetikoglou Sold Ryśki 10/7/2013 $ 290 000
Grygoriy Karyaka Bought Poskot Bulls 9/22/2013 $ 42 000
David Fouque Sold Grinderz 9/20/2013 $ 190 000
Laisvitas Novaitis Sold Kolloss 9/20/2013 $ 1 190 000
Ivan Yakimov Bought GorillaZ MaSters 9/20/2013 $ 924 300
Nikos Epithetikoglou Bought SS kebapmafia istanbul 9/13/2013 $ 14 000
Ivo Tavares Bought kobe bate tudo 9/12/2013 $ 6 000
David Fouque Bought MAMBA OUT 9/12/2013 $ 11 000
Pandawa Indra Sold Elandeem AC 9/10/2013 $ 490 000
Romain Turlan Sold Super Stars Basket 9/6/2013 $ 290 000
Wan Dingrong Bought Suxj 8/25/2013 $ 7 000
Romain Turlan Bought LesBrasCassés 8/18/2013 $ 106 200
Meinrad Kräuchi Sold CardolinoBasket417 8/18/2013 $ 690 000
Viktors Dunkurs Sold **Star Team** 8/6/2013 $ 290 000
Vladislav Sinyak Sold Gala Lions 7/28/2013 $ 190 000
Pandawa Indra Bought Dolce Vendetta SS 7/18/2013 $ 294 400
Gheorghe Puşcaşu Sold Royalingo 7/15/2013 $ 190 000
Marko Jazbec Sold NK AFRICA 7/15/2013 $ 490 000
Yau Sung keun Sold Roxanne 7/10/2013 $ 200 000
Laisvitas Novaitis Bought Lefizethetsz 6/30/2013 $ 1 040 400
Hong Quanfa Sold Univer SC 6/29/2013 $ 590 000
Ho Wing Koo Sold Žvýkači 6/26/2013 $ 590 000
Yiorgos Prassas Sold Porto Katsiki Firestarters 6/26/2013 $ 190 000
Malkelis Kederys Sold Kansas City Beers 6/17/2013 $ 190 000
Viktors Dunkurs Bought Bc Madonas Wolf 6/16/2013 $ 74 400
Jannes Drop Bought Texas buffalos 6/16/2013 $ 3 000
Gheorghe Puşcaşu Bought Zseni Magic 6/13/2013 $ 42 000
Marko Jazbec Bought Uno Reverse 6/13/2013 $ 280 800
Giuseppe Inzaghi Sold San Diego Bolts 6/10/2013 $ 490 000
Nikos Sarris Sold D&D Hash 6/7/2013 $ 190 000
Yau Sung keun Bought Galatasaray Liv Hospiital 6/2/2013 $ 13 000
Lavrentis Stavrou Bought Orange Trees 5/27/2013 $ 850 000
Bidzina Moseshvili Sold optimisti4ever 5/27/2013 $ 590 000
Alexey Potemkin Sold Kikonians 5/27/2013 $ 590 000
Julian Nicholas Sold DieErbenDerWüste 5/21/2013 $ 190 000
Clemente Mercurio Sold Panda team 5/15/2013 $ 500 000
Giuseppe Inzaghi Bought Josep-ra 5/15/2013 $ 260 200
Ho Wing Koo Bought OKC Green 5/12/2013 $ 300 000
Yury Pisarev Sold Lobnya 5/11/2013 $ 506 000
Gianfranco Patruno Bought SWISSLION GM 5/9/2013 $ 528 600
Stratos Leontiadis Bought Ventimiglia Nurses 5/8/2013 $ 728 300
To Jung Won Sold Aardvarks 5/3/2013 $ 1 590 000
Malkelis Kederys Bought BC Gintarai 5/1/2013 $ 21 000
Hong Quanfa Bought Free Agent 5/1/2013 $ 208 100
Paúl Barrenechea Sold SevenWinter Rebels 4/29/2013 $ 490 000
Siraj Sarkar Sold HawthornFC 4/22/2013 $ 199 000
Yury Pisarev Bought Pavel Team 4/20/2013 $ 165 800
Nikos Sarris Bought AEK BC 2007932 4/18/2013 $ 41 000
Bidzina Moseshvili Bought iveria 4/11/2013 $ 226 600
Vaggelis Papalias Sold Truth Seekers 4/10/2013 $ 299 000
Paúl Barrenechea Bought Referees 4/10/2013 $ 223 900
Ignacy Kolibski Sold latras 4/9/2013 $ 399 000
Alexey Potemkin Bought Laleczki 4/7/2013 $ 289 200
Hu Chonghuan Sold Atom-Rókák 4/6/2013 $ 299 000
Liu Yida Sold Les Jaguars Aventuriers 4/6/2013 $ 99 000
Clemente Mercurio Bought Free Agent 4/3/2013 $ 111 100
Doudou Diame Bought Free Agent 4/3/2013 $ 610 000
Erfan Changizian Sold Omar Comin 4/2/2013 $ 40 000
Arnulfo David Fermin Sold Itämeren Raikas 4/2/2013 $ 29 000
Idipodas Mpampatsikos Sold BC Tobis 3/30/2013 $ 299 000
Piergiorgio Chiezzi Porrini Bought Garden Sport Menfi 2000 3/27/2013 $ 2 000
Meinrad Kräuchi Bought Geneva Nuggets 3/26/2013 $ 250 000
Ted Konraad Sold BC Šiaulių Daubis 3/26/2013 $ 250 000
Piero Tamelli Bought 威尔特.奥拉朱旺 3/25/2013 $ 526 600
To Jung Won Bought Pianura Cavaliers8B3 3/24/2013 $ 500 800
Ignacy Kolibski Bought Night City Renegades 3/23/2013 $ 132 600
Arnulfo David Fermin Bought Calamity101 3/23/2013 $ 6 000
