Obira Dragons - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Obira Dragons Hall of Fame.

Jochen Massin
3/22/2008 - 2/23/2009
Jürgen Goormans
3/22/2008 - 6/7/2009
Tanguy Van Steyvoort
3/3/2009 - 6/26/2011

Ehud Green
9/12/2009 - 12/28/2010
Michele Brunialti
5/22/2010 - 4/23/2011
Eigminas Binderas
7/9/2011 - 6/1/2012

Lucian Tomsa
7/30/2011 - 3/26/2012
Hugo Schoenfels
2/9/2012 - 1/23/2015
Johannes Dirnberger
6/5/2012 - 6/3/2013

Mok Hui Teck
3/12/2017 - 2/3/2019
Billy Wilkinson
3/16/2017 - 2/12/2019
Lex Tyson
6/22/2017 - 2/2/2019

Mathias Leesberg
8/1/2017 - 5/16/2021
Tang Cha Koh
9/1/2020 - 12/15/2021
Clinton Magri
5/26/2021 - 12/3/2023

Herald Boesmans
1/17/2022 - 6/17/2024
Gerrit Spiliers
11/6/2023 - 6/17/2024
