Bleachers : 6438 (Current Price: $12)
Lower Tier : 670 (Current Price: $45)
Courtside Seats : 120 (Current Price: $130)
Luxury Boxes : 9 (Current Price: $850)
Total Capacity : 7237
Attendance History

DateOpponentBleachersLower TierCourtside SeatsLuxury BoxesTotal AttendanceGame Type
12/27/2024 Ticket Price Update 1245130850-1
12/21/2024 Nivelles Angelinos 643867012087236 Finals
12/14/2024 royal iv 643867012087236 Semifinal
12/10/2024 thymeofc 601067012086808 Quarterfinal
12/7/2024 Chicken Nuggets 511367012065909
12/3/2024 Ticket Price Update 16551601300-1
12/3/2024 De Bossies 603567012076832
11/26/2024 MAPT 59386008076625
11/19/2024 royal iv 54385006026000
11/12/2024 sergio fc 54385006026000
11/2/2024 U TEIKO 54385006026000
10/26/2024 Heaven Revelation21 54385006026000

The arena is currently undergoing expansion, to add:

Bleachers: 562
Lower Tier: 330
Courtside Seats: 80
Luxury Boxes: 6
The expansion will be complete in approximately 6 days.