Siraj Sarkar Bought Kinky Koalas 3/23/2013 $ 15 000
Julian Nicholas Bought sumac 3/20/2013 $ 192 700
Hu Chonghuan Bought 龙岩达斯 维达 3/18/2013 $ 132 900
Idipodas Mpampatsikos Bought Porvoon Jarmo 3/17/2013 $ 112 900
Erfan Changizian Bought zeous223 3/17/2013 $ 2 000
Vladislav Sinyak Bought #Bobry Bytom# 3/17/2013 $ 65 000
Liu Yida Bought 北阳十二中 3/17/2013 $ 51 000
Ted Konraad Bought KidderminsterHarriers 3/11/2013 $ 85 000
Vaggelis Papalias Bought Lukos 3/8/2013 $ 99 500
Anatoly Kazak Sold ProBasketball361 1/28/2013 $ 564 300
Hursit Zülfiyar Sold BCvasara 1/28/2013 $ 262 400
Ramsés González Sold Fakezű 15 1/28/2013 $ 265 500
Edgar Andrew Sold Kaksi Tornia 1/28/2013 $ 486 300
Agamemnon Leventis Sold Backstreet Thugs 1/28/2013 $ 568 600
Prokopis Chiotakis Sold 赤炎队 1/28/2013 $ 60 200
Jörg Hoffnungsthal Sold Buchloe 75ers 1/28/2013 $ 979 900
Chau Chun-Kit Sold Kokotim 1/28/2013 $ 138 100
Nemanja Kuc Sold kavkaz 1/28/2013 $ 10 000
Jan Cylejewski Sold KK Medenjaci 1/28/2013 $ 23 000
Andre Hrovat Sold Dream Catchers 1/28/2013 $ 13 000
Piotr Leń Sold damir345 1/28/2013 $ 728 300
Andre Hrovat Bought The Evanston Zebras 1/20/2013 $ 10 000
Jan Cylejewski Bought In the middle of nowhere 1/19/2013 $ 11 600
Nemanja Kuc Bought CB Rabadense 1/19/2013 $ 11 505
Kostas Periandros Sold Fenerbahçe Beko 1/15/2013 $ 490 000
Ramsés González Bought JK PATALJON 1/12/2013 $ 295 500
Antonio Di Brandimarte Sold REAL DI LORENZO 1/11/2013 $ 1 590 000
Yiorgos Apostolakis Sold Kmarno 1/8/2013 $ 290 000
Antonio Di Brandimarte Bought Seattle Bees 12/22/2012 $ 411 100
Povilas Grigoraitis Sold Steaua88 12/20/2012 $ 490 000
Jérémy Dal Sold Porto Katsiki Firestarters 12/20/2012 $ 99 000
Arnulfo Rodil Sold Sokol Vršovice 12/20/2012 $ 190 000
Hursit Zülfiyar Bought Liondevils 12/14/2012 $ 306 800
Joaquim Genescà Sold Mete_O_Marega 12/14/2012 $ 390 000
Agis Dragozis Sold JEUNESSE SPORTF DE BERKANE 12/14/2012 $ 290 000
Ondřej Hruša Sold BC Billy-Montigny 12/14/2012 $ 418 200
Sandro Pace Sold Trusttebitches 12/10/2012 $ 99 000
Sandro Pace Bought MaxBuu 12/2/2012 $ 11 000
Jérémy Dal Bought MaxBuu 12/2/2012 $ 10 000
Andre Barnten Sold kobejaz 11/30/2012 $ 490 000
Anatoly Kazak Bought Dooneen Titans 11/30/2012 $ 459 800
Piotr Leń Bought Surikatas Company from Litvínov 11/28/2012 $ 700 000
Nikos Tigris Sold Adonal 11/27/2012 $ 129 000
Burç Namzet Sold kk kengur 11/27/2012 $ 601 800
Sigurjón Friðþjófsson Sold Koeru Lõvid 11/27/2012 $ 490 000
Bálint Lantos Sold NR Gargoyles 11/27/2012 $ 601 800
Yosi Frenkel Sold KK NeVaražbas 11/27/2012 $ 240 000
Agamemnon Leventis Bought Maskaras 11/27/2012 $ 600 000
Edgar Andrew Bought Night Hawks 11/22/2012 $ 455 800
Árpád Csoknyai Sold CSURI KK 11/21/2012 $ 390 000
Adarijus Pakrosnis Sold Magata Classics 11/18/2012 $ 60 200
Jörg Hoffnungsthal Bought Dallas Mavericks Esp 11/15/2012 $ 800 000
Przemysław Hawryło Sold Uteles 11/13/2012 $ 690 000
Nusref Tomšić Sold esipesi 11/10/2012 $ 290 000
David Pelissier Sold forzaJUVE!!! 11/7/2012 $ 99 000
Izidor Lipovac Sold Shake It 11/7/2012 $ 13 000
Kosta Dabić Sold StorasikniaiBC 11/4/2012 $ 290 000
Burç Namzet Bought LE KARTEL LUSSOIS 11/4/2012 $ 303 500
Nusref Tomšić Bought Free Agent 11/1/2012 $ 77 100
Bálint Lantos Bought Free Agent 10/31/2012 $ 251 800
Chau Chun-Kit Bought Paponi Team242 10/29/2012 $ 109 000
Yefet Cohen Sold Alcorcon Bulls 10/28/2012 $ 590 000
Alexander Rumyantsev Sold Deadly Pants 10/25/2012 $ 179 000
Prokip Gapon Sold Poivrons 10/15/2012 $ 80 600
Yosi Frenkel Bought The Gunners! 10/14/2012 $ 184 300
Povilas Grigoraitis Bought Niedzwiadki Club 10/9/2012 $ 260 200
Roberto Cavarretta Sold ARGENTONA CB 10/6/2012 $ 399 000
