List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Riewerd Wellerdieck Sold Sporting Suns 3/16/2025 $ 496 500
Riewerd Wellerdieck Bought Team kalebam 12/29/2024 $ 246 800
Ban Chongjing Sold Kleptolocos 12/29/2024 $ 104 000
Ditmar Skalák Sold Batinari 12/28/2024 $ 1 000 000
Ditmar Skalák Bought ASPK 9/28/2024 $ 1 173 000
Balázs Iffiú Bought Ametralladoras de Levante 8/9/2024 $ 150 000
Lastan Smolek Sold Tres Tés Sucios 6/16/2024 $ 1 002 200
Sławomir Bujala Sold Aittakorven Torjunta & Heitto 6/16/2024 $ 1 530 000
Sławomir Bujala Bought Alert Polar Bears 3/4/2024 $ 2 023 200
Lastan Smolek Bought Paros Bulls 3/3/2024 $ 1 328 400
Wu Mingbang Bought Vrbani Zagreb 3/3/2024 $ 1 280 500
Ban Chongjing Bought Isca Centurions 3/3/2024 $ 999 997
Folkert Zwetsloot Sold KK Manžan 12/7/2023 $ 5 000
Pao Esguerra Sold Pampanga Dragons 10/29/2023 $ 260 200
Gisbert Cockx Bought Eindhoven Eagles 10/22/2023 $ 2 948 200
Wiebrand Compeer Sold De Laffe Herders 3/24/2023 $ 180 400
Mischa Peters van Ton Sold Alfa Two 3/24/2023 $ 10 000
Tjebbe Corbet Bought Free Agent 11/11/2022 $ 255 000
Patrik Sira Bought Inter Hanušovce 11/10/2022 $ 1 000
Irmantas Kanovalovas Bought Ursa Major 11/10/2022 $ 2 000
Eugen Van Brussel Sold globetrottles 11/5/2022 $ 256 100
Slavko Medun Sold Liffey Dublin Drunkers 11/5/2022 $ 113 000
Henkjan van Stolberg Sold Thessalian Witchers 11/5/2022 $ 3 221 600
Bernhard Saurabh Sold Alert Polar Bears 11/5/2022 $ 2 252 600
Yau Sun Taji Sold Houston Bear 11/5/2022 $ 400 000
Miguel Ascarza Sold Wild Pride 11/5/2022 $ 510 000
Ilja Godeke Bought Free Agent 11/4/2022 $ 329 300
Yordi Oosterbosch Bought Kurokos Basketball 11/4/2022 $ 2 122 500
Jarosław Leszko Sold Sant Mateu 10/16/2022 $ 44 400
Slavko Medun Bought Raua Lokomotiiv 10/13/2022 $ 504 200
Ajisa Kumar Sold Martians2100 9/18/2022 $ 117 600
Frank Rothengatter Sold Polisportiva Nuovo Salario 8/28/2022 $ 6 000
Bernhard Saurabh Bought Syndicalists' BC 8/24/2022 $ 2 356 200
Hotze van der Duin Sold Fenneks 8/4/2022 $ 28 000
Yau Sun Taji Bought Kekluhoitaa 7/29/2022 $ 765 000
Nelis Uzeel Sold Kalebam de IIe 7/28/2022 $ 300 000
Ajisa Kumar Bought Exprime la naranja 7/24/2022 $ 120 000
Jac van der Zanden Sold 强煎的蛋 7/24/2022 $ 497 000
Nicolás Cavalli Sold Saint-Pierre Papangz 7/24/2022 $ 1 200 000
Henk-Jan Holtkamp Sold Mountain Eagles 7/24/2022 $ 1 895 700
To Ramírez Sold Extreme Kings 7/23/2022 $ 2 000
Eugen Van Brussel Bought Kelmis Spartans 7/22/2022 $ 8 200
Jarosław Leszko Bought KK Funjare sa Adica 7/22/2022 $ 110 600
Pao Esguerra Bought 我挖到石油啦 7/19/2022 $ 500 000
Miguel Ascarza Bought seminola 6/16/2022 $ 828 400
Julio Zercalde Sold RVUFK 4/16/2022 $ 400 000
Sergio Serbelloni Sold KK Arsenal Lions 4/16/2022 $ 300 000
