Choupi Titans - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Choupi Titans Hall of Fame.

Giuseppe Cerini
5/27/2020 - 5/15/2021
Titus Rufener
5/27/2020 - 6/23/2021
Rémi Laenzlinger
5/27/2020 - 10/3/2021

Hanspeter Schmidtke
9/7/2020 - Present
William McMahon
11/29/2020 - 9/17/2022
Benno Kaljumäe
3/6/2021 - Present

Hua Ruxuan
5/14/2021 - 1/7/2022
Veselin Petkov
7/29/2023 - 6/13/2024