Adarijus Pakrosnis Bought BC Sūreliai 10/5/2012 $ 16 000
Rapolas Liaudanskas Sold Kočevje Bears363 10/2/2012 $ 182 600
Andre Barnten Bought Free Agent 9/26/2012 $ 287 800
Jorge Arnaldo Bonomi Sold Silver State Coyotes 9/26/2012 $ 3 000
Marek Mrożkiewicz Sold Peti137 King team 9/26/2012 $ 199 000
Wincenty Tetiorka Sold BC Azzuri 9/17/2012 $ 99 000
Agis Dragozis Bought kondores 9/14/2012 $ 152 700
Efthimios Fafalas Sold Digglers 9/13/2012 $ 129 000
Cai Zhiyu Sold Delfzijl Hot Peppers 9/13/2012 $ 623 300
Nikos Tigris Bought Basketikoi bc 9/12/2012 $ 72 200
Yefet Cohen Bought the flys 9/12/2012 $ 212 300
Ryszard Szewczuk Sold KS Grębałowianka Kraków 9/10/2012 $ 129 000
Juan Carlos De la Cuadra Sold Talcahuano Básquet Club 9/10/2012 $ 149 000
Maheswaran Nair Sold JACKSON FIVE 9/9/2012 $ 290 000
Kostas Periandros Bought kritikoi 9/2/2012 $ 106 200
Izidor Lipovac Bought And1 9/2/2012 $ 2 000
Rapolas Liaudanskas Bought Currys legion 9/1/2012 $ 62 500
Ain Valk Sold Riazorblues 8/31/2012 $ 59 000
Maheswaran Nair Bought JW City Bulls 8/26/2012 $ 37 400
Arnulfo Rodil Bought CB Vallekas 8/23/2012 $ 59 800
Árpád Csoknyai Bought Free Agent 8/22/2012 $ 308 100
Narimantas Turbajevas Sold Machines 8/21/2012 $ 59 000
Dionisio Filemón Rodríguez Sold Muscat Heaven 8/21/2012 $ 520 000
Sigurjón Friðþjófsson Bought Free Agent 8/9/2012 $ 250 600
Gian Paolo Achenza Sold New York Victoria 8/7/2012 $ 199 000
Juan Carlos De la Cuadra Bought real carelmapu 8/3/2012 $ 20 000
Joaquim Genescà Bought ***EMIGRANTI*** 7/25/2012 $ 195 000
Elior Yaniv Sold The Butchersi 7/24/2012 $ 49 000
Christopher Atkins Sold C.B. Ofra 7/21/2012 $ 139 000
Efthimios Fafalas Bought FC Dinamo Focsani 7/21/2012 $ 7 000
Ain Valk Bought Rotten Potatoes 7/18/2012 $ 4 000
Bogomir Henrik Sold Baltaş Heat 7/17/2012 $ 139 000
Cai Zhiyu Bought AZ92 7/17/2012 $ 204 100
Stéphane Quintin Sold prasineiro 7/14/2012 $ 69 000
Anthony Palazzolo Sold Blue sky8DF 7/13/2012 $ 99 000
Ryszard Szewczuk Bought 馬爾加炎魔 7/13/2012 $ 11 000
Roberto Cavarretta Bought Belmonts 7/12/2012 $ 126 600
Grzegorz Kozluk Sold Albalonga 7/11/2012 $ 59 000
Skirvydas Lazukinas Sold D4 Dragons 7/11/2012 $ 89 000
Dionisio Filemón Rodríguez Bought Free Agent 7/11/2012 $ 180 400
Walter Rehren Sold Michel&Marijou 7/10/2012 $ 69 000
Ondřej Hruša Bought Mrzáci 7/10/2012 $ 156 100
Gilberto Horta Sold Kalabybiskio BC 7/8/2012 $ 71 900
Jesús Ferrari Sold Carroñeros de Mármol 7/7/2012 $ 99 000
Rajko Makaš Sold bkFeo-cream 7/7/2012 $ 99 000
David Pelissier Bought AZS Polibuda 7/4/2012 $ 81 600
Carlo Borghi Sold All Boys LP 7/3/2012 $ 69 000
Bogomir Henrik Bought QCPH Avengers 6/30/2012 $ 17 000
Wincenty Tetiorka Bought GBS.SC.JP 6/30/2012 $ 50 000
Marek Mrożkiewicz Bought AZS Kraków 6/27/2012 $ 76 600
Przemysław Hawryło Bought AvioaneleAmericane 6/27/2012 $ 456 200
Kam Liang Jwu Sold Bonjour Polar Bear 6/26/2012 $ 99 000
Ilgmars Natre Sold Atletico Brasa 6/26/2012 $ 130 000
Jimmy Velazquez Sold Oregon State Beavers 6/25/2012 $ 131 600
Kosta Dabić Bought Naisus 6/22/2012 $ 165 800
Alexander Rumyantsev Bought DoDo6fb 6/22/2012 $ 122 000
Prokip Gapon Bought DoDo6fb 6/22/2012 $ 110 000
Jonathan Murillo Sold Os Badochas 6/21/2012 $ 99 000
Elior Yaniv Bought Zambak 6/21/2012 $ 1 000
Christos Diamantopoulos Sold SlamPigs 6/20/2012 $ 165 500
Çetin Göray Sold בני יהודה 6/18/2012 $ 99 000
Jimmy Velazquez Bought b.c winners 6/18/2012 $ 31 000
Steve Prashker Sold Raleigh Storm 6/17/2012 $ 110 000
Skirvydas Lazukinas Bought Bc Pučiū Valdovai 6/17/2012 $ 2 000
Stéphane Quintin Bought GigaH Team 6/16/2012 $ 5 000
Jesús Ferrari Bought 9dejulio 6/16/2012 $ 21 000