Aldas Goleckis Sold Piltrafas. 3/6/2022 $ 100 000
Dave Dash Sold Squares 3/6/2022 $ 92 700
To Ramírez Bought killers dragons 2/27/2022 $ 969 000
Nicolás Cavalli Bought Free Agent 2/17/2022 $ 1 058 700
Sergio Serbelloni Bought Klacid Nets 2/13/2022 $ 530 400
Tanguy Van Hecken Sold The Black Dragons 2/13/2022 $ 313 100
Jean-François Lemarie Sold PsQG 1/16/2022 $ 57 800
Alessandro Bodda Sold DUNKsager 1/12/2022 $ 513 400
Jean-François Lemarie Bought Racing Club Beausourire 12/25/2021 $ 337 500
Alessandro Bodda Bought 邁阿密熱火隊 12/24/2021 $ 703 500
Mihkel Allas Sold Zaporozhye Cossacks 10/3/2021 $ 7 000
Aldas Goleckis Bought FC Barcelona Lassa 99 9/29/2021 $ 88 800
Valery Volokitin Sold Satyros BC 7/31/2021 $ 412 600
Gan Rennan Sold Chiki-Cziki-Chiki-Ta 7/25/2021 $ 6 000
Julio Zercalde Bought SK Valmiera 7/23/2021 $ 1 000 000
Mihkel Allas Bought Die kupfernen Kerle 7/22/2021 $ 65 400
Cláudio Pedrosa Sold cb moncholis 7/14/2021 $ 351 000
Dave Dash Bought Free Agent 7/10/2021 $ 610 000
Vladan Macanović Sold Ziuwari 5/15/2021 $ 102 000
Sieviaryn Kazimeravich Sold KK Arsenal Lions 5/15/2021 $ 497 000
Gan Rennan Bought Shabster 4/27/2021 $ 550 000
Fred Hijdra Sold Fb cska mosca 4/2/2021 $ 3 000
Valery Volokitin Bought KnocKout675 3/29/2021 $ 309 400
Rien Crone Sold Vrbani Zagreb 3/25/2021 $ 1 000
Marlon Pluijmert Sold Minions DAL 12/28/2020 $ 2 000
Vladan Macanović Bought LA HoodRats 12/16/2020 $ 663 000
Luud Focker Sold Olimpia Team 11/17/2020 $ 1 000
Sieviaryn Kazimeravich Bought Free Agent 11/14/2020 $ 1 679 900
Tanguy Van Hecken Bought ☀️我们的队伍向太阳☀️ 10/25/2020 $ 1 377 000
Cláudio Pedrosa Bought Paros Bulls 10/18/2020 $ 954 900
Koenraad Beudeker Sold Sangre azul 7/31/2020 $ 51 000
Henk-Jan Holtkamp Bought The Almighty Warriors 7/28/2020 $ 513 600
Romke Klootwijk Sold Iserlohn Rockets 7/13/2020 $ 1 656 300
Mathijs Smeekes Sold ksk Raszków 6/26/2020 $ 1 461 400
Jacobus Koomen Sold Veyrier Wailers 6/5/2020 $ 2 000
Jozef Martens Sold Amsterdam StealerDC 6/3/2020 $ 832 400
Atse Gruys Sold Nightearls 6/3/2020 $ 867 000
Lennart Sinimäe Sold Bockers 5/6/2020 $ 300 000
Adrien Simon Sold KK Struja95 2/24/2020 $ 60 200
Pavlos Psarras Sold The Governance of Ace 8/14/2019 $ 306 900
Aleksandar Ðokaj Sold C.B. Idoscar 8/14/2019 $ 600 000
Lampros Gkizelidis Sold Nightspell 8/14/2019 $ 423 600
Aleksandar Ðokaj Bought BC Bobcat 7/16/2019 $ 861 800
Mak Che Ho Sold Kekkusquadd 7/16/2019 $ 54 300
Adrien Simon Bought 我打宿儺 5/9/2019 $ 1 800 000
Pavlos Psarras Bought Carbó VB Ploiesti 4/10/2019 $ 1 111 111
Lampros Gkizelidis Bought Bern Celtics 3/25/2019 $ 1 020 000
Victor Verhoeven Sold G3n3ration of Miracl3s 11/18/2018 $ 2 000
Bart-Jan Anema Sold De Slurgmannen 8/12/2018 $ 3 864 400
