List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Stéphane Dornier Bought Millitinio 9/16/2024 $ 200 000
Craig Neal Sold The Polish Hussars 9/11/2024 $ 51 000
Kenan Lagumdžija Sold First24 8/26/2024 $ 41 000
Vincent Michel Sold North Caloocan Stand-bys 6/22/2024 $ 1 000
Mario Roda Sold Riofrio de Riaza 6/14/2024 $ 31 000
Kenan Lagumdžija Bought KK Kamerun 6/11/2024 $ 200 000
József Ködöböcz Bought Madocsai Betyárok 6/11/2024 $ 899 000
Fabrice Lopez Bought C.B. Guadalix 5/25/2024 $ 52 100
Baptiste Bailleul Bought Free Agent 4/18/2024 $ 152 270
Mario Roda Bought Purgos xalastras 4/16/2024 $ 26 000
Diego Nuovo Sold Bussoleno 4/15/2024 $ 104 100
Júlio César Esperança Sold Kanizsa Ants 4/15/2024 $ 42 000
Vincent Michel Bought gomis boy 3/8/2024 $ 1 000
Eugene Crenshaw Bought Rotwailery Jasin 2/20/2024 $ 500 000
Júlio César Esperança Bought BeiraMarGaiense 12/17/2023 $ 8 000
Hounan Hovsepyan Sold kounoupia f16 12/12/2023 $ 850 000
Rafael Maltés Bought Crack Fb 12/9/2023 $ 1 000
Ignacio Ostolaza Bought Crack Fb 12/9/2023 $ 1 000
Domenic Gesperger Bought BC Giants Osnabrück 12/9/2023 $ 1 000
Taksony Apró Sold Deportivo 25 12/8/2023 $ 450 000
Tiberio Grimaudo Sold Oviedo Sopranos 12/8/2023 $ 1 000 000
Sébastien Arnaud Sold Association Sportive Mathieusaine 11/30/2023 $ 2 000
Diego Nuovo Bought baraka 11/11/2023 $ 135 300
Andrés Eduardo Montalbetti Bought Harlem Py 10/25/2023 $ 6 000
Fred Cho Bought Dingleberries 10/25/2023 $ 2 000
Emilio Haller Sold Teoria de la Inexistencia 10/24/2023 $ 1 122 000
Hau Tok Chow Sold Plungės Olimpas 10/19/2023 $ 270 900
Taksony Apró Bought Free Agent 8/9/2023 $ 309 900
Noah Kaskens Sold Funkylover 8/4/2023 $ 200 000
Bryan Moore Sold KK Juventus 8/4/2023 $ 70 000
Emilio Haller Bought ΣΙΜΩΝΙΔΗΣ ΚΕΑΣ 8/3/2023 $ 1 009 800
Benjamin Coulon Sold Nico Robin Taranto 6/24/2023 $ 1 000
Niels Lund Sold Jabaquara GÁRGULAS 4/15/2023 $ 364 200
Jonathan Borel Sold BC Mulhouse 2/8/2023 $ 150 000
Hounan Hovsepyan Bought The Fireballs 2/6/2023 $ 955 200
Laimdots Butkevics Sold Brixia 1/2/2023 $ 4 000
Hau Tok Chow Bought Enea - Astoria Bydgoszcz 12/30/2022 $ 344 900
Niels Lund Bought Olodum de Bahia 11/3/2022 $ 425 000
Frédéric Falcone Sold Devil May Care 11/3/2022 $ 3 183 700
Craig Neal Bought Bulgoty 11/2/2022 $ 95 600
Noah Kaskens Bought BC Garadokas 11/1/2022 $ 350 000
Gaétan Berquier Sold FC TORINO 1906 10/31/2022 $ 300 000
Pierre Rey Sold GOLDEN NUGGETSsS 10/1/2022 $ 190 000
Benjamin Coulon Bought trifila bc 8/14/2022 $ 3 000
Bryan Moore Bought Lahser 7/30/2022 $ 71 400
Nicolas Müller Sold Gulliver Travels 7/28/2022 $ 1 000
Pierre Rey Bought BBRR Rapidos 7/20/2022 $ 102 000
Jonathan Borel Bought Red army z 7/20/2022 $ 81 100
Viorel Minciunã Bought Mad Mamba Academy 7/8/2022 $ 204 000
Tiberio Grimaudo Bought Iron Thunder 6/26/2022 $ 199 000
Laimdots Butkevics Bought Durantina 6/19/2022 $ 3 000
Total Sales: $ 8 428 900
Total Purchases: $ 6 338 570
Transfer Balance: $ 2 090 330