Ilgmars Natre Bought BK Mežciems 6/15/2012 $ 21 000
Christos Diamantopoulos Bought Arta B.C 6/13/2012 $ 68 500
Narimantas Turbajevas Bought Kombajn Miedwiecko 6/13/2012 $ 10 000
Gian Paolo Achenza Bought Sporto manija 6/11/2012 $ 51 000
Anthony Palazzolo Bought MulinaF3C 6/11/2012 $ 9 000
Kam Liang Jwu Bought MC2 6/9/2012 $ 2 000
Walter Rehren Bought Ezerieciai 6/9/2012 $ 3 000
Steve Prashker Bought yavuzspor 6/8/2012 $ 10 000
Rajko Makaš Bought Keyser Söze X 6/8/2012 $ 5 100
Carlo Borghi Bought Deportivo Husihuilke 6/8/2012 $ 6 000
Jonathan Murillo Bought Gijón Baloncesto . 6/8/2012 $ 4 000
Christopher Atkins Bought F.O.S 6/8/2012 $ 5 000
Çetin Göray Bought KöselerBB 6/8/2012 $ 11 000
Apollon Amaxopoulos Sold DanTeam 6/7/2012 $ 102 000
Gilberto Horta Bought AD Brejo 6/7/2012 $ 3 000
Tasos Kontosoros Sold kalamatacity 6/7/2012 $ 50 000
Jorge Arnaldo Bonomi Bought Time bom de bola 6/7/2012 $ 1 000
Grzegorz Kozluk Bought AMD Chrobry Głogów 6/7/2012 $ 1 000
Diogenis Kranidiotis Sold PARALIA_MAKRH 6/7/2012 $ 1 000
Viktor Bogomaz Sold Klerkai 6/7/2012 $ 6 000
Kostakis Kaminaridis Sold PAOK ANTIFA 1926 6/7/2012 $ 133 900
Ramojus Kranciukas Sold aragua de barcelona 6/6/2012 $ 270 900
Hendrik Einheit Sold Paris Triumph 6/6/2012 $ 400 000
Paraskevas Gakopoulos Sold AC Lokomative 6/6/2012 $ 94 400
Renos Kiskampanis Sold Gasolinas 6/6/2012 $ 1 000
Enrico Piccolo Sold Zbikoo TeamBEF 6/6/2012 $ 518 000
Ilias Loukanidis Sold 六盘水浩峰队 6/5/2012 $ 1 000
Pavel Bílek Sold NightPunchs 4/27/2012 $ 99 000
Jovan Miljenović Sold 取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。 4/24/2012 $ 790 000
Pelagios Akoulis Sold Panevėžio mėsa 3/29/2012 $ 39 000
Yiotis Panagiotou Sold SoOoN 3/29/2012 $ 39 000
Jovan Miljenović Bought Helsinki jets 3/24/2012 $ 377 400
Rafael Carlés Sold Chicago Boules 3/23/2012 $ 890 000
César Prieto Sold Kapsinia 3/20/2012 $ 290 000
Ott Toompere Sold New York Nick 92 3/6/2012 $ 190 000
César Prieto Bought Paises Mundiales 2/25/2012 $ 30 000
David Claver Sold Ahensya 2/19/2012 $ 211 300
Jaime de Sousa Sold Los Bandidos 2/18/2012 $ 872 700
Marek Łakomski Sold Hawk790 2/16/2012 $ 187 300
Tonis Korakakis Sold Bullls 2/9/2012 $ 1 000
Kostakis Kaminaridis Bought Baskeball Κ.Σ. 1/5/2012 $ 52 100
Marek Łakomski Bought Free Agent 1/5/2012 $ 120 590
Hendrik Einheit Bought Nexibus FC 1/4/2012 $ 1 000 000
Vito Cardillo Sold Socmels Bologna 1/4/2012 $ 990 000
Wong Ket Chuo Sold Coull Crusaders 1/4/2012 $ 590 000
Viktor Bogomaz Bought Free Agent 12/21/2011 $ 52 520
Pavel Bílek Bought Borrallo Vallecano C.B. 12/21/2011 $ 1 000
Tõnis Väli Sold the buzzers 12/20/2011 $ 99 000
José Carlos Vita Sold SIPHON 12/20/2011 $ 390 000
Ott Toompere Bought C.B.MEGINA 12/11/2011 $ 90 000
Ed Schulz Sold Saporro Flyers 12/8/2011 $ 1 890 000
David Claver Bought Wild Dogs Hellas 12/8/2011 $ 194 400
Jaime de Sousa Bought Γουβα B.C 12/7/2011 $ 1 351 600
Mirjon Pernaska Sold IMAGEN C.B 12/5/2011 $ 690 000
Enrico Piccolo Bought Iraultza K.E. 12/4/2011 $ 731 800
Tõnis Väli Bought Electrowolves 12/2/2011 $ 7 000
José Carlos Vita Bought Team Yolo 12/2/2011 $ 100 000
Neil Fabes Sold BK Jēkabpils Ultras 12/2/2011 $ 1 734 000
Vito Cardillo Bought Free Agent 11/30/2011 $ 348 900
Kristjans Dominš Sold Broughton bullets 10/29/2011 $ 875 400
Panayiotakis Karampatsos Sold 最爱帆帆 10/6/2011 $ 90 000
Mirjon Pernaska Bought Los Partidores de Caras B.B.C 9/11/2011 $ 249 200
Kristjans Dominš Bought skorpai 9/10/2011 $ 1 300 600
Duarte Anacleto Sold Aberporth team 9/9/2011 $ 990 000
Erik Nielsen Sold Golden Orlando Suns 9/8/2011 $ 599 000
Ed Schulz Bought Free Agent 9/8/2011 $ 1 221 100