Dario Antonio Ginex Sold Aslan Çınar 5/6/2018 $ 466 200
Dario Antonio Ginex Bought marik team 3/18/2018 $ 958 900
Evdokim Sorokopudov Sold Bc Kaaos 12/22/2017 $ 1 530 000
Evdokim Sorokopudov Bought CHUKOTKA 11/30/2017 $ 2 500 000
Lukas Speel Sold Aigaleo B.C. 10/5/2017 $ 300 000
Nelson Melo Sold Revenge GS Warriors 10/1/2017 $ 612 000
Richard Roozen Sold pahkitsa 10/1/2017 $ 549 000
Nelson Melo Bought Itä-Helsingin Jokerit 8/18/2017 $ 1 325 000
Richard Roozen Bought Nøtterøy Funkadelics 8/17/2017 $ 771 100
Francesc Miquel Sold The walking zed 7/16/2017 $ 1 530 000
Gert Handgraaf Sold Sim Team 3/18/2017 $ 275 900
Witold Dziama Sold DREAM Paragon 12/11/2016 $ 1 400 000
Francesc Miquel Bought Skene Outlaws 12/10/2016 $ 3 183 700
Witold Dziama Bought Jigsaw 4/9/2016 $ 2 939 400
Mak Che Ho Bought Free Agent 1/13/2016 $ 6 120 000
Almar van Bart Sold ΣΙΜΩΝΙΔΗΣ ΚΕΑΣ 1/6/2016 $ 1 953 000
Paulus Haenen Sold Royal Krakens 8/9/2015 $ 1 000
Wesley Zegers Sold Aasterberg Pelicans 8/6/2015 $ 650 000
Almar van Bart Bought Fliegl Rangers 7/31/2015 $ 1 609 800
Klamer van Krimpen Sold The Primoss RAMS 5/10/2015 $ 2 000 000
Thieu van Valkengoeds Bought AmsterdanWarriors 5/4/2015 $ 1 644 200
Lennart Sinimäe Bought Magiska 5/1/2015 $ 283 600
Ismael Outeiral Sold The Monty Python´s Flying Circus 4/5/2015 $ 650 000
Ismael Outeiral Bought Porquinhos 2/5/2015 $ 1 020 000
Asher Argov Sold Ventola Team 1/25/2015 $ 1 530 000
Wesley Zegers Bought Max23 1/23/2015 $ 41 000
Ernst-Jan Koorevaar Bought Aasterberg Pelicans 1/12/2015 $ 120 000
Anto Rušin Sold Isabel Flores Los Lobos 12/26/2014 $ 700 000
Mannus Harding Sold APO Keratsini 7/27/2014 $ 20 000
Alexander van de Voorde Sold samanara 4/7/2014 $ 550 000
Asher Argov Bought SHK1 3/27/2014 $ 1 600 000
Long Mingfa Sold ®ExBatallion® 3/16/2014 $ 750 000
Daniel Bruneteau Sold The Primoss RAMS 3/9/2014 $ 436 400
Anto Rušin Bought DevrimSpor 2/20/2014 $ 700 000
Manuel Crepy Sold Porquinhos 2/20/2014 $ 650 300
Daniel Bruneteau Bought GRADSKA UNION 2/19/2014 $ 318 500
Donny Hieltjes Sold dvorana tivoli 11/19/2013 $ 21 000
Long Mingfa Bought Free Agent 11/13/2013 $ 751 680
Klamer van Krimpen Bought The Almighty Warriors 10/27/2013 $ 1 820 800
Ugo Bonneau Sold JJrednecks 10/15/2013 $ 550 000
Merlijn Oosterveer Bought BasketballBreak Ballers 9/26/2013 $ 1 000
Merlijn Assauwer Bought sims1010 9/25/2013 $ 1 000
Hugo Ceglec Sold Slam Nation 9/16/2013 $ 611 900
Alexander van de Voorde Bought Toronto Ally Oops 9/3/2013 $ 589 700
Gérard van der Aa Sold quelli con stile 9/1/2013 $ 124 000
Gert Handgraaf Bought Team kalebam 5/25/2013 $ 2 010 600
Gérard van der Aa Bought Free Agent 5/23/2013 $ 371 300
Josef Ondra Sold Golden State Oakland 5/12/2013 $ 485 000