Faxildo Mandía Sold Ciocan Lakers 9/7/2011 $ 1 590 000
Erik Nielsen Bought Free Agent 8/31/2011 $ 379 700
Adolfo Almogrote Sold Kalabybiskio BC 8/29/2011 $ 299 000
Šako Mančić Sold Toronto HuskiesB499F8E54 8/29/2011 $ 102 000
Wong Ket Chuo Bought laGreppia 8/29/2011 $ 175 300
Refik Günay Sold Goldbergs 8/27/2011 $ 397 800
Duarte Anacleto Bought motlongdao 8/27/2011 $ 418 700
Neil Fabes Bought Free Agent 8/24/2011 $ 1 404 600
Joe Bronson Sold Saint-Fulgent Supernanards 8/24/2011 $ 2 856 000
Adolfo Almogrote Bought CDOliveirense 8/21/2011 $ 185 800
Nikos Tsakarelidis Sold PAOK. B.C. 8/18/2011 $ 70 000
Refik Günay Bought SS Napoli Basket 8/17/2011 $ 174 000
Hubert Durdała Sold salesianosamorir 8/16/2011 $ 1 590 000
Joe Bronson Bought Ball Bouncers 8/16/2011 $ 1 508 600
Paško Cicak Sold Urban Poznań 8/15/2011 $ 611 000
Šako Mančić Bought Pathatinaikhos 7/20/2011 $ 10 000
Viljem Cetinski Sold Boudougar Basket Club 6/17/2011 $ 590 000
Robert Viktoria Sold NBA All Stars29 6/17/2011 $ 762 000
Vratislav Mařík Sold Batsteel Team 5/27/2011 $ 690 000
Viljem Cetinski Bought Γουβα B.C 5/8/2011 $ 700 000
Robert Viktoria Bought BBV Beddingroode Bulls 85ers 5/5/2011 $ 884 400
Gelminas Pivovarovs Sold Rilski sAmoKovv 5/4/2011 $ 590 000
David Maluquer Sold WTKWłocławek 5/4/2011 $ 590 000
Duan Hongfu Sold Silesian Suns 4/17/2011 $ 822 000
Vratislav Mařík Bought Free Agent 4/14/2011 $ 345 500
Gelminas Pivovarovs Bought Tainedvi 4/10/2011 $ 374 600
David Göransson Sold kepez basketbol 4/8/2011 $ 550 000
Vasfi Gün Sold KK "JŪRŲ VĖPLIAI" 4/7/2011 $ 13 000
Alfredo Oscar Montalbetti Sold The Ghosts 4/4/2011 $ 31 000
Peyo Popov Sold Chorzow Ballers 4/4/2011 $ 29 000
Alfredo Oscar Montalbetti Bought Hacha Brava CB 3/30/2011 $ 6 000
Vasfi Gün Bought Kk ŠABANI 3/30/2011 $ 2 000
Peyo Popov Bought Treveris Warriors 3/30/2011 $ 6 000
Juan Soriano Sold Corrupt Abyss 3/25/2011 $ 390 000
Ivan Kotzev Sold Πειρατες 3/16/2011 $ 2 000
Filippo Di Nanni Sold Πειρατες 3/16/2011 $ 2 000
Drahomír Sirotník Sold egekent2 3/16/2011 $ 2 000
Ma Chi Kuang Sold Zaracosica 3/13/2011 $ 5 000
Pavel Doru Sold Bardagakappi 3/13/2011 $ 290 000
Ivan Kotzev Bought BC Iasi 2000 3/10/2011 $ 2 000
Ma Chi Kuang Bought Arsenal 98 3/10/2011 $ 2 000
Drahomír Sirotník Bought MBK Victoria Zilina ,,A" 3/10/2011 $ 4 000
Filippo Di Nanni Bought Effe 3/9/2011 $ 1 000
Juan Soriano Bought SEHeat 3/8/2011 $ 295 800
Reimar Hackebeil Sold Air Ball Team 3/6/2011 $ 519 200
Reimar Hackebeil Bought Free Agent 3/2/2011 $ 257 100
Jorge Icart Sold Mellon Collies 2/25/2011 $ 1 690 000
Vitauts Kaparšmits Sold The Galactic 2/19/2011 $ 390 000
Ramojus Kranciukas Bought Lavassaare 1/18/2011 $ 622 200
Brandon Stacy Sold BV Biebers Rodheim 1/18/2011 $ 890 000
Jorge Icart Bought fatality 1/16/2011 $ 1 236 800
Juan Despí Sold TEUTA1995 1/16/2011 $ 1 990 000
Isiodos Ftasmenos Sold JK69ER 1/14/2011 $ 7 000
Duan Hongfu Bought Almaty Warriors 12/9/2010 $ 1 365 600
Naglis Cebialis Sold Chymayos C.B. 12/9/2010 $ 1 590 000
Evarist Altés Sold SpyderTeam 11/15/2010 $ 499 800
David Göransson Bought 317一起 11/14/2010 $ 1 020 000
Koulis Papapetrou Sold Street ball SUL 11/13/2010 $ 10 000
Piotr Pryba Sold Pajseri ponovo jasu! 11/13/2010 $ 59 000
Yiorgos Chirokrotidis Sold 3720 BBC 11/10/2010 $ 590 000
Brandon Stacy Bought excalibur99 11/6/2010 $ 520 200
Piotr Pryba Bought Skarpa Dunkers 11/1/2010 $ 13 000
Evarist Altés Bought terastiousp 10/27/2010 $ 208 100
Pavel Doru Bought Free Agent 10/13/2010 $ 75 900
Nikos Karnezis Sold beşiktaş opet 9/4/2010 $ 90 000
Frederic Espano Sold Israeloso 8/28/2010 $ 193 800
Bryan Boutin Sold Hogwarts Quidditch Club 8/20/2010 $ 390 000
Vitauts Kaparšmits Bought PokersBkB2C 8/20/2010 $ 364 200
Naglis Cebialis Bought Stal Brzeg269 8/17/2010 $ 1 020 000
Aliecer Hernando de Soro Sold Baltimora Barons 8/16/2010 $ 1 690 000
Aymeric Mourgues Sold KK Jesenovo 8/16/2010 $ 1 872 800
Faxildo Mandía Bought 說對 8/15/2010 $ 3 183 700
Massimo Rosano Sold Oberräder Affen 8/12/2010 $ 2 000 000
Frederic Espano Bought Picken 8/1/2010 $ 11 000
Aymeric Mourgues Bought Angels Dragons of Tammabuku2B8 7/28/2010 $ 1 351 600
Miguel Ramírez Togores Sold MURGAS KALAC 7/27/2010 $ 1 900 000
Bryan Boutin Bought Paradis Club de Louyat 7/25/2010 $ 27 000
Itamar Avidan Sold ***KOKO 7/17/2010 $ 855 300
Libor Oliva Sold Brgy. Ballers Club 7/17/2010 $ 349 000
Theofilaktos Markou Sold Really Bad Team 7/4/2010 $ 49 000
Miguel Ramírez Togores Bought BK Cēsu Cibona 5/7/2010 $ 2 100 000
Pierluigi Gigliotti Sold Real Fenix 5/6/2010 $ 1 490 000
Lauro Lázara Sold Tenuki Thunder 5/1/2010 $ 590 000
Hubert Durdała Bought Perikitos SA 4/28/2010 $ 4 681 800
Shakar Saigh Sold Montegiardino Bestygood 4/28/2010 $ 4 990 000
Nikos Kourdos Sold aris9764 4/26/2010 $ 89 000
Aljaž Tompa Sold zürich devils 4/26/2010 $ 1 600 000
Massimo Rosano Bought Ponce Lions 4/26/2010 $ 1 300 000
Demis Darnakas Sold Paróweczki 4/18/2010 $ 525 000
Aljaž Tompa Bought Funky Gorill 4/12/2010 $ 1 236 200
Kostas Lakerdas Sold Gomes&Barbosa 4/10/2010 $ 103 100
Antti Salmilinna Sold Viluste BC Kalev 4/8/2010 $ 199 000
Libor Oliva Bought skeleton51 4/4/2010 $ 533 000
Lauro Lázara Patzitzifiakos B.C. 4/2/2010 $ 387 600
Pierluigi Gigliotti Bought Free Agent 3/31/2010 $ 1 036 500
Arjo Ubink Sold C.B. Pablenín 3/30/2010 $ 2 090 000
Arjo Ubink Bought The Phillies 3/26/2010 $ 1 000 000
Antti Salmilinna Bought Redeemers 3/19/2010 $ 104 700
Kaupo Võigemast Sold Pulsar Rivne 3/16/2010 $ 390 000
Nikos Kourdos Bought kao dramas 3/14/2010 $ 66 500
Kaupo Võigemast Bought BC Juuru/RockII 2/18/2010 $ 169 200
Mico Luk Sold Terrassa Heat9D1 2/14/2010 $ 590 000
Mico Luk Bought KKKriževciAB1 2/7/2010 $ 298 000
Joaquín Gallardo Sold Szarksi 1/31/2010 $ 3 690 000
Paško Cicak Bought KK Zadar United71FCD9 1/31/2010 $ 4 080 000
Alejandro Zúñiga Ramírez Sold Clito Riders 1/29/2010 $ 1 590 000
Grigoris Afridis Sold metek 1/8/2010 $ 1 090 000
Joaquín Gallardo Bought buduzcos 1/4/2010 $ 2 928 300
Alejandro Zúñiga Ramírez Bought Cassino 12/29/2009 $ 790 600
Ivan Mandić Sold Crossover9 12/28/2009 $ 590 000
Daan Latijnhouwers Sold Piratas de Quebradillas 12/25/2009 $ 397 800
Daan Latijnhouwers Bought Dream Eagles 12/22/2009 $ 81 500
Ivan Mandić Bought camuflage 12/18/2009 $ 312 200
Vaggelis Mpatzios Sold 盛名之下 12/17/2009 $ 4 000
Evaggelos Dris Sold Krekeriai 12/14/2009 $ 1 000
Shakar Saigh Bought purple panthers 12/11/2009 $ 4 642 200
Francesco Zucchetta Sold Spinello club 12/11/2009 $ 2 890 000
Miguel Cendoya Sold Edks Orlando Magic 12/11/2009 $ 2 890 000
Grigoris Afridis Bought Nescafe Frape 11/18/2009 $ 433 100
Inocêncio Madureira Sold BC Kalnapilio 10/25/2009 $ 2 798 700
Francesco Zucchetta Bought Devoto Warriors 10/13/2009 $ 2 429 100
Zion Strauss Sold BedumBlues 10/8/2009 $ 1 990 000
Miguel Cendoya Bought Streetlight Nightmare 10/5/2009 $ 2 757 100
Manolo Pistono Sold Strollerz 10/5/2009 $ 703 800
Norino Díez de Medina Sold Catolé Blue Demons 9/30/2009 $ 2 754 000
Inocêncio Madureira Bought Rondônia Knights Basketball 9/13/2009 $ 1 412 800
Norino Díez de Medina Bought C.B. Barracónipos 9/6/2009 $ 1 800 000
Manolo Pistono Bought Fundamentalz 8/19/2009 $ 432 500
Rafael Carlés Bought LOS CANGREBURGUERS 8/5/2009 $ 3 442 600
Zheng Xianjun Sold KK Ograzden 8/4/2009 $ 1 590 000
Sante Alagino Sold Godsdead Baskets 8/2/2009 $ 1 490 000