Spiros Sichamenopoulos Sold pirulos 5/12/2013 $ 1 689 500
Rens van Helmond Sold bc fano 2/25/2013 $ 1 000
Ugo Bonneau Bought Jerome Spartans 2/22/2013 $ 850 000
Patxi Martín González Sold tallinna ehitajad 1/6/2013 $ 64 100
Micha Noordman Sold Kashiwa Reysol 11/29/2012 $ 1 000
Diede van der Sligte Sold Pallacanestro Treviglio 11/29/2012 $ 45 000
Josef Ondra Bought T_Wolves 11/24/2012 $ 1 000 000
Hugo Ceglec Bought DarrylsB0A 11/23/2012 $ 897 400
Spiros Sichamenopoulos Bought Lions de Genève 9/24/2012 $ 3 169 900
MarkPaul Druppers Sold DREAM Paragon 8/24/2012 $ 600 000
Tony Comer Sold Stelmet BC ZG 8/23/2012 $ 450 000
Paul Owens Sold Marflext 8/23/2012 $ 1 200 000
Patxi Martín González Bought Danish Lakers 7/25/2012 $ 478 400
Paul Owens Bought Topguns 7/12/2012 $ 1 034 100
Manuel Crepy Bought Klaipeda BC 7/11/2012 $ 1 377 000
MarkPaul Druppers Bought DREAM Paragon 7/7/2012 $ 600 000
Tony Comer Bought STMS Stingers 5/27/2012 $ 63 800
Petrus Alexandersson Sold A.L.C. basket 4/21/2012 $ 701 000
Bernard van der Linde Sold Bock-Bier-Boys 4/21/2012 $ 1 426 000
Kosta Arsenijevic Sold palmeiras fcA08D8B 4/21/2012 $ 254 000
Benedito Éstoa Sold yillie 4/15/2012 $ 507 800
Sikong Congxing Sold 刺 客 4/15/2012 $ 507 000
Salim Sami Özsungur Sold 顺其自然 4/14/2012 $ 1 062 200
Kosta Arsenijevic Bought River Legends 4/12/2012 $ 563 000
Petrus Alexandersson Bought Macaby Tel Aviv 4/12/2012 $ 648 800
Raemon Brummelhuis Sold CSPbonat 4/1/2012 $ 728 500
Sikong Congxing Bought BadBoysBlue 4/1/2012 $ 510 000
Benedito Éstoa Bought KKS Basket Görlitz 8/30/2011 $ 1 999 000
Amiad Ashkenazi Sold Field Runners 8/4/2011 $ 816 000
Uri Shalev Bought L.A.DVIR 6/14/2011 $ 1 000
Stefano Ciglione Sold The Fellowship of the Ring 6/10/2011 $ 580 000
Lorenzo Vinhas Sold Pakkos 6/5/2011 $ 151 700
Bernard van der Linde Bought The scrimps 6/4/2011 $ 3 048 900
Manolo Láiz Sold Philadelphia_Warriors 6/4/2011 $ 312 200
Pierre Armendáriz Sold Kean 5/22/2011 $ 1 623 800
Amiad Ashkenazi Bought Atenas10 5/17/2011 $ 1 950 000
Viti Urbilla Sold Višňové 57%-ers 5/15/2011 $ 1 100 000
Florian Robbers Sold BC Tielt 5/12/2011 $ 918 000
Stan Wieland Sold USTH 5/1/2011 $ 468 200
Salim Sami Özsungur Bought HerRLehreR 4/29/2011 $ 607 500
Raemon Brummelhuis Bought Free Agent 4/28/2011 $ 190 800
Huibert Demas Sold FallingStar 4/26/2011 $ 2 000
Geerten Dingemans Sold Mighty Goldfish 4/21/2011 $ 50 000
Viti Urbilla Bought KK Texas 2/27/2011 $ 1 126 400
Onno Witjes Sold The devil masters 1/18/2011 $ 102 000
Emile van Tuinen Bought MoeraClub 1/15/2011 $ 918 000
Piermarco Pistono Sold Tuzai 12/29/2010 $ 1 273 500
Torben Broeckl Sold Būs jau labi 11/14/2010 $ 1 224 000
Piermarco Pistono Bought Free Agent 11/11/2010 $ 917 033
Wicher van der Haar Sold cravinhos 10/9/2010 $ 250 000
Arie Bergwerf Sold HKK TOMISLAVGRAD 8/10/2010 $ 624 300
Niels van Rij Sold SaungHninPwint 8/9/2010 $ 1 000
Stefano Ciglione Bought Avverronati Heat 8/8/2010 $ 1 910 000
Arnoud van Delft Sold agios dimitrios 7/2/2010 $ 57 400
Manolo Láiz Bought 由治及興 5/11/2010 $ 2 497 000
Arie Bergwerf Bought Brooklyn 99ers 2/22/2010 $ 999 999
Torben Broeckl Bought BCDPR 12/7/2009 $ 4 200 000
Totis Lakiotis Bought TETY BC 10/9/2009 $ 30 000
Jürgen Enzing Sold millono 8/22/2009 $ 1 270 000
Donny Hieltjes Bought Release Me 8/21/2009 $ 2 999 300
Arno Sonnemans Sold Jalufos desbocados 6/6/2009 $ 4 000
Eberhart Pijsel Sold Mosina Lions 5/6/2009 $ 350 000
Olly Horsting Sold Shokollit 4/11/2009 $ 213 400
Lorenzo Vinhas Bought Werewolves BC 4/8/2009 $ 815 000
Tautminas Plunksnis Sold gedminas 3/12/2009 $ 318 500
Tautminas Plunksnis Bought BC LONDONAS 2/15/2009 $ 552 300
Gaetano Olmeo Sold 龙戏九凤 2/14/2009 $ 31 000
Aart van Elven Sold Little Us 2/13/2009 $ 40 000
Jelmer Feteris Sold Braavos Titans 2/13/2009 $ 300 000
Brian Bergmans Sold Everton17 2/13/2009 $ 30 000
Gaetano Olmeo Bought OlimpiaDalme 2/11/2009 $ 7 000
Harold Deenik Sold Los Angeles ClippersAE0 12/20/2008 $ 200 000
Patricio Deinum Sold 群山盛夏 10/5/2008 $ 4 000
Willem Galjaart Sold Prat Poulfanc Sport 10/5/2008 $ 2 000
Klaas-Jan Bartels Sold Show Hawks 9/7/2008 $ 455 400
Arnout Wemekamp Sold ElanChalon71 9/7/2008 $ 162 900
Pierre Armendáriz Bought Giguela 7/10/2008 $ 644 600
Michel Kramer Sold The wild oxen 5/22/2008 $ 21 000
Gabriël Boekweg Sold labranko 5/22/2008 $ 400 000
Francisco Barreiros Sold The wild oxen 4/9/2008 $ 10 000
Francisco Barreiros Bought C.B opticalia 4/6/2008 $ 1 000
Adolfo Maselli Sold Tsuru Grullas 4/5/2008 $ 10 000
Pere Laguna Millán Sold Swieczka Jaroslaw 4/4/2008 $ 121 000
Vittorio Lanzani Sold Cereal Killaz 4/4/2008 $ 12 000
Adolfs Žerdinš Sold Granca de Miranda 4/4/2008 $ 6 000
Adolfo Maselli Bought Streptococcus 4/1/2008 $ 2 000
Serafim Vidal Bought Bulls da Mata 4/1/2008 $ 1 000
Carlos Rogelio Francioni Bought ÑBA Street Golden Boys 4/1/2008 $ 2 000
Ingo Tripold Bought Inter Vipers B.C. 4/1/2008 $ 1 000
Floris-Jan Vermelis Bought Aspadores 4/1/2008 $ 11 000
Pere Laguna Millán Bought ke ases team 4/1/2008 $ 34 000
Tozé Sampaio Bought CP Esgueira7FBD46 4/1/2008 $ 1 000
Vittorio Lanzani Bought Basilichese Basket Cantù7C4 4/1/2008 $ 1 000
Adolfs Žerdinš Bought Abrenes ielas kultūristi 4/1/2008 $ 2 000
Sytse Bentvelt Sold Porto Airlines Liverheat 2/19/2008 $ 20 000
Arnout Leenen Sold BlueOrange BC 2/3/2008 $ 21 000
Philip van Olphen Sold Green Team B.C. 2/2/2008 $ 6 000
Total Sales: $ 70 218 500
Total Purchases: $ 101 600 020
Transfer Balance: $ -31 381 520