Stefan Gladkowski Sold Municipal Puente Alto 7/25/2009 $ 780 400
Itamar Avidan Bought Inventors80 7/10/2009 $ 1 681 100
Andrés Lábaque Sold tekiteam 7/10/2009 $ 1 009 800
David Maluquer Bought Calatrava 7/7/2009 $ 1 428 000
Lelos Lampropoulos Sold slumdunk 7/7/2009 $ 1 390 000
Michal Pauko Sold NBA All-Stars X 6/27/2009 $ 590 000
Czeslaw Widera Sold 76era 6/19/2009 $ 890 000
Pigmalionas Telios Sold Raptors BCC2D 6/18/2009 $ 29 000
Lelos Lampropoulos Bought los plañiderum 6/4/2009 $ 974 400
Vassilis Melissinos Sold Motorhead BC 4/5/2009 $ 207 100
Eleftherios Perdikopoulos Sold Tropang Habang Buhay 3/5/2009 $ 19 000
Czeslaw Widera Bought Nickasseroly 2/6/2009 $ 765 400
Raul Vasile Sold valbom heat 1/31/2009 $ 703 800
Emil Verebes Sold B.C Steaua Bucuresti 1/30/2009 $ 1 190 000
Zheng Xianjun Bought Sao Magnolao 1/30/2009 $ 1 510 800
Andrés Lábaque Bought Grim Koalas 1/25/2009 $ 1 020 000
Juan Piriz Alvez Sold Junior Basket 2003 1/24/2009 $ 790 000
Éric Texier Sold Bradipi napoletani 1/11/2009 $ 1 490 000
Raul Vasile Bought Timberwols 12/30/2008 $ 595 500
Stelios Galanakos Sold A.D. Atenas 12/28/2008 $ 459 000
Polinikis Tochouroglou Sold BlackAngels 12/23/2008 $ 150 000
Apollon Koutounias Sold hapoel shab 12/13/2008 $ 1 000
Cyril Cardoso Sold Jays Fastballers 12/12/2008 $ 1 213 800
Aliecer Hernando de Soro Bought Free Agent 12/10/2008 $ 1 214 000
Necati Sercan Akpinar Sold Telsiu "Tiche" 12/2/2008 $ 600 000
Emil Verebes Bought KKBesneGliste 10/20/2008 $ 1 224 000
Juan Despí Bought Fluminete Lakers 9/22/2008 $ 2 600 000
Duccio Potenza Sold morenitoo 9/21/2008 $ 390 000
Paraskevas Makricheris Sold BK Vysoké Tatry118 9/20/2008 $ 703 800
Andrea Steiner Sold Hugo2001 9/20/2008 $ 1 290 000
Disvandis Tapia Sold Vasalemma Vasallid 9/19/2008 $ 907 800
Éric Texier Bought C.S.Blénod 9/17/2008 $ 1 056 800
Amauri Icaraí Sold BasketballSamb 9/15/2008 $ 397 800
Miguel Ângelo Bastos Sold Gorillazs 9/12/2008 $ 890 000
Andrea Steiner Bought S.F 29-team 9/10/2008 $ 1 000 000
Cyril Cardoso Bought Congo Team 8/25/2008 $ 883 400
Juan Antonio Mariategui Sold ke ases team 8/24/2008 $ 1 009 800
Amauri Icaraí Bought BOTAFOGO 8/22/2008 $ 102 100
Yiannis Zafiriou Sold Los Jasło Masters 8/21/2008 $ 290 000
Miguel Ângelo Bastos Bought Covas Team 8/16/2008 $ 282 000
Aiolos Kalogerakis Sold Elblag city thunders 8/15/2008 $ 49 000
Juan Piriz Alvez Bought felipao 8/13/2008 $ 714 000
Giuseppino Zafferri Sold CB Dom Durão 7/19/2008 $ 290 000
Stefan Gladkowski Bought FC Statham 96 7/16/2008 $ 1 020 000
Filippo Sturlini Sold B.K BASKETBALL CLUB 7/11/2008 $ 490 000
Disvandis Tapia Bought K.K. Desetka 6/27/2008 $ 676 300
Diego Recalde Sold Geliboluspor 6/26/2008 $ 990 000
Fernando Polo Baz Sold VDF 6/22/2008 $ 190 000
Zion Strauss Bought Hogwarts F.C 6/22/2008 $ 1 350 000
Gražvydas Kazabuckas Sold King of B-Ball 6/21/2008 $ 990 000
Claudio Soverini Sold Las Vacas No Binarias 6/10/2008 $ 290 000
Juan Antonio Mariategui Bought Chiclana Dreams 6/9/2008 $ 613 900
Romuald Siwko Sold locura 6/8/2008 $ 790 000
Necati Sercan Akpinar Bought 4rever 6/5/2008 $ 600 000
Petros Trichoglou Sold nörtit 6/3/2008 $ 190 000
Giuseppino Zafferri Bought Visitors 6/2/2008 $ 130 200
Vassilis Kalivitis Sold Asociacion cultural y deportiva universal 6/1/2008 $ 490 000
Diego Recalde Bought toketiados 5/28/2008 $ 357 000
Marian Bala Sold Wilkenbethe 5/28/2008 $ 295 800
Anselm Gómez Sold Babol Caspian 5/27/2008 $ 390 000
Filippo Sturlini Bought top player 5/23/2008 $ 150 000
Gonzalo Concha Sold Ra Rad Ro 5/15/2008 $ 465 000
Thomas Peristeropoulos Sold Lehtse Lakers 5/12/2008 $ 55 400
Zisis Mpissias Sold Hajduk Kaliton 5/12/2008 $ 4 000
Xavi Gual Bought albolote bc 5/11/2008 $ 2 000
Marian Bala Bought Bandwagon 5/2/2008 $ 56 600
Claudio Soverini Bought AngelTeam 5/1/2008 $ 90 000
Liron Karpel Sold BC COWBOYS 4/17/2008 $ 197 700
Anselm Gómez Bought El Melon F.B.C. 4/14/2008 $ 24 000
Liron Karpel Bought האפסים 4/14/2008 $ 23 000
Cristiano Caetano Sold VNGaia 4/13/2008 $ 550 000
Nikos Softis Sold Photon Phoenix 4/13/2008 $ 301 800
Florent Dupré Sold Jizni Supi 4/11/2008 $ 190 000
Fernando Polo Baz Bought PallGran 4/3/2008 $ 106 200
Sante Alagino Bought Free Agent 4/3/2008 $ 507 700
Antônio Luís Viana Neto Sold L.A. Invictus 4/2/2008 $ 197 700
Wilfried Albaret Sold Laguneros de Obras1F9 4/2/2008 $ 390 000
Michal Pauko Bought Free Agent 4/2/2008 $ 928 900
Grégory Lamalle Sold 山东高速F2152D696 4/1/2008 $ 390 000
Alberto Pensa Sold 山东高速F2152D696 4/1/2008 $ 390 000
Jérémy Ménard Sold BoUtd 3/31/2008 $ 295 800
Cristiano Caetano Bought Ajuda All-Stars 3/22/2008 $ 169 000
Pier Nicola Oggioni Sold KK FLEX 3/21/2008 $ 190 000
Florent Dupré Bought Les Bzz Bzz 3/19/2008 $ 3 000
Alberto Pensa Bought Catalinas 3/18/2008 $ 135 300
Menandro Formigo Sold Barkenberg 3/18/2008 $ 50 000
Dale Loyd Sold R.I.H. 3/17/2008 $ 190 000
Romuald Siwko Bought Valhalla88 3/16/2008 $ 315 000
Anthony Le Ster Sold Norfolk United 3/16/2008 $ 214 200
Ismael Amill Sold Kaimynai 3/16/2008 $ 387 600
Grégory Lamalle Bought güimar 3/14/2008 $ 102 000
Ivo Sá Sold Tsoutsoureli 3/13/2008 $ 190 000
Anthony Le Ster Bought basskmax 3/12/2008 $ 79 800
Ismael Amill Bought Sabadell HC 3/12/2008 $ 204 000
Slavko Mikan Sold Hirondelles Saint Julien de Concelles 3/12/2008 $ 190 000
Pier Nicola Oggioni Bought Ringostarrinus 3/11/2008 $ 49 000
Vittorio Radaelli Sold AONF BC 3/11/2008 $ 290 000
Ivo Sá Bought Komatevo Lakers 3/10/2008 $ 50 000
Slavko Mikan Bought kraljcine 3/8/2008 $ 35 000
Wilfried Albaret Bought janplasnajk 3/8/2008 $ 153 000
Dale Loyd Bought All Elite Basketball 3/7/2008 $ 51 000
Paris Mpoukouvalas Sold Dingo BC 3/7/2008 $ 193 800
Jérémy Ménard Bought mens sana campobasso 3/6/2008 $ 56 600
François Olivier Sold KurvaKeményKelet 3/6/2008 $ 150 000
Mathieu Salois Sold Blue Angels BC 3/2/2008 $ 368 500
Antônio Luís Viana Neto Bought brenno123 3/1/2008 $ 204 000
Christos Aravantinos Sold Ruoriniemi Skippers 2/28/2008 $ 21 000
Javier Pedro Papic Sold Texas A&M Aggies 2/28/2008 $ 61 000
Cyprian Rostecki Sold Bk Plosiitaaji 2/28/2008 $ 51 000
Gonzalo Concha Bought CB Silena 2/23/2008 $ 52 100
Vittorio Radaelli Bought Potalanta 2/22/2008 $ 70 000
Nikos Papamichail Sold Warsaw Shooters 2/21/2008 $ 100 000
Mathieu Salois Bought sabala bc 2/19/2008 $ 130 200
Menandro Formigo Bought Azeroth Murlocs 2/14/2008 $ 1 000
Lauro Lázara Bought mosqueo_newteam 2/7/2008 $ 150 000
Duccio Potenza Bought Fritto Risto 1/24/2008 $ 21 000
Gražvydas Kazabuckas Bought Makedoniečiai 1/21/2008 $ 210 200
Chrisostomos Avgerinos Sold Telindus Oostende 1/17/2008 $ 416 200
Cyprian Rostecki Bought Astoria 1924 Bydgoszcz 1/14/2008 $ 120 000
François Olivier Bought FCSB77 1/13/2008 $ 24 000
Kostas Komporopoulos Sold Ak-Bars 1/9/2008 $ 120 000
Stefanos Sapounakis Sold The Calms 1/9/2008 $ 53 000
Thimios Kalfakis Sold f.c.porto 2011 1/9/2008 $ 2 000
Dakis Gounakos Sold cni.atletico 1/9/2008 $ 10 000
Efstratios Katsiaros Sold Sotaplayas 1/9/2008 $ 1 000
Manos Perivolakis Sold cachorros 1/9/2008 $ 1 000
Stamos Fragkiadatos Sold _STaRs_ 1/9/2008 $ 4 000
Vissarionas Mitsimponas Sold C.S.K.A. Larissa 1/9/2008 $ 4 000
Javier Pedro Papic Bought Lord of Rings 1/9/2008 $ 105 800
Total Sales: $ 329 206 789
Total Purchases: $ 214 811 076
Transfer Balance: $ 114 395